How many people are going to pay for GT on the PS4 if they have to spend another £150-300 for a wheel too.
I already bit the bullet and bought a Thrustmaster T300 in anticipation of PCars, Driveclub Free for PS+ members and whatever else may come along. e.g the Crew Beta.
It was looking like a really good run up until Xmas and now it is Easter :-(
I am used to hardware not suiting updated platforms. I have been using computers since 1991 so how much stuff do think I have junked in that period of time because it did not suit the new Soft/Hardware. I just threw away a perfectly good Epson printer because there are no drivers for it under Win7. (except generics that don't allow me to print on CD/DVD etc).
BC (before consoles) I just got sick and tired of every new PC game I bought I had to upgrade the graphics and or sound card. So yeah, I was mad, now I just get over it. Sony don't care, they sell PC parts too. BTW they lose about US$50 per PS4 anyway. They make their money on the software. Why do you think there is now Sony Pictures?
So yeah, I am used to being in this position. As are many others. It is the way of the world, you either get over it or just get angry about it.
Will I buy Gt7? Probably. Will PD rip me off again? Probably. Individually there is nothing you or I can do to change it.
What would be an idea and very hard to organise one, would be to get a ground swell of public support and boycott the next release (GT7). But that would take a huge effort and involve literally millions of people. That is the only foreseeable way to generate change and make Sony/PD sit up and take notice.
But hey, why do you think this very thread exists? It is because of the total disregard PD has for it's customers. At the end of the day they have our money and we have an incomplete buggy game. And they don't even give us the common courtesy of communicating with us!! Geez, just look who the smart ones are ;-)
Maybe this is why Kaz is being so quiet, he's crawled under a rock or into a hole and is hibernating there
Nah, he is just counting his money and thinking about his next race car drive. If you were him wouldn't you be doing that? I know I would. Oh and I would be patting myself on the back because I just suckered another 2.2 million people out of their hard earned money. And yes. I would sit there very smugly and not say a word just in case everyone actually worked it out ;-)