A.R.S. GT Series Season 1 | Congrats to our champions, Nascarfan and Ph1sherFinished 

  • Thread starter aceboy127
Congrats on the podium finishers. Would've been a much better day but that's racing.

Pretty frustrated, but hopefully some people can get their act together for the future rounds...
Last night was fun, thanks for having me @lllTrick and @Ph1sher. Also massive thank you to @aceboy127 and the ARS staff which allow us to have these races. Really happy with the result after the hours of practice and strategic talk with the TnP team, it all payed off. As far as the BoP goes, I think it is definitely closer than what we had for Spa, but as always there are some things that could have been better. @o0Maxx0o did a really good job last night with a car that wasn't all there, so kudos for the good finish Maxx. For future rounds I am not drafted to race for any team, but I will try to still be involved and help the drivers of this series with tuning and driving technique at their request, as well as showing the races if time permits.

Thank you guys, see you around
- Bambi

@o0Maxx0o did a really good job last night with a car that wasn't all there, so kudos for the good finish Maxx.

Thank you for these words, they fall at the right time. Very good job, better replacement driver than Di Resta without a doubt. I wish that one day can have our race in the same conditions, you will be able to notice that I am right, and that you risk to make me feel slower than you at the end.

Cheer mate
- Maxx Pain

I take a break from GT6 to concentrate on iRacing, I will not run next week for sure, I would come back to give news on my disponnibility eventually.

For future rounds I am not drafted to race for any team, but I will try to still be involved and help the drivers of this series with tuning and driving technique at their request, as well as showing the races if time permits.

Can you help me to not being a total noob anymore on iRacing? This game is a total reality check.
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Last night was fun, thanks for having me @lllTrick and @Ph1sher. Also massive thank you to @aceboy127 and the ARS staff which allow us to have these races. Really happy with the result after the hours of practice and strategic talk with the TnP team, it all payed off. As far as the BoP goes, I think it is definitely closer than what we had for Spa, but as always there are some things that could have been better. @o0Maxx0o did a really good job last night with a car that wasn't all there, so kudos for the good finish Maxx. For future rounds I am not drafted to race for any team, but I will try to still be involved and help the drivers of this series with tuning and driving technique at their request, as well as showing the races if time permits.

Thank you guys, see you around
- Bambi

Does that corvette look sexy or what? :)
Thank you for these words, they fall at the right time. Very good job, better replacement driver than Di Resta without a doubt. I wish that one day can have our race in the same conditions, you will be able to notice that I am right, and that you risk to make me feel slower than you at the end.

Cheer mate
- Maxx Pain

I take a break from GT6 to concentrate on iRacing, I will not run next week for sure, I would come back to give news on my disponnibility eventually.
?? wait!...did Maxx just quit??.....AGAIN!? I thought you signed up the GTR for the challenge in dealing with it's short comings? This doesn't make sense. I was looking forward to seeing what you would do with the GTR. It is what it is I guess.
you will be able to notice that I am right, and that you risk to make me feel slower than you at the end.
That is not the case at all. I accept that may be faster in the exact same conditions, that does not bother me. There is always more to winning a race than how fast you are so there's not much merit to me for somebody to be faster when there are still pit stops, strategies, and consistency that needs to be used as well. Sorry you feel that way, it is not my intention to make you feel like you are not fast.
Can you help me to not being a total noob anymore on iRacing? This game is a total reality check.
:lol::lol::lol: I'm too poor for iRacing. :lol::lol::lol:
?? wait!...did Maxx just quit??.....AGAIN!? I thought you signed up the GTR for the challenge in dealing with it's short comings? This doesn't make sense. I was looking forward to seeing what you would do with the GTR. It is what it is I guess.

Don't worry mate, pretty sure we will meet us again on track and I'll be able to giving you what you want, but for now you can put IMMORTAL or who ever you think are the best driver in gt6, and I will beat him in the Corvette, this can be really annoying but I can deal with it.
Thing's happen in life and I just leaving all series I was in, FGT series, where no BoP and just everyone running the same car, I'm one of the faster guys behind TRL teams.

After 12 000+ hours passed on GT6, tons of great moment, I just realised this morning, I don't have fun anymore in this game, I win a race tomorrow Trick, did you ear me talk about this race I winning in a series right before the race we did on Monza?

Now you can stop to send me private message and trying to be my psychologist, my first tips to you is to looking you in a mirror.
Don't worry mate, pretty sure we will meet us again on track and I'll be able to giving you what you want, but for now you can put IMMORTAL or who ever you think are the best driver in gt6, and I will beat him in the Corvette, this can be really annoying but I can deal with it.
Thing's happen in life and I just leaving all series I was in, FGT series, where no BoP and just everyone running the same car, I'm one of the faster guys behind TRL teams.

After 12 000+ hours passed on GT6, tons of great moment, I just realised this morning, I don't have fun anymore in this game, I win a race tomorrow Trick, did you ear me talk about this race I winning in a series right before the race we did on Monza?

Now you can stop to send me private message and trying to be my psychologist, my first tips to you is to looking you in a mirror.

More excuses. I sent you a pm so that you weren't embarrassed here with what I said. My bad for saying anything clearly your not interested in the truth. You just want to talk about how great you think you are.

LOL @ your comments about racing immortal in the corvette. Not only is this a ridiculous statement it shows the level of delusion currently existing in your view of how things are. I don't care how fast you think you are in a car in one lap. It's everything else that is missing, that matters. But keep name dropping fast racers by all means. I mean hey, maybe that'll make you as great as they are right??? ....:boggled:

The only thing you realized this morning is that when you can't win you quit. nothing new has changed from what I have witnessed.
Someone mentioned something about the Audi killing the Vette on the straights last night, just my 2 cents on that is that the Corvette is never quick on the straightaways. In the last series I raced in the Vette was slow on the straights. Couple that with the Audi having a slight straight line advantage over the rest and it seems massive since the Vette is the worst and the R8 is the best in a straight line. Just wanted to clarify that.
Someone mentioned something about the Audi killing the Vette on the straights last night, just my 2 cents on that is that the Corvette is never quick on the straightaways. In the last series I raced in the Vette was slow on the straights. Couple that with the Audi having a slight straight line advantage over the rest and it seems massive since the Vette is the worst and the R8 is the best in a straight line. Just wanted to clarify that.

ya I mentioned it nascar. it had the straights we had the brakes and corners. It wasn't unfair just different strengths and weaknesses. I was just shocked at how easily he could catch up despite it only being about 3-4 MPH. thats racing though right gotta work with what your given. or what you choose rather.
What is your life like to write a story about how I should act and how you are smarter than me, you are sad because your only way to fight is to have a faster car (this is Arrogant because you do not seem to know what arogance), if you are so sad I would be the here on Brand Hatch just so that you can taste again.
I'm just a coward, I run every week or almost against TRL that beat me every time, in addition to the other guys who are not TRL and who also beat me, I get beat by no where in public lobby, by using underpowered car because I JUST DONT CARE, but when I get here in ARS I become a bad loser who just wants to win ???
This is the logical of your message, now you block me because I deconstructed your pseudo-psychoanalysis message in barely 20 minutes, all being very upset by the fact, how you can talk to someone 'One you do not know at all in such haughty tone. (And block it afterwards, bravo)

Who are you?
You say that everyone believes me as you think, that you say aloud what all believe, that we will recall it from me as because I am complaining?

Is it contagious, I hope it is not all who believe me so, I have not become better over time by quitting the challenge, because TRICK believe it and need to tell me .

More excuses. I sent you a pm so that you weren't embarrassed here with what I said.

Embarrassed yourself right, now i'M complaining and i'm being arrogant. Thank for the nice word TRICK
Hey guys, GTP does have a report button if you feel it is necessary. Please do that instead of cluttering up the thread.

They accuse me of full business, after he blocked me, saying that he preferred not to say it here, that it was better for me.
What do I look like?
He calls me a coward, explains to me what a good pilot is, as if I was bad, that he knew that I was like his, all that in a conspicuous tone in 300 words.

Seriously it is rare that I get poked nerves like this, but today is too much

Sorry Ace

need to give my 2 cents , the corvette shouldnt even be in a gt3 series and I truly dont understand why it is , dont make any sence in my little head :)

The Vette just need ajustement, like I said, this is not a big deal. I just said once after the race my opinion, I dont said anything else Even losing my two crew for this reason, And after all, I have zero power, and if I speak I pass for a bad loser.

I chose the GT-R in knowledge, to have the car slow in the list. Hope to see you as my teammate again mate.
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I think when it ceases to be fun a break is needed and it sounds like many breaks are needed. Some of you need to care a little less about who is faster in a video game made for entertainment. Nobody's getting paid here

I will be taking a break. Getting wrecked by a lapped car then wrecking a lapped car has taken away my focus and desire to continue for a bit. It is the worst feeling in the world to wreck someone
I pulled out of a series early back in VRR, and I still regret doing that. I wouldnt advise anyone to drop the series, but if its what you feel is right, I can not stop you. All I can say is I regretted doing it myself.
I pulled out of a series early back in VRR, and I still regret doing that. I wouldnt advise anyone to drop the series, but if its what you feel is right, I can not stop you. All I can say is I regretted doing it myself.
Maybe but as for me I'll have work, school, athletics to focus on. I probably won't have any time to show up for the races but we will see
In other news, I had a blast in the lancer race, even though I drove like a total knob and damaged myself lap 1 by not leaving enough space into the second chicane and then losing it late in the race entering turn 1 sliding right across the front of Jvitt. I'll try to get more practice for next race, was a last second decision to enter this time and I just couldnt find a rhythm.
need to give my 2 cents , the corvette shouldnt even be in a gt3 series and I truly dont understand why it is , dont make any sence in my little head :)
don't think it's that much faster. We ran the Mercedes at the same pace. I've seen lopsided bop before this isn't it. Not even close. The z4, GTR could use a little more but to say that the vette is completely OP just isn't true at all.
Balance of Performance is always going to be an issue in places where it is implemented. I don't think I've been in a single series where BoP was never brought up or questioned. It is just the nature of it, it's never going to be 100% perfect. So to me it is just a part of the championship and not something that should be taken with too much weight or animosity until there is concrete evidence of a trend with a car being too fast or too slow. At the end of the day as well, for this championship, everybody had the option to choose what car they wanted of the ones available.

Maxx wanted the GT-R, that was his choice, he wanted the challenge of that yacht some call a race car. When Trick and Ph1sher registered, from what I can see, there were plenty of registrations beforehand where people could have lapped up the Corvettes but did not. I don't think people thought there was an issue then, assuming the cars were actually tested on before being chosen, which is the wisest thing to do before choosing a car in my opinion.

So I guess I'm trying to say we should condition ourselves to be more open and accepting of the fact that there are going to be questions raised and to not immediately push back on it with no consideration, but at the same time, be wise to the fact that BoP is something that can change with how cars perform track-to-track or even without changes, some tracks just suit some cars better than others.

I do not wish to dive deep into the drama and animosity by saying this but I feel like it's something everyone should be reminded of. Motorsports in real life, as well as sim racing, is not all rainbows and unicorns. Sometimes we need to have discussions about things like the car balance or how certain procedures work and all of that noise. It's not fun, but it's important and crucial to be open for a series to grow and survive even.

But enough of me talking and mulling over this, I have other things to worry about.
Meanwhile I'm having all the fun with the Lancers even though I complain about it's "HOLY UNDERSTEER" every chance possible. :lol:

@aceboy127 such a shame that crash happened in the second chicane, we would've had a hell of a fight for 4th with WKK and @Dylan (by the way, stop being near me please :lol:).

Next race is Brands Hatch? Yay, I know my spot already on the race, on the back of the pack.

don't think it's that much faster. We ran the Mercedes at the same pace. I've seen lopsided bop before this isn't it. Not even close. The z4, GTR could use a little more but to say that the vette is completely OP just isn't true at all.

I didnt say that it was overpowered , but that it shouldnt be in an gt3 series , not in my humble opinion at least :)