A real glimpse of GT5's graphics

  • Thread starter fxscreamer
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Folks, I don't think people have been thinking ENOUGH outside the graphical box. I can tell you right now, even during the reign of PS3, XBox360, and Revolution, the graphics still say "we have a LONG way to go" to me. They always have. Sure they look beautiful, and have lots of detail, dynamic physics engines, etc....but they still don't capture that PURE realism. I'm still waiting for holographics (which is a very real thing...friend who's a graduate at MIT studying this field). Anyways.....for you people still thinking "GT4...just better"...how about a glimpse of a whole new rendering and lighting look for the cars? Here's an example of what I SERIOUSLY think lighting and rendering will look like on a car in GT5.

General specs:

PS2 = 333mhz processor

PS3 = 3.2ghz Cell processor

Technology is like composite interest in the bank these days. It keeps multiplying on top of itself. Hell, a study I read from MIT said cyberization would be mainstream by 2020 (ala Ghost in the Shell). Ok, enough rambling out of me. Check these pics out.

I assure you, they are NOT real pictures of the car. Hell, even check out the bump mapping and lighting of the brick floor. Nice Lotus Elise.


Weve already seen what the cars will look like in GT5, they looked great but not this good, but then it could have just been the compressed resolution. That car doesn't actually look real, neither does the background. Bloody good 3d model, but it's not quite a photograph yet.
are you kidding me those shots look awesome at least from both of them angles you can see just how realistic it looks.

NOTE : Petrol filling cap.
Air vents in the rear.
Lack of rear view mirror. heee got ya.
Those pics are really nice but it doesnt even look close to looking real yet, for atleast me anyway.
Yeah they're brilliantly modelled, but thoes two pics still don't look real.
Weve already seen what the cars will look like in GT5, they looked great but not this good, but then it could have just been the compressed resolution. That car doesn't actually look real, neither does the background. Bloody good 3d model, but it's not quite a photograph yet.

Whoa really? How so soon? As long as you don't mean the "Vision GT" video, then I'm very interested in seeing these picks. Of course, I think it would do more justice to see them on a new 3d engine with new realtime dynamic lighting running down the track.

I think Project Gothic Racing 3 gives us the closest peak to a "real world" estimate of what GT5 graphics will look like. However, Polyphony Digital has always been the leader of graphics in racing games (in my opinion) and is putting it on a system more powerful than PGR3's system...the xbox 360. If you haven't seen PGR3 yet, look at these.






I think GT5 will look better than PGR3, but it'll maily be better textures and lighting, I don't think we'll see cars with many more polys being used. As for the GT5 cars, theres two Vision GT vids around, the first on from the E3 conference is all GT4 car models ect, the second one starts with a Mitsubishi Evo 9 and a Mazda RX7 both high detail quality models, then it skips to racing action again with GT4 car models. Kazunori himself has said the Evo and RX7 at the start are what we should expect the models to be like in GT5. I'll see if I can dig up some pics.
I know the graphics will be good, it's the one thing GT games have never failed to deliver.

I'm more worried about the menu, options and features included. The visuals in GT4 still look better than any other driving game out there. I'm more interested in the gameplay. I'd rather have GT4 with flippable cars, damage, online, good 2 player (maybe even 4 player?) garage cars mode features, 3D spectators/pit crews/marshals, multi player drag racing, skidmarks, and less bugs/errors/glitches.
those pics (first) don't look real to me... textures are low quality, no bump or normal map effects, not depth...
Wow those screenshots look fantastic, thanks for posting those links amar212. This game will be released in less then a month. I'm more and more tempted to buy an XBOX 360.
I know the graphics will be good, it's the one thing GT games have never failed to deliver.

I'm more worried about the menu, options and features included. The visuals in GT4 still look better than any other driving game out there. I'm more interested in the gameplay. I'd rather have GT4 with flippable cars, damage, online, good 2 player (maybe even 4 player?) garage cars mode features, 3D spectators/pit crews/marshals, multi player drag racing, skidmarks, and less bugs/errors/glitches.

Is this what you mean by flipping cars?

Or this?

Or this?

now this is a flipping car lol

Courtesy of NR2003, greatest racing sim ever

Now, as for the graphics, look at the lighting in the beginning of that GT5 video. It looks very realistic. The ground looks like it is hot because of the sun. The most realistic lighting I have ever seen. Also look at the great reflections.

Also remember that is a bad quality handycam video.

The cars look about what I think they should, and with 15+ on track I'm not going to complain

blows PGR3 away...but i have to give PGR3 props for great 3D spectators they look really good
Whoa really? How so soon? As long as you don't mean the "Vision GT" video, then I'm very interested in seeing these picks. Of course, I think it would do more justice to see them on a new 3d engine with new realtime dynamic lighting running down the track.

I think Project Gothic Racing 3 gives us the closest peak to a "real world" estimate of what GT5 graphics will look like. However, Polyphony Digital has always been the leader of graphics in racing games (in my opinion) and is putting it on a system more powerful than PGR3's system...the xbox 360. If you haven't seen PGR3 yet, look at these.







damn PGR3 has good graphics!!!this game isnt for ps2 is it?
I reckon the graphics for GT5 will beat PGR3, plus add that with photomode. And it will look lush.
IM seriuosly comntemplating buying an XBox 360, mainly for PGR3, but then i know that i'd want a ps3 for GT5.
omg all these photos make me so giddy. it makes me happy to be alive for another 50 years or so to see realism in the turismo series.

god bless humanity
I love video games and all, but I dunno if humanity deserves god's blessing for creating a more realistic racing game.

Hopefully the human species will achieve something more noble then that in the next fifty years.
I reckon the graphics for GT5 will beat PGR3, plus add that with photomode. And it will look lush.

Well PGR3 and XBOX 360 are out in less than a month and GT5 is not released until 2007 at the earliest (could be put back again to something like 2008). TDU, another fantastic game is out early next year. I might buy an XBOX, if then GT5 blows my mind, I'll buy a PS3 in 2007-2008. Besides Forza Motorsport was a fantastic first effort at a GT challenger, and FM2 may be released around the same time as GT5, if not earlier. Oh and FM2 will most likely have Ferrari, Porsche and Lamborghini.;)
Honestly, the in graphics are good enough to me. Maybe Photo mode during replay's could be improved. They should work on the other details like sound or other non car visual aspects of the game.
Redline Fox
I love video games and all, but I dunno if humanity deserves god's blessing for creating a more realistic racing game.

Hopefully the human species will achieve something more noble then that in the next fifty years.
How about a crusades game where you go and kill anyone who is against god? Would that be more noble?

Games don't hurt anyone (racing ones are usually non-violent to boot), hence they're perfectly noble. I'd say we've come quite far in terms of nobility in the last 100 years or so. Enjoy your games.
IM seriuosly comntemplating buying an XBox 360, mainly for PGR3, but then i know that i'd want a ps3 for GT5.
You should, you wont regret it. Will if you do, add me to your friends list! :dopey: 👍
How about a crusades game where you go and kill anyone who is against god? Would that be more noble?

Games don't hurt anyone (racing ones are usually non-violent to boot), hence they're perfectly noble. I'd say we've come quite far in terms of nobility in the last 100 years or so. Enjoy your games.

Humans need to do more noble things...they dont deserve any blessings for making better looking games
Games entertain millions of people that would otherwise be really bored. This is good. Game development is a noble profession, especially considering how crazy hard they work (all night and day, sleep in offices etc) for little $$ compared to other jobs requiring less expertise. Yes, they make money but thats just business and perfectly justified considering people have to "like" the game enough to buy it at its asking price. If people didn't think the game would improve their life (giving excitement and fun) they wouldn't buy the game. Hence game development is a noble profession. Not as noble as going to Africa and setting up community water bores or whatnot, but noble to some extent and certainly not "bad".

Besides, God doesn't exist to give any blessings anyway. Nor is it your place (or any human's for that matter) to have a clue about what he would bless if he did exist. But that belongs in a different thread.
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