TVRKing 6,847 SeismicGravy Mar 20, 2005 #1 As we all know, Glacius has a habit of turning ordinary looking cars into things of sheer beauty. SO....... Could you plaease show me what you can do with this ordinary looking Ford Mondeo? Thank you.
As we all know, Glacius has a habit of turning ordinary looking cars into things of sheer beauty. SO....... Could you plaease show me what you can do with this ordinary looking Ford Mondeo? Thank you.
toyomatt84 7,965 Mar 20, 2005 #2 Probably a better idea, would be to email him, instead of making a thread.
Glacius 678 Troms glaciuscreations Mar 22, 2005 #3 hey KIng , yes if u send the a BIGGER iamge i can see what i can do , but right now i have the flu so im not in shape take care
hey KIng , yes if u send the a BIGGER iamge i can see what i can do , but right now i have the flu so im not in shape take care
TVRKing 6,847 SeismicGravy Mar 22, 2005 #4 Here you go, I found a 1280 x 960 version. Sorry to hear you have the flu. Get well soon.