It's a winter 26 release, following all the GaaS models (looking at you CoD)
They don't have to fundamentally change anything.
They have proved the update model, they have a large car roster, the online tech mostly works and they are getting more comfortable patching the game post launch.
Apart from UI and possibly race structure tweaks I don't think we are going to see massive leaps when they are fed like this incrementally now.
Is that a good or a bad thing? I don't know.
But it does raise the broader question about what AAA means in this day and age.
A large amount of issues and complaints on this, the largest GT forum highlight Quality Of Life improvements. Better race structure, better championships, more missions, better BOP, awkward UI patterns, chilli level AI etc.
Note these are not generational shift improvements to make, nor is upping the AI.
Realistically what more can they do tech wise? Higher poly models, sure, fix the QOL issues yup. Make online more compelling? 100%
Add a few more physics variables yup.
None of that sounds like a new game or even GT8.
And while it's fun to talk about GT8 what are the actual things you can expect from that game?
Better graphics, better physics (although it's not bad now), more cars and tracks, better AI. More varied and plentiful championships and race structure.
Seriously what else can they do at this point?