A world torn...

The only thing im really afraid of is that South Korea has a Nuclear missile capable of reaching the west coast of usa. They wont target oregon or washington, more likely California due to its economy. They wont strike just anywhere, they will strike in the heart of california, Los Angeles.

I myself am only about 25-30 miles away from los angeles. Not too close to get hurt really, but we could suffer some bad radiation and stuff, not to mention it would rip apart the economy once more, just as WTC bombing did.

As far as blackmailing the other countries, the USA is making a horrible decision in doing this. It could cause a revolt from these three countries and they could decide to launch a humongous attack upon the USA.

Needless to say, this could turn into WW3. It could, theres always that slight possibility in any war.
Originally posted by boombexus
Never ever? :P

As Talentless touched on above, Israel will tend to go a bit overboard with how they deal with the Palastinians and vise versa. Although how many times have you listened to the news and heard, "1 Israeli soldier wounded and 15 Palastinians killed?"

I'm not trying to prove either one right or wrong, I just wanted for others to possibly see the flip side of the coin as I was shown not to long ago.

But you've got to wonder about provocation - after all, once Israel stole land that wasn't theirs, intimidated neighbours with an infinite defence budget provided by a hyperpower, and expanded borders taking more land that wasn't theirs Israel was clearly forced to take action.

In principle, I agree with you - we're not fair in the region. And it's because of the playing sides that September 11 even occurred (not the date itself, but the terrorist attack. I'm sure the day would've occurred regardless).

In this situation, though, it makes no difference what we think. There's too many influential Jewish people in this country with money for this country ever to back off of Israel.
Originally posted by Acid X

As far as blackmailing the other countries, the USA is making a horrible decision in doing this. It could cause a revolt from these three countries and they could decide to launch a humongous attack upon the USA.

I would buy a Civic Hybrid before Belgium ever attacked the United States.
Originally posted by boombexus

You and a fellow co-worker, who both share the same job title and responsabilities. You both have been guilty of some sort of violation at work, but your boss favors the other worker. That other worker does not recieve any punishment for his wrong doings or is just given a light slap on the wrist, where as you are treated to the full brunt of company policy. Is this fair? You both were guilty of the exact same thing, but your co-worker got off much easier than you did. And after trying to explain to your boss that the treatment was unfair, you were only ignored by your boss. How would this make you feel? Resentful? Embarrassed? Angry?

I may differ from others here, but I would not be surprised by this and would expect it. I also would know which side I fell on, the favored or punished. This is how things are. People who expect things to be "fair" are always the ones who are not currently favored. I feel like I may sound cynical. Maybe so. Someday it'll be America crying about things not being "fair." And that's fair.
Originally posted by milefile
I may differ from others here, but I would not be surprised by this and would expect it. I also would know which side I fell on, the favored or punished. This is how things are. People who expect things to be "fair" are always the ones who are not currently favored. I feel like I may sound cynical. Maybe so. Someday it'll be America crying about things not being "fair." And that's fair.

I clearly see your point here milefile. :) Interesting point of view. But do you think that there should be a certain degree of fairness? The US is a superpower and should be setting a positive example for the rest of the world to follow.
Originally posted by boombexus
But do you think that there should be a certain degree of fairness? The US is a superpower and should be setting a positive example for the rest of the world to follow.

I do think there should be. All the time I see injustice, on the micro and macro scale. I'm sure we've all been treated unfairly, personally... by parents, bosses, girlfriends, etc. We learn to live with it, or we change it.

Some people are trying to change things. And there is a right and a wrong way to do it. Blowing things up is wrong. That is a very simple conclusion to come to. What France and Germany are doing, as annoying as it may be, is the right way to do things.

I think on the whole, America, as a superpower, is doing a decent job, and tries to be fair. But I'd imagine juggling the problems and politics of the whole world is pretty tricky. It's hard to please all the countries, all the time. So far the ones who think they have a better idea have shown it by killing a few thousand innocent people from all over the world, in one morning, and essentially throwing the entire world into a state of semi-chaos.

Sometimes I think it helps to see the countries of the world as a group of people. Convert treaties and wars, trade negotiations and arms races into more personal phenomena that are easier comprehend and analyze. It all boils down to a small group of people making phone calls and trying to save face, show power, and get re-elected. The billions of lives caught in the balance expect this to be fair.
When America acts towards a country . You will have every country in the world judging its " fairness " whats fair to one will be unjust to others. All judging based on their current politics or special intrest. Americas better off in this situation , worrying about what the American people percieve as fair, since you really can't please everyone. The people of the U S after all are who the goverment represents.
Originally posted by advanR
that is total bull****. im sure m5power will agree with me. israel has done nothing wrong? ever?

peoples hate towards israel is not "anti-semitism". it is a hate for people that come and take their land (because a fictitious book from over a thousand years ago says they can), and occupy the territory that they are now allowed to use. I really hate the word "anti semite". Maybe i dont understand its meaning. but is there a term for someone that hates arabs, chinese, blacks, norwegians, ......... no there isnt. If i think what a jew does is wrong, I am an "anti semite". this is a joke. that word is overused. the only "anti semites" i would consider in history are nazi germany and sheet heads from the south.

So The Jews came and took land that wasn't thiers because of the Bible? Where would the Jewish land be if not where it is now?
Why is Israel not considered their land after they went in a conquered(sp) it when other countries have done the same thing and kept the land they took? (the US for example) Maybe they should go in and take over all the land currently helt by Palastine and put them on reservations like we did the Native Americans.
Believe me that nothing would please me more than to see that happen to all those innocent Palastine suicide bombers that are so misunderstood.(they just want to go to heaven right?)

Actually, what makes you Anti-Semite isn't that you think what they do is wrong but that you dislike them because they are Jews.
And having said that, I am fully aware that this will be disputed, documentation will be demanded, sources will be discredited. It's always the same. There is apparently no valid source of information unless it corroberates what the person who asked for it wanted. Everything is propaganda. Nothing can be trusted. Bla bla bla.

Maybe someday somebody will tell me where I can find reliable information.

You could be an eye witness and told you missed everything that mattered.

I swear there are more lawyer types than people who went to law school.
Originally posted by DGB454

Actually, what makes you Anti-Semite isn't that you think what they do is wrong but that you dislike them because they are Jews.


im not even going to give effort for arguing that. come on...........
Originally posted by advanR

im not even going to give effort for arguing that. come on...........

Ok, I won't bring that up ever again if you would just give a generous donation to the Israeli Defense Fund.

Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
Hey man,.. you said it,.. not us.... you should be able to argue your own beliefs for christs sake.

i tried doing that to the best of my ability about a month ago. most people never read the thread where i did, so now people are calling me jew haters. i dont want to deal with it anymore. you should understand.

i will defend my beliefs to a point. but when people constantly say stuff abot me i never said, i dont give a hoot.
Originally posted by advanR

i will defend my beliefs to a point. but when people constantly say stuff abot me i never said, i dont give a hoot.

again,... you said it,..... can deny it,... reguardless of what you ever say,... when I look to the left and see a post by AvancR,... the first thing that comes to mind is 'closed-minded racist'.


if you were gong to say something like that about me, atleast you could spell my nick right. or atleast only make one mistake, not two.

anyway, i am not a close mided racist, so go fly a kite.
Originally posted by milefile
Jenin refugee camp, April, 2002.
Originally posted by M5Power
But what was done?

I'm sure I can come up with some sly excuse to justify it.

Originally posted by milefile

And having said that, I am fully aware that this will be disputed, documentation will be demanded, sources will be discredited. It's always the same. There is apparently no valid source of information unless it corroberates what the person who asked for it wanted. Everything is propaganda. Nothing can be trusted. Bla bla bla.

Maybe someday somebody will tell me where I can find reliable information.

You could be an eye witness and told you missed everything that mattered.

I swear there are more lawyer types than people who went to law school.
Originally posted by M5Power
But that doesn't tell me what atrocity Israel committed this time.

Who said anything about an atrocity? But your on the right track, and revealing more than you might have intended.

I will put as much effort into proving my statement as is put into disproving it. As it stands now there is nothing conveniently provided to back up either claim, so individuals may believe what they want, which is what will happen whether sources and/or evidence are posted ot not.

So I'll just toss that burden of proof back, and wait for evidence to the contrary.
Originally posted by milefile
Who said anything about an atrocity? But your on the right track, and revealing more than you might have intended.

No - I'm only kidding. Israel is just as guilty as the rest of them. They did, after all, beg the United Nations to help them steal land that belonged to other people.
Originally posted by M5Power

No - I'm only kidding. Israel is just as guilty as the rest of them. They did, after all, beg the United Nations to help them steal land that belonged to other people. [/B]

It belongs to whoever can hold onto it. If Palastine can take it then let them take it. :lol:

Again. Where is the Jewish Land if they were to give up Israel?
Also, why should they give a land they took? Why should they be different than any other country that took land they have?
Originally posted by DGB454
It belongs to whoever can hold onto it. If Palastine can take it then let them take it. :lol:

Exactly. But there is a bias toward Israel. It's not justified. Siding with the winner no matter what is weak.

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