...So like, I had a Castle/Limitless mini-marathon yesterday. Watched five episodes of New York's finest as well as two of NZT fuelled misadventures of Brian Finch.
I really LOLed hard with "Reality Star"; and then chuckled unintentionally at the apparent reluctance of Nathan Fillion not wanting to go to France to shoot "Hunt" episode. I mean, the green screen effect was so shoddy even Stevie Wander could tell it was fakey-fakey.
Then I was pleasantly surprised with "Wild Rover" with its change of pace - less comedy, higher stakes. Enjoyed it a lot, but my brain was so fatigued from watching nonstop, can't remember the half of the episode now.
I don't think there's a Limitless thread here though - that show's actually pretty damn good, much more enjoyable than the movie it spawned off from. That's a rare feat in itself...