• Thread starter JR98
First episode of Season 8 aired yesterday. If you missed it or didn't have access to it you should be able to watch the full episode on
First episode was pretty cool. I like the new team setup, looks promising.
just hoping Beckett wont be on/off the whole season. I like the duo, not the english hot girl/Castle duo
Great episode, and I like how part 1 focuses on Castle's perspective while Part 2 will likely have it from Beckett's perspective.
I heard they separated in this season ? Sounds stupid imo, just a way to keep the series going.
It's a continuation of the over-arching story. Beckett is obsessed with bringing her mother's killer to justice. She achieved that, but it wasn't enough - and now that obsession is threatening to completely consume her. She has found that her mother's killer had a powerful backer and feels compelled to bring them down, regardless of the cost to herself.
....Started watching the season five a short while ago. So far, pretty enjoyable.
Saw up to episode 6.
"Probable Cause" was pretty memorable. But the "Final Frontier"? I WANT THAT LASER GUN!!!!
Updated the OP with a list of all the episodes in season 1 and a few videos.
Just seen Episode 6 and I quite like Slaughter's character

This is my favourite scene this episode:
Yeah, I though how they did Slaughter's character was pretty cunning.

...Just watched season 5 episode 10, and had a really good chuckle. :lol:

Liked the central mystery too, but the bit about the ex and the current squeeze earlier on really got me going. But sadly it all kinda fizzled out at the end with all 'em sweet hugs and kisses.

But funny nevertheless.
...So like, I had a Castle/Limitless mini-marathon yesterday. Watched five episodes of New York's finest as well as two of NZT fuelled misadventures of Brian Finch.

I really LOLed hard with "Reality Star"; and then chuckled unintentionally at the apparent reluctance of Nathan Fillion not wanting to go to France to shoot "Hunt" episode. I mean, the green screen effect was so shoddy even Stevie Wander could tell it was fakey-fakey.

Then I was pleasantly surprised with "Wild Rover" with its change of pace - less comedy, higher stakes. Enjoyed it a lot, but my brain was so fatigued from watching nonstop, can't remember the half of the episode now.

I don't think there's a Limitless thread here though - that show's actually pretty damn good, much more enjoyable than the movie it spawned off from. That's a rare feat in itself...
then chuckled unintentionally at the apparent reluctance of Nathan Fillion not wanting to go to France to shoot "Hunt" episode. I mean, the green screen effect was so shoddy even Stevie Wander could tell it was fakey-fakey.
I don't think that they shot in front of a green screen because Fillion didn't want to go to France - it's considerably more likely that they shot in front of a green screen because they didn't have the budget to fly an entire production unit out to Paris for the sake of a shot that lasts all of five seconds.
I don't think that they shot in front of a green screen because Fillion didn't want to go to France - it's considerably more likely that they shot in front of a green screen because they didn't have the budget to fly an entire production unit out to Paris for the sake of a shot that lasts all of five seconds.

...Of course I don't know why Fillion didn't go to France, but seeing that Molly "Alexis" Quinn did, surely he could have gone if he wanted to. Also, if he did go then that five seconds would've been stretched to "recoup the cost".

Those shots of "Castle" and Alexis running towards US embassy? Yeah, I could tell the stand-in guy was so obviously not Fillion even from that distance.
Air dates (And episode titles) for the next few episodes of Castle

8/2/16 - 12x09 - Tone Dead
14/2/16 - 12x10 - Witness For The Prosecution
15/2/16 - 12x11 - Dead Red
22/2/16 - 12x12 - Unknown (TBA)
29/2/16 - 12x13 - And Justice For All
N/A - 12x16 - Hearbreaker
N/A - 12x17 - Death Wish
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"We are going to conclude that missing time,” EP Terrence Paul Winter promises. “We’re going to find out exactly what happened. We know what happened those first two weeks, the other six weeks are still a mystery. We’re going to find out what happens in episode 14.” That’s the episode in which Castle heads to LA. “Castle gets involved with this legendary greatest detective society, which Gerald McRaney character runs,” EP Alexi Hawley adds. “Ultimately, he gets pitted against Summer Glau’s character to compete to solve a case.”
