So first, let's all take a step back and look at this at a high level just so I understand:
Are we talking about "is abortion okay" (generally speaking)? Or are we talking about IF one is to abort, at what point, when and how should best practices be implemented? Because, if we take the later, we're assuming we're going to do it anyway, it's our only practical solution and so where should we draw the delineation points for performing abortions; between life, individual rights of the fetus, rights of the Mother and even Father, etc.
The lines become blurry whenever we mix in a real world case study, or individual situation, reference a faith/belief system, or for that matter political party alignment (for some "lemmings"). This is a very complex topic. It quickly spirals out of control because there are so many rabbit holes to fall down into. But I think in the end, we all agree on many levels.
That said, I do like the common sense approach to this. A basic "case-by-case" judgment call left to the individual parties involved and perhaps a doctor or parent.
Funny thing about my opinion is, I'm a very traditional, very conservative person who was raised a Catholic, is white/male, middle class, and white collar. The antithesis of those (I just call Democrats) who would traditionally be for abortion. However, I am for it too! 100%.
What absolutely never fails to amaze me is when I hear a Republican argue against it. Why on earth would they stand in the way?
Example: Let's say there's an impoverished girl, who financially cannot bring a child into her world. Say pregnancy is the result of some cheap one night fling with some dude she met at a party (oh, and the phone number he gave was not real)? She made a bad decision that felt way too good at the time. What would you chose if you were her?
On the other hand: Think about the demographics here, think about population for a moment, think about who's voting and who will
never vote as a consequence. Democrats, in my opinion should rail against abortion all the way.
Are people so caught up in the weeds that they can't see the bigger picture, consequences or economics.
This is going to really upset some people....remember, just an opinion....