- 1,875
- United States
Abortion is a sticky issue with many sides and opinions and always has been so.
From a personal perspective I do not believe in abortions as a solution and would personally never condone such a decision to be acceptable from my own viewpoint.
The only exception to that would be if the pregnancy or birth posed such a serious health risk for the mother that continuing the pregnancy was reasonably likely to cause irreparable harm or death to the mother .
But yet I do believe in freedoms and also even using or trying to apply a Christian viewpoint in the Bible God has always allowed choice and free will even when involving a persons soul and eternal life or damnation SO WHY WOULD THIS BE ANY DIFFERENT?.
So again I do firmly support a persons rights to make such decisions for themselves, this even goes for the person that chooses abortion as a solution and even the doctors that so choose to perform such procedures.
Again even from a Christian based viewpoint they will answer for their sins on judgement day and as an individual I do not think it is my right to make such life decisions for someone else based solely on my beliefs.
Now I will say without a doubt I am AGAINST ANY GOVERNMENT OR TAXPAYER FUNDS PAYING FOR ANY ABORTION SERVICES PERIOD including the morning after pill or supporting any organization or facility that arranges, finances or performs such abortions as part of their practice or business model.
Personally I think a better answer is birth control applied and used prior to pregnancy but even that should be at the users expense not the taxpayers.
I do support the right to having the choice but at the affected individuals expense not the citizens of the state or country. The person making that choice to have or not have an abortion is the one that should be making that decision even from a moral standpoint.
As a society we want freedoms one hand but yet we seem to demand unreasonable controls on another, this is one issue we have no business to control as what Jane Doe does pregnancy wise only affects her and her family as long she pays for it. It does not negatively affect society as whole.
The problem is government has gone from being a body governing the land creating laws and rules to generally provide an orderly and safe society and country to trying to be societies parents and influencing a persons life choices and economic position.
Charity is for Churches not government but that is a whole different issue and subject.
From a personal perspective I do not believe in abortions as a solution and would personally never condone such a decision to be acceptable from my own viewpoint.
The only exception to that would be if the pregnancy or birth posed such a serious health risk for the mother that continuing the pregnancy was reasonably likely to cause irreparable harm or death to the mother .
But yet I do believe in freedoms and also even using or trying to apply a Christian viewpoint in the Bible God has always allowed choice and free will even when involving a persons soul and eternal life or damnation SO WHY WOULD THIS BE ANY DIFFERENT?.
So again I do firmly support a persons rights to make such decisions for themselves, this even goes for the person that chooses abortion as a solution and even the doctors that so choose to perform such procedures.
Again even from a Christian based viewpoint they will answer for their sins on judgement day and as an individual I do not think it is my right to make such life decisions for someone else based solely on my beliefs.
Now I will say without a doubt I am AGAINST ANY GOVERNMENT OR TAXPAYER FUNDS PAYING FOR ANY ABORTION SERVICES PERIOD including the morning after pill or supporting any organization or facility that arranges, finances or performs such abortions as part of their practice or business model.
Personally I think a better answer is birth control applied and used prior to pregnancy but even that should be at the users expense not the taxpayers.
I do support the right to having the choice but at the affected individuals expense not the citizens of the state or country. The person making that choice to have or not have an abortion is the one that should be making that decision even from a moral standpoint.
As a society we want freedoms one hand but yet we seem to demand unreasonable controls on another, this is one issue we have no business to control as what Jane Doe does pregnancy wise only affects her and her family as long she pays for it. It does not negatively affect society as whole.
The problem is government has gone from being a body governing the land creating laws and rules to generally provide an orderly and safe society and country to trying to be societies parents and influencing a persons life choices and economic position.
Charity is for Churches not government but that is a whole different issue and subject.
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