Abuse through PSN

  • Thread starter Roggers
No matter what anyone tells you, violence is a universal language that anyone can understand. It's often the only answer due to people's pig headedness. Since we can't do such things over the internet, a report and block is the way to go. It's the nuclear option but it's the best chance one has to get them to stop and maybe even understand.

I hope this post didn't break any rules.
I must have had 50 abusive messages when I played rocket league. Although I wasn’t very good at rocket league so that probably didn’t help.
I’ve only had one with gt. My 2nd ever day of online racing and someone sent me a message after a race about how much of a beginner I was, then he’d send me random screenshots of races he’d won. I wonder how’s he getting on.. can’t say I’ve seen him again since the DR D days.
I wish we could use it in GT7. So I can tell the guy in front to stop battling so I can bump draft.
Don’t worry bro; I’m not going to make a move.

[Divebomb ensues]
Did daily race C today and on the final lap me and another car were running very close. For the last 3/4 laps we had been racing hard swapping positions, and both overtaking cleaning. On the third to last corner the first of the two left hand corners, the car ahead seemed to lift off mid corner and due to the fact I was literally on the back bumper of there car I couldn’t react quick enough and ended up tapping the rear of the car and they spun out. It wasn’t a hard tap nor was it a malicious attempt at an overtake it was error and a mistake from me. In the after game chat I had apologised but they already quit the lobby to see the message. Anyway 30 seconds later I get a PSN message from this driver making rude gestures about my mother. I didn’t respond back to these request as it’s just completely inappropriate and rather I reported them to Sony.
Not sure if this was the right approach to have reported them or not. I could have explained to this person in PSN chat what happened on the track but the fact they opened with inappropriate chat I thought it was better to just let Sony deal with them.
Don't feel bad mate. You're not obligated to take the time to 'explain' yourself to anyone, and you're perfectly entitled to report some random strolling into your DMs and dishing out abuse.
Did daily race C today and on the final lap me and another car were running very close. For the last 3/4 laps we had been racing hard swapping positions, and both overtaking cleaning. On the third to last corner the first of the two left hand corners, the car ahead seemed to lift off mid corner and due to the fact I was literally on the back bumper of there car I couldn’t react quick enough and ended up tapping the rear of the car and they spun out. It wasn’t a hard tap nor was it a malicious attempt at an overtake it was error and a mistake from me. In the after game chat I had apologised but they already quit the lobby to see the message. Anyway 30 seconds later I get a PSN message from this driver making rude gestures about my mother. I didn’t respond back to these request as it’s just completely inappropriate and rather I reported them to Sony.
Not sure if this was the right approach to have reported them or not. I could have explained to this person in PSN chat what happened on the track but the fact they opened with inappropriate chat I thought it was better to just let Sony deal with them.
I believe it's an individuals own choice to report someone or take action in some way to protect one's self from any type of bullying. Personally, I just ignore any hate I get, I'm too old to care about keyboard warriors or someone that throws hate my way.
Was it the right thing to do, you ask.... For you, it absolutely was, that is your personal right, that is your personal freedom, and your choice. Stand up for what you believe, stand up for yourself.
You have no idea what the person on the other end of that message is going through.

I suffer from severe depression and experience suicidal ideation often. Earlier this year I self harmed and was on a dark path to worse.

Video games are an escape from that. They are a place where I can lose myself in a different world.

The last thing I need is hostility from anyone. Prime reason I don’t play online. Maybe I’m not man enough or too much of a snowflake.
Bradders, I'd be more than happy to join up and run some races with you anytime! Video games are my escape as well. They have helped me get through a lot of stressful times. I've made some lifelong friends online. There is a group of guys that I've been playing with since SOCOM PS2 days.

I hope SOCOM makes a wondrous return in the next couple of years!!!

And Insurgency is an awesome game! The proximity chat is a great time! 🤣🤣🤣
I haven't tried Sandstorm, is it good? I played the first Insurgency and it was wild and intense at times!
Sandstorm is a great time! Team work and communication is vital and proximity chat really adds to the environment. It's a fantastic mil sim that gets the adrenaline pumping.
I usually message players if I mess up.

But if I run into stupid people that like that I report them and block/ignore them. It's like a local single Thanos snap, they will be gone from life and I won't have to bother with them again ever.
Personally, I just ignore any hate I get, I'm too old to care about keyboard warriors or someone that throws hate my way.
The problem is that while you might brush it off the next person that receives such a message might not. And if the offending player already was on his final warning your reporting might've prevented him from doing harm to somebody who might take it personal for whatever reason.
I believe it's an individuals own choice to report someone or take action in some way to protect one's self from any type of bullying. Personally, I just ignore any hate I get, I'm too old to care about keyboard warriors or someone that throws hate my way.
Was it the right thing to do, you ask.... For you, it absolutely was, that is your personal right, that is your personal freedom, and your choice. Stand up for what you believe, stand up for yourself.

Bradders, I'd be more than happy to join up and run some races with you anytime! Video games are my escape as well. They have helped me get through a lot of stressful times. I've made some lifelong friends online. There is a group of guys that I've been playing with since SOCOM PS2 days.

I hope SOCOM makes a wondrous return in the next couple of years!!!

And Insurgency is an awesome game! The proximity chat is a great time! 🤣🤣🤣
Nail on head, for me anyway.

People clearly have differing views, but to me it just makes me laugh briefly and then move on. Used to be much worse on COD, FIFA etc. In fact thats one thing I noticed after 10 year gaming hiatus until next year. Noticed right away how the 'banter' has been near enough eradicated. Had the odd 'flaming' on COD last year, but just made me laugh. Having some bloke calling me a *, jokes about my mum just seems so puerile, I just can;t get annoyed or take offense to it. Laughing back seemed to rile them further. Because some random person i;ve just played COD with threatning to kick the * out of me is pretty scary after all...
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Nail on head, for me anyway.

People clearly have differing views, but to me it just makes me laugh briefly and then move on. Used to be much worse on COD, FIFA etc. In fact thats one thing I noticed after 10 year gaming hiatus until next year. Noticed right away how the 'banter' has been near enough eradicated. Had the odd 'flaming' on COD last year, but just made me laugh. Having some bloke calling me a *, jokes about my mum just seems so puerile, I just can;t get annoyed or take offense to it. Laughing back seemed to rile them further. Because some random person i;ve just played COD with threatning to kick the * out of me is pretty scary after all...
I was away from gaming for about 12 years myself before returning a few years ago and it was a striking difference in how much more civil it was now compared to ~2006 when I started focusing on grad school, fiancé, etc. I did play GT5 for a bit in maybe 2010, and played GT6 for a few months around its launch. Only other games I bought in that period were Demon's Souls/Dark Souls so I wasn't really playing online really at all.

People used to go absolutely scorched earth in the way they'd come down on someone for screwing up in a game, "camping" them in an FPS, etc. back then. I rarely got messages saying "good game" or anything of the sort, it was all rage, lol. Now, in comparison, it's downright polite. On the rare occasion I do get a someone raging it's a) pretty hilarious b) not at all worth my time to spend the 30 sec reporting someone. I do like to troll them back though, which can be quite entertaining, lol. One of my favorite things to do is talk about a random baseball player's best season, but only using sabermetrics. "Can you believe Harper's 2015 season? .330/.460/.649! That's a 198 OPS+! Only a 0.1 dWAR, but a massive 9.1 oWAR!" Which is usually either followed by silence or "you've got the wrong person".

Or I'll quote the Nosler ballistics table for a certain projectile weight for a given cartridge I'd been hand-loading that day/week, that one is even more befuddling to people unless they reload their own ammunition. The best is when it makes them even more angry and they go even harder, lol. Idk, I just don't understand why a random person you've never met, that you'll almost certainly never meet, would be able to get under your skin but I guess I'm in the minority on that.
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I was away from gaming for about a 12 years myself before returning a few years ago and it was a striking difference in how much more civil it was now compared to ~2006 when I started focusing on grad school, fiancé, etc. I did play GT5 for a bit in maybe 2010, and played GT6 for a few months around its launch. Only other games I bought in that period were Demon's Souls/Dark Souls so I wasn't really playing online really at all.

People used to go absolutely scorched earth in the way they'd come down on someone for screwing up in a game, "camping" them in an FPS, etc. back then. I rarely got messages saying "good game" or anything of the sort, it was all rage, lol. Now, in comparison, it's downright polite. On the rare occasion I do get a someone raging it's a) pretty hilarious b) not at all worth my time to spend the 30 sec reporting someone. I do like to troll them back though, which can be quite entertaining, lol. One of my favorite things to do is talk about a random baseball player's best season, but only using sabermetrics. "Can you believe Harper's 2015 season? .330/.460/.649! That's a 198 OPS+! Only a 0.1 dWAR, but a massive 9.1 oWAR!" Which is usually either followed by silence or "you've got the wrong person".

Or I'll quote the Nosler ballistics table for a certain projectile weight for a given cartridge I'd been hand-loading that day/week, that one is even more befuddling to people unless they reload their own ammunition. The best is when it makes them even more angry and they go even harder, lol. Idk, I just don't understand why a random person you've never met, that you'll almost certainly never meet, would be able to get under your skin but I guess I'm in the minority on that.
Haha good work. I'm similar, don't get riled, but just say something weird, like 'ahh, come here and give me a nice hug big boy', then start blowing kisses down the mic. Silly I know, but people who are wound up hate it when you don't retaliate in an aggressive/annoyed way. Staying calm and saying something odd/weird tends to wind them up more ime. :D. Usually get threats, as if some anonymous person who lives hours from you, probably in other country is going to come and confront you in person. An anonymous person in a video game. Oohh I'm so scared, you really told me :D

Or the classics like I did x or y to your mum. Yes, of course you did mate. That hurt so much :D. Do people really get annoyed by these 'insults'?

Nothing gets someone more annoyed in an argument more than the other person remaining calm, ignoring them. If they are of average iq, they'd no doubt feel like an idiot once they've calmed down :D.
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If someone is stupid enough to send me a disrespectful, insulting message through PSN, I report them and IMO, they deserve it.

I really don't see the dilemma some have with this. Has nothing to do with them getting under my skin, an overreaction on my part, me being vindictive, etc. I also find no entertainment value in "trolling" or otherwise starting a dialogue with people like that.

Similar to the OP, I usually just report, block and move on. The only difference is that I wouldn't be bothered enough to start a thread about it but c'est la vie.
Reporting someone for incidents like this is the correct response.

As mentioned earlier, you don't know who is on the other side of the conversation, which is the precise reason why people shouldn't send offensive messages in the first place.
It's why the rule, that everyone accepted when joining the PSN, exists.