Abuse through PSN

  • Thread starter Roggers
I dunno, you felt bad and they left the lobby before you could apologize. So he/she was right to be pissed and vent. I would’ve taken that opportunity to actually apologize. Then, if he/she continues to be abusive, report them.
That's pretty much the approach I take, but I'll add that I'll pull over and try to let them finish in front of me to show it was unintentional, as long as I can do so without causing havoc to other innocent parties.

You cannot be censured by government for speaking in public; this is the protection that 1A gives you. You can be censured by private services for speaking using those services; this is not a protection that 1A gives you.

Calling someone a ** on PSN - or on GTPlanet - is not "protected... by our First Amendment". You can and will face punishment from the service, precisely because it is not protected under 1A. Calling someone a ** in the street is protected by 1A and you cannot and will not face any punishment from the government, precisely because it is.

Although you are not protected from the consequences of doing so by 1A either.
Cool beans.

But you did say:

So my line for speech being actually offensive is very far down the road and short of legit threats/incitement, it's all on the table and protected in my book (and by our First Amendment)
Which is functionally incorrect, because sending abusive messages through PSN is not in fact protected "by our First Amendment" - whether it's okay in your book or not.

Not even sure why this is a discussion, much less a six post and NOW ALL IN CAPITAL LETTERS one.
No, just for whatever they determine to be "offensive" context be damned...

I think ol' Count Dankula found out just how draconian the UK communications laws can be. A prosecution which would never occur in the US.
again no...

It cannot be purely "offensive" because everything is offensive to someone - offence is personal. Some people think same sex marriage is offensive. Some people think dancing in public is offensive.

If I could find my old Blackstone or a decent google I'd show you the Points to Prove which is what the Police would use but I'll give it a go from memory:

  • indecent or grossly offensive (not conforming with generally accepted standards of behaviour, especially in relation to sexual matters.*)
  • threatening (expect when used in demand of something with good reason e.g. unpaid bills)
  • fasle
*Unlike the US constitution and many others, UK laws evolve with time so as to not become outdate
Not even sure why this is a discussion, much less a six post and NOW ALL IN CAPITAL LETTERS one.
Beats me... We were clearly talking past one another, and I'll just say it was a mistake on my part and we can leave it at that. I thought I'd made it clear I was talking about the "spirit" of 1A outlining how I personally deal with situations like the one OP described, but I obviously failed in that attempt. Have a good one.
From my days playing Siege, I would goad teamkillers into messaging me on PSN so I could get them the seven day ban. I don't mind bad messages but don't mess with me in the game. I'll be ruthless.

The worst is when I try to message someone a positive message or a forgiveness message and they have their settings to block all messages from strangers.
From my days playing Siege, I would goad teamkillers into messaging me on PSN so I could get them the seven day ban. I don't mind bad messages but don't mess with me in the game. I'll be ruthless.

The worst is when I try to message someone a positive message or a forgiveness message and they have their settings to block all messages from strangers.
Please tell me you were one of the pros that would sneak up on campers in CoD and message them to "Turn around" :lol:
Please tell me you were one of the pros that would sneak up on campers in CoD and message them to "Turn around" :lol:
Haha no but incidentally, a game called Insurgency: Sandstorm has something called proximity chat, where you could literally talk to enemy players if they're close by. It makes for some excellent role-playing/taunting.

I wish we could use it in GT7. So I can tell the guy in front to stop battling so I can bump draft.
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This happened to me once. After a daily race A (waaay back in B-DR) some dork was shoving me around on Miyabi short. I never retaliated, raced clean, but I'm not goint to sit there and be bullied by anyone, so on one lap I just held my line while he was sideswiping me and he went into the dirt.

He messaged me and we went back and forth. I saved the replay and literally showed him his stupidity and he still thought I was somehow in the wrong, so I just continued to improve and keep him updated on my progress as I blew past his rank. Not much he can say to that. He had hundreds of races in and was still B... which should let you know what kind of a "driver" he was. He was also 62... so they come in ALL ages.

Long story short, it literally doesn't even matter. As has been said, you could have apologized then and taken the wind out of their sails, you can stoop to their level and play in the muck with them, you can block them, ignore them or you can set your messages to friends only, but whatever you choose, there is zero reason to be concerned about it, and reporting it it likely to do less than nothing so... move on and learn from your mistake so you don't piss anyone else off I guess :lol:
I think this is part of a global problem.

This is exactly the defence that was all over twitter about Jüri Vips.
"It's not a big deal - this is normal language/behaviour for COD"

It isn't acceptable - I no longer play GTA/COD and all of the other games where you cannot mute players in one go because I'm fed up of having the racist and misogynistic language in my living room
You're over reacting. I have played a lot of COD over the last decade and I can count maybe on one finger the amount of times I have seen any sort of misogynistic and racist language. Barely anyone talks on mic anymore, barely anyone messages anymore.

And, as mentioned by another - you can mute everyone with one button.

Do you know what I did laugh at it first because I just thought it was funny, but then I thought a little ban might have been better. I know it might have been petty from me but still..

Nope, never had as Xbox as always thought they were crap!
It is very petty.

He is venting because he assumed you did it intentionally.

Snowflake generation.
Haha no but incidentally, a game called Insurgency: Sandstorm has something called proximity chat, where you could literally talk to enemy players if they're close by. It makes for some excellent role-playing/taunting.
SOCOM did that back in the PS3 days as well.
I think that setting kinda sucks to be honest. There have been instances where I’ve been unhappy with someone’s driving and it’s perfectly possible to send a critical message/questions without being a moron. Sometimes I’ve even made friendships through such situations.

At one point I wanted to apologise for a mistake on my part but his settings were restricted so it wasn’t possible.
Absolutely...I've had the same experience. I also write to players from time to time and point them out to their apparently bad behavior towards me or other drivers. But all in a now friendly and respectful way. I used to let my feelings guide me and sometimes my tone wasn't as nice as it should have been. I had been blocked for that.. rightly so!

BUT and that's my point.. through such exchanges with other drivers I've also met really nice people.. and when you meet again later in a race or even have them as friends.. then it's an enrichment.

I don't switch my account and I'd rather risk receiving a rather unfriendly message once a month, if at all, instead I get to know new, really sensible players every month.

And those who are unfriendly... will be reported immediately... Sony is very quick and responds almost immediately, within a few minutes at most.

But there are also "hard cores" who knowingly and intentionally drive extremely maliciously AND can't receive messages... so they can go about their business completely unaffected and ruin everyone else's races.
SOCOM did that back in the PS3 days as well.
I remember playing the Socom US Navy Seals beta online on the PS2... It was the first online shooter I ever played on console, soooo much better than CoD. (Though the PS2 online era was mostly beta, and you needed a special ethernet adapter for it, so not a lot of people used that, but than the PS3 came out and everyone could go online :) )

Oh, right, this is a racing forum... I'll shut up about shooters now.
You're over reacting. I have played a lot of COD over the last decade and I can count maybe on one finger the amount of times I have seen any sort of misogynistic and racist language. Barely anyone talks on mic anymore, barely anyone messages anymore.

And, as mentioned by another - you can mute everyone with one button.
I'm glad it's changed then. I last played COD intensely prior to 2012 so I'm glad its changing. But I dipped my toe in recently and it hadn't changed much, plus the videos on twitch - which I know will be an exaggeration of the reality.

GTA is worse - I rarely play online anymore (but not just for the awful behaviour of others) but maybe that's to be expected in GTA.

They're not complaints or over reactions - I know what I signed up for when I go into those games and I just decided; nah I'm no longer enjoying being called the N-word by a 13 year old boy from Louisiana who's chomping on some kind of sloppy joe and slurping on a slushy, then having to work out which of the 23 other players it is
Some wild takes on here, as if we're at war... we're playing video games, guys.

There's a difference between being angry at another player and just sending abuse as the OP states happened, for all that player knew OP could have been a young kid playing on that account among a number of other reasons to not send random people disgusting abuse.

it's the kind of nonsense that just isn't needed and especially in an environment that's meant to be fun and open to everyone.
I got some hateful voice messages from a teenage ballerina. No joke. Was so hilarious it went way past the stage of laughter into the realms of some x files ****.
And that justifies it? :confusing:
The internet is full of internet heroes and, knowing this, just let it slide.

The amount of hate mail I've received through PSN...geeez...delete and block is all that you can do, plus it's the best way to eliminate the mental space that person takes up in your head. They aren't worth it.
I remember playing the Socom US Navy Seals beta online on the PS2... It was the first online shooter I ever played on console, soooo much better than CoD. (Though the PS2 online era was mostly beta, and you needed a special ethernet adapter for it, so not a lot of people used that, but than the PS3 came out and everyone could go online :) )

Oh, right, this is a racing forum... I'll shut up about shooters now.
People still play that on PS2 now. You have to modify something or other to get the servers, but there's a youtube vid on it I saw once. Still a few people playing it
Out of all the personal experiences I had through messages, 99 percent of people are all talk and no go. One that really stuck out to me was a driver threatened to ram me off the road everytime I was in another daily race with them.

Spoiler alert: The next six races we met, he didn't do a single thing lol
The internet is full of internet heroes
That still doesn't justify it.

And deleting and blocking is not all you can do, report them and they will have to either overthink their approach to online gaming (and behaviour in general) or face the consequences.

Mindsets like this are the reason why cyber bullying is such a huge problem, everybody who's suffering from it is just told to not take it personal but that doesn't really help. Or would it help you if I told you to just be happy when you were struggling with depressions? :dunce:
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That still doesn't justify it.

And deleting and blocking is not all you can do, report them and they will have to either overthink their approach to online gaming (and behaviour in general) or face the consequences.

Mindsets like this are the reason why cyber bullying is such a huge problem, everybody who's suffering from it is just told to not take it personal but that doesn't really help. Or would it help you if I told you to just be happy when you were struggling with depressions? :dunce:
You are doing it now. You are devoting mental space to something that, in the grand scheme of your life, is totally irrelevant.

Suffering from depressions is a real serious issue. Personally (maybe too much information) have severe seasonal affective disorder, so when winter comes, I truly wish for death. Hence, managing it by taking stock of what truly does, and does not matter in life.

Some dude writing any manner of obscenity, or vulgarity, over PSN is irrelevant to my life, your life, any life. Report, delete, block. Done. That is the action to take. People write because they think it matters. If you allow it matter, then they are correct. Deny it's importance to you, and you deny it's power over you.

For all you know, the person who writes such things is reading this thread right now and revelling in how much emotional damage he has caused.
Seriously though, 98% of the time I have found that strangers never have anything useful to say in a PSN message. That’s why I restricted messages to “friends only” years ago.

Same here. I also turn off voice chat for similar reasons.
The reason your post drew the reaction it did, @Voodoovaj, is because you said this:
The amount of hate mail I've received through PSN...geeez...delete and block is all that you can do
The second version in your follow-up post has the missing part:
Report, delete, block. Done. That is the action to take.
And is the point @Nuschel01 was making:
And deleting and blocking is not all you can do, report them and they will have to either overthink their approach to online gaming (and behaviour in general) or face the consequences.
Now you're in agreement.
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Too much snowflakes these days, everyone gets offended just for a mere message. Be a man, ignore these messages...jezz it is so difficult ?
You have no idea what the person on the other end of that message is going through.

I suffer from severe depression and experience suicidal ideation often. Earlier this year I self harmed and was on a dark path to worse.

Video games are an escape from that. They are a place where I can lose myself in a different world.

The last thing I need is hostility from anyone. Prime reason I don’t play online. Maybe I’m not man enough or too much of a snowflake.