Accent challenge!


Since this forum has so many people, from all around the world, i thought it would be cool to see how many different accents we can have!

So, to start with it, i thought about a 3 steps challenge, which are:

1st: Say your nick name and from where you are.

2nd: Say the following words -

Gran Turismo

3rd: Say your favorite car and why.

Also, to start it off, i have done mine already.

Obs. If a thread like this already exists, excuse me.
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I do this for a living, I don't really want to be doing it for any other reason.
:lol: Racedude

My friend has one of those, 60-7-whp. 0-60 in 18 seconds, how it managed 180kmh I don't know.
Might give the challenge a go sometime.
If you image search Accent GS, my car is in the results. Someone in India used it as their picture to sell their car. Now my accent is world-famous.

Thanks for making us say linguist before cunning.
Thanks for making us say linguist before cunning.
No problem... lol

1page in and we're already technically off topic. :lol:
The word I always thought showed your accent best was amazing.
:lol: it was not that hard to understand what this thread is about, was it?

and... which word? :confused:

And to bring it a bit back on topic...
It is hard to give it a properlly end, isnt it? :lol: You get like... "uuuhh what now?"
You should add World and Squirrel in the list as well. People like me have a bit of problems pronouncing the r's in those kinds of words.
I asked a few friends for accent testing words... they forget about that one, so did i. Feel free to say it if you like. :lol:
I started a thread on another forum on how people pronounced other peoples usernames, the results were absolutely halarious.
I started a thread on another forum on how people pronounced other peoples usernames, the results were absolutely halarious.

That sounds like a good idea to adopt it onto here. They are some usernames on GTP that I think would be humorous to pronounce.
I'm doing it later 👍 I think it could be interesting to hear how everyone sounds.
Here ya go!

From my analysis of my accent, my accent is a combination of a Yankee accent (generic East Coast accent? I don't know really how to describe it, but I've lived on the East Coast all my life and our accent we think is the lack of an accent, whereas people from other places call it a "Yankee" accent, apparently), Canadian/Minnesota/general north Midwest (the one with the long Os) accent, Chicago accent, and a bit of Jeremy Clarkson in there, mainly in the inflections. Let's see how the GTP community interprets it.

Disclaimer: just like everyone else, I HATE what my voice sounds like recorded.

My accent I know is very transparent, meaning I subconsciously pick up the accents of those I'm around, and I know exactly the specific people the Canadian and Chicago parts come from, and I only met them this past school year. So in a couple of years' time, my accent could be very different. :boggled:
I'll give this a go.. Just gotta fugue out how to pronounce 'Huayra' haha.. With my, what I'm told to be strong Aussie accent.. This should be good hahah
Simple Matt
I'll give this a go.. Just gotta fugue out how to pronounce 'Huayra' haha.. With my, what I'm told to be strong Aussie accent.. This should be good hahah


I think.