Me too.I just like driving around SPA in the DB9! Love that course, for some reason!!👍
on that basis i'll be giving it a miss too, at least early on. i may well grab it pre-owned, once i see it for < £15
i'm sure it'll drive well, because FC does. i've recently got rFactor for my pc, and the amount of mods/tracks available for it is huge
i wouldn't mind betting that between all those, i could get hold of most (if not all) of the content of SCC
I don't know if you could trust me on this but, as a BETA player, I can confidently say that Supercar Challenge has improved on Ferrari Challenge. Each of the cars feel different to drive and the engine is very, very responsive.The way I see it, if SCC costs £40, it won't be worth it... I got FC for £15 as half of a 2 for £30 deal (the other half was the Orange Box; 30 quid well spent I think!), and even at that price I felt it didn't even compare to Prologue! No, I'm being unfair, the handling does feel quite realistic on this and although all the cars are Ferraris, they're good Ferraris so that doesn't bother me much.
Its just if they're going to make a game that is essentially a sequel to this but only include ten new cars... In the old days, GT's sequels would have ten times that amount or more!
Keys have been given out by gaming web-sites for a couple of months now...not sure when the next batch will be of from where, though.How can i get a my hands on the Beta?
Yeah, I was a bit worried about that so I'm not going to post any more about it but I thought that I generalised it as much as possible. No specifics from me.Please don't double post, use the edit button to add to a post if no on has posted after you.
I would also advise that you take great care in regard to what you say as a beta tester (I am also in the SCC beta and a beta tester for Sony), as you did 'sign' a NDA (Non disclosure agreement) when you downloaded the beta and talking about it openly could see that change (and the dev team do post here).
I don't know if you could trust me on this but, as a BETA player, I can confidently say that Supercar Challenge has improved on Ferrari Challenge. Each of the cars feel different to drive and the engine is very, very responsive.
I'd say it's one of the best engines out there. the 599XX UK preorder only? That's unfair.
Well, the 599XX is in the trailer on the relaunched official website. Maybe when you pre-order you just get a code to unlock the car so you can drive it straight away? Hopefully, it's available for everybody else to unlock as you progress through the game.
Does the beta still crash your ps3 every time you try quit?
Has anything changed from the initial beta?
This is going to sound unusual. In the UK there was two different pre order exclusives when pre ordered at two different stores. One being a Ferrari 599XX car when pre ordered or the Sterling Moss Mclaren SLR when pre ordered with another store. Unfortunately when i read the advertisement in the Official Playstation Magazine it was too late and I was unable to pre order at the store who was giving away the Sterling Moss SLR. I am desperate to get this car and I am asking if anyone would want to trade their Sterling Moss SLR code for my Ferrari 599XX code when the game is released?
If you arent interested in a straight swap I may pay aswell as trade but that depends. Thanks alot to anyone who replies!