Ace Combat 7PS4 

  • Thread starter Akira AC
Multiplayer trailer is up. This game just looks great.

We should establish a GTP clan for dominating the skies and for some friendly competition. Who's with me?
Only if we get to call each other cute nicknames like it’s Top Gun, and if the daily races suck at that particular time.

Of course! Can't fly fighter jets without cute nicknames and cringeworthy catch phrases. I feel the need...
Additionally, remember to always yell out Fox 2 whenever firing a missile. It doesn't matter if it's your first or 62nd missile, it's always Fox 2.
Looks great. Sounds awful, could they have used a less cheesy arcade voice. Sounds like its made for kids to play. I was hoping for something military like for more realism.
What Ace Combat is known for: realism

*fires 130th missile*


I'm looking forward to it. I've been playing Ace Combat since AC04, which I rented from Blockbuster because "well cool, fighter planes!" So many years later, it's good to have it back after I missed out on 6 because I didn't have an Xbox. I even found Infinity enjoyable, I managed to do reasonably even though I never spent any money on it...but perhaps I was just desperate for an Ace Combat back then.
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Looks great. Sounds awful, could they have used a less cheesy arcade voice. Sounds like its made for kids to play. I was hoping for something military like for more realism.

I wonder if the distinct noise of the A-10 and the unique howling of the Starfighter will feature in the game. I can testify to the Starfighters howling being pretty damn awesome, so it would be a shame if it wasn't represented in the game.

On a side note, which plane should I go with? I’m a huge fan of both the F-35 Lightning and F/A-18 Hornet but I can’t decide between the two.

F-16 all day every day. Preferably in either Thunderbirds or Solo Turk livery. But between your two choices, definitely the F-18F. The A and C models do not appear to feature in the game, so you're out of luck if you want the original bug.
Been a Eagle Fanboy (Mostly the SMTD because Canards) and Flanker Fanboy (Because flying a aircraft called "Terminator" is pure 90s levels of badass), though I've also gotten some Eurofighter and Rafale action in there (As well as my childhood fave, the Tomcat).

Very interested in trying the Starfighter out, its one of those planes that really got my attention as a kid. Hope they nail the distinct howl.

Really? I find press the Share button acts as photo mode more often. Anything more than that is unusual.

While true, its not quite the same as having a dedicated mode to set up those shots and then taking it (or in the case of a game like Warframe, having a mode where you can freeze for that perfect shot and then use the share button).

Pretty cool in-universe advertisement for the Arsenal Bird. Makes me more excited about getting the Strangereal Edition.
Looks great. Sounds awful, could they have used a less cheesy arcade voice. Sounds like its made for kids to play. I was hoping for something military like for more realism.

It sounds exactly like a Namco-Bandai game, Remember R Racing Evolution?

Same cheesiness.

I actually kind of like it, in a cheesy 80's way. IF you'll excuse me, I have to go watch Iron Eagle 1 and 2. :lol:


Fun fact: I never realized Queen sang the song 'One Vision' featured in that movie until recently :lol: And yes, even the music is cheesy.
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Pre-order free stuff.

Shop2 are suggesting the dynamic theme is with the physical. Is this true?

I thought it was digital only.

Great if physical get it too.

From what I gather, all the digital bonuses were changed to also be included for the physical copies. Frankly, the release is a bit of a mess concerning the many different versions across different regions, so it's somewhat hard to tell.

My concern regarding the game release is whether to spend money on train tickets to the city where I need to collect it from on the day of release, or wait one more day, so that I can ride the train via my youth card (a heavily discounted commute card offered to students). So annoying that the card doesn't go into effect until the 19th...
Yes, the pre order is a bit confusing.

I have ordered it anyway and I quite like dynamic themes and a change from my Firewatch one would be welcome..

Particularly looking forward to trying out the VR.
Now I’m even more conflicted. The F-18 is my spirit animal, but I rewatched the trailer for the Su-34.

This machine is absolutely beautiful, especially around the cockpit area with that incredibly interesting tandem layout. The default paint scheme with the teal camoflague is amazing as well. The only problem is it has a giant wang.

To make matters worse, it even fills a similar roll to the F-18.
Now I’m even more conflicted. The F-18 is my spirit animal, but I rewatched the trailer for the Su-34.

This machine is absolutely beautiful, especially around the cockpit area with that incredibly interesting tandem layout. The default paint scheme with the teal camoflague is amazing as well. The only problem is it has a giant wang.

To make matters worse, it even fills a similar roll to the F-18.

That "giant wang" is a rear facing radar so that no pesky F-18's can sneak up on it :lol:
I'd liken the SU-34 more to an F-15E Strike Eagle myself.
Oh goody just received an e-mail that my pre-order has been packaged and shipped.
Haven't really been actively following the development, just checked up every now and then and to be honest completely forgot about the release being the 18th of January.
But after seeing the mail, I'm all hyped again.
Can't wait to fly in Strangereal again.
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Oh goody just received an e-mail that my pre-order has been packaged and shipped.
Haven't really been actively following the development, just checked up every now and then and to be honest completely forgot about the release being the 18th of January.
But after seeing the mail, I'm all hyped again.
Can't wait to fly in Strangereal again.
Have mine downloaded and ready to go, roll on midnight tomorrow so I can have a crack at it.
Definitely not going to pre-order this after Assault Horizon (which didn't turn out very good) even though I do have high hopes that this title will be a return to something more like AC4/5. As tempting as preorder bonuses are, I'm going to leave that carrot dangling on the hook for now. I will wait for user reviews and then decide to buy or not from there. From what I've seen so far, it does look like it will live up to the expectations,
Kind of an extension of my last post, but today I learned that the Su-34 has a toilet somewhere behind the two seats. If someone is playing in VR, take a quick look back for me please to confirm it is indeed in the game.

I choose the Su-34 as my main fighter for the sole reason that it I’m going to be dogfighting much more capable jets with a toilet on-board.
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Kind of an extension of my last post, but today I learned that the Su-34 has a toilet and kitchenette behind the two seats. If someone is playing in VR, take a quick look back for me please to confirm it is indeed in the game.

I choose the Su-34 as my main fighter for the sole reason that it I’m dogfighting with a toilet on-board.

This is a common misconception. There is no kitchenette or a toilet. You may have a small microwave or folding tray to prepare a meal, but not much more than that. It is possible for a crew member to lie down and rest in the space behind the cockpit. As for the toilet, it’s basically a thermos with a funnel on top.

This is a common misconception. There is no kitchenette or a toilet. You may have a small microwave or folding tray to prepare a meal, but not much more than that. It is possible for a crew member to lie down and rest in the space behind the cockpit. As for the toilet, it’s basically a thermos with a funnel on top.

View attachment 793030

That’s unfortunate. However it’s still one microwave more than a Strike Eagle.
The SU-34 also won't be available for VR. Only the F-22A, F-18F, A-10C and one of the SU-30's will be available for use in VR.
What better way to prepare for tomorrow than to watch Top Gun and some footage from the 2017 Royal International Air Tattoo.

I actually watched the movie while listening to the developer/producer/advisor commentary track for it, and it's genuinely interesting and entertaining stuff, especially from the technical advisors. Can't believe it's been more than three years since we finally got word of a new Ace Combat for PlayStation, and that we're now only a night away from playing it.
Played the first two missions so far, so too early to form a good opinion yet, but controls feel solid(camera control on the right stick feels a bit jerky though), looks pretty and sounds good(had to turn the volume down because it seemed the subwoofer was stomping through the house)
And played a bit of freeflight.

Some screenshots from a replay:




Almost all dials work.

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I did the first VR mission, This my first play on Ace Combat since PS1 and it was amazing.

I was doing some crazy turns and spins not really knowing where I was or what I was doing but got a few gun and missile kills.

Actually shouted out when I couldn’t pull out of a loop and hit the water :)

Struggling to get it to lock on a target, seems to do it randomly?

Amazing, same again tonight.