So confused. Was there a table or something that shows this?
These are the Berkut pages. Updated to some months ago, but it gives you the idea of what I mean.
Player planes Handicaps + enemy HP
Damage Charts (to use checking the link above):
The Berkut charts are not used anymore because there is now a builder that applies everything above. It is this:
When you select the plane, there is a "Handicap" below that. F-4E is the only that got +2, meaning that its real damage isn't 350 but 450Cst. J35J got +1 meaning that its real damage isn't 375-400Cst tier but again the 425-450Cst, just like the F-4E. So in truth, the lowest damage tier possible is the 425-450Cst, which is only for F-4E and up to 400Cst planes (first tier), as also 425-450Cst (Mirage 2000-5, F-20A, etc) will have themselves +1, merging in the 475-500Cst tier (same as F-14A, F-16F, etc).
Notice there are some more +1 handicapped planes, so with increased damage compared to their tier. Also this changes the rules in the table, like F-15J is better than F-15C, but as C got +1 handicap, in truth it got same damage. Also Gripen C and Su-24MP got same base Cst, but as Su-24MP got +1 handicap, this one got more damage than Gripen and same as F/A-18F.
It's quite bad to understand at first, but with a bit of logic, you will be able to work around it pretty easy.
@Vitocorp and Louie, it is said that also 775Cst (-1 handicap) Su-35 -S1- will receive a buff in next tourney (coming next to Sky Kid Planes or in March), probably landing to 800Cst without handicap or even 825Cst (with -1 handicap getting same damage as 800Cst, but with slighty better performances and +1 slot than 800Cst). So I assume that in a future tournament featuring Yellows, also them will receive a buff. At the end, it is the only way PA can keep appetible to newcomers old tournament planes (which means $$$ for them).