And my Ace Combat day comes to a close.
This is my overall view of Team Deathmatch. I've done more sorties than I can count so I can say the info is reasonably from experience.
Firstly, to answer
@Louie_Schumii's question, the ECMs do just what you expect them to do. You flip the switch, and your rival players
will not be able to lock on to anyone inside the radius. It doesn't just apply to the user, but anyone within that circle. Meaning, if Louie turns it on and Bobert is right next to him, if I'm close, I won't be able to hit either one of youse.
However, it's a double-edged sword, the ECM. Giving a rough guesstimate, I'd say it only lasts about 3-4seconds. I could be wrong but it does not last long
at all.
On top of that, there is the possibility you can get really lazy when you have a device like that. You can lounge around knowing no one can hit you, but it negatively affects you mentally because you become too relaxed and it would be harder to readjust when the jammer shuts off, which will be almost immediately.
Thirdly, the only time I'm assuming it would be really useful is when:
- You have about 4 players running you down and you need a break (though they can still shoot you up with bullets).
- When you're in a 2v2 (4 player) room.
Once your enemies realise they can't lock on to you, all they're going to do is switch to the next available target, making it worse for said target. Overall though, considering you need to upgrade your plane to level 7, ECMs seem to be rare in these matches, seeing as though I've only seen it being used by two separate persons. This might change as the days go on.
Special Weapons
I'm just going to list the most used/threatening weapons and why they are effective in TDM.
HCAAs fires missiles rapidly one after the other. These aren't very effective physically, but they would fit in perfectly with 'Psychological Warfare'. Yeah, they are relatively easy to dodge, but imagine you having to constantly dodge missiles one after one after one after the other. It really plays on your mind because you can't focus on anything else and because you know if you slip up, you're in for a pounding.
6AAMs was quite surprising for me, but I'm not sure why I was surprised. You have 6 missiles, they are all long range, and they are powerful. There is no outrunning them.
HVAAs are Révoy's personal favourites. They started out as a personal experiment and ended up being my most used/effective. While they aren't very good with homing, you almost don't need it; they are extremely fast
and they are long range. The reason they are so effective, is because they are so quick, when they are fired beyond visual range, by time the target receives the missile alert, the warhead is already in front of his/her face, leaving little time for evasion. My only complaint is that they are the weakest SPs in the game, and it really shows when you can't take down some planes in two hits.
QAAMs because if I didn't add them you would be asking what I'm smoking. They are pretty self-explanatory. They have best homing capabilities and they aren't weak. They aren't overpowered and unfair, but put them in the right hands, and they
will shoot down any and everyone, regardless of plane and pilot.
Planes and Pilots
Surprisingly, there were less stealthies in the rooms than I expected. You actually will find literally every Fighter/Multirole the game has to offer. F-14s, MiG-29s, F-15s, F-4s, even Mirages. People seem to simply fly whatever they have at the moment and give it their best. This may change as the days go on though, as more people drop out.
On the Ace Combat Skies forum, some speculated the ADFX would be the best plane to use.
It's not.
The plane itself is a double-edged sword. It can be strong and powerful but surprisingly not as maneuverable compared to other planes. It's like a flying tank. When you're flying around it, it doesn't climb as well and it is a very huge plane, you can't miss it. But when it does hit you, you're going down, sometimes with 1 missile. It's very capable, but unless you have upgraded it to level 5 or more, it's not really worth it and you're better off with a Fighter. I've taken down many of them because they just weren't able to avoid me fast enough.
Anyway, surprisingly (or not) the best planes in TDM are the Raptors and the PAK-FAs. And I'm sure you would think "Well there has got to be something out there that can out play them." Reality is, there isn't. This it their home and they were literally built for air supremacy and this is where they shine.
So now you think "Okay if I go up against a stealthie and I'm not in stealthie myself, I'm dead."
You're not.
This is where the pilot part comes in. Believe it or not, your plane does not decide you're going to win.
You decide you're going to win
. Shocking right? In all seriousness though, the cliche 'a great pilot is better than a great plane' is very true in TDM. You would think the guy with the Raptor with the Phoenix Emblem would wipe the floor with everyone, but sometimes it's actually the guy in the F-14 leaving with the most kills; sometimes even the guy with the F-4 (no seriously, it happens).
Let's not mistake things here though. If you have a superior plane, you already have the advantage. If you were to take two people with the same skills and put one in a Level 10 T-50 and the other in a level 10 F-15, the Russian fighter will win easy. I flew my PAK-FA against a guy in an F-16 and I could not shoot him down for anything; He was that good.
As for chasing targets in an infinite loop, there is no valid reason for anyone to get stuck circle jerking. There are so many different maneuvers you can apply to break out of it and open yourself up to a different tactic. You can simply gain altitude which will give you room and time to attack from above. And that's just one way. You could also try breaking away and try attacking head-on, jousting style. So if you're caught flying in circles trying to catch someone, you're really just doing that because you know/you're hoping you can catch up. You don't have to take them down that way. Whenever I'm in that situation and his plane climbs/turns just as well as mine, I just break off and fly far away to the edge of the map, then U-turn and switch to my HVAAs with SP Propulsion L equipped, and play chicken, jousting style.
Overall though, I had fun today. Had some pretty annoying instances but overall fun. Made some friends as well as rivals.
And one more thing, please don't go seal-clubbing. It's not cool 👎. It's no fun watching some guy in a top tier aircraft absolutely demolishing new players in their F-16s. Same thing if you're playing 2v2 and someone leaves the room making it 2v1. If they can't deal with 2 players, don't make life hard for them. It happened to this guy we were fighting and my teammate simply stopped attacking and went sight-seeing so it was 1v1. So let's try to be sporty everyone 👍.
Also, congrats to
@Downhill Dino on his first Moby Dick III