Acting hard on the internet?

  • Thread starter Ghost C
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If you have a misunderstanding with me, I'd be more then willing to resolve your threat offline.

What state are you in?

I get so tired of the 15 year old's on their mommy's computer who, in real life, more than likely are that scrawny kid with glasses who get picked on every day... But if you get them on the internet, they're the baddest mother****er you'll ever meet... Online at least.

Then there's the ones who take it to the next level of annoyance by telling you to come to their house and saying a random address like "123 4th street miami, fl", or ask you for your address, and insist that they'll be there tomorrow.

Parents should monitor what their little brats do on the internet, because I don't think anyone besides E-Badasses like E-Badasses, and one of these real smart people are going to get tired of it one day, track one of these little brats down, and end up killing the kid. Then the internet will get blamed, I bet, but anyway...

Whadda you think about internet hardasses?
Ha, it's some of the most ridiculous crap ever.
It's almost as bad as the ones that act so "hard" in real life.
Man, I used to live in Capitol Hill in Washington DC. The murder capital of the world. I've seen some serious **** go down and seen it done by some serious people. I've seen "hard" and been on the receiving end of "hard" and it ain't fun in the slightest.
But even the stuff I've seen and been in I will never act hard in real life let alone the internet. That's the most assinine thing.
But doing it over the internet takes the cake! It's just a way for some punk kid to act like he/she is so tough when they really aren't. Over the internet is the only way that they can act tough because they know that they will get the ever livin crap beat out of them if they acted this way in real life. Fighting and acting tough over the internet has got to be one of the biggest wastes of time ever.
You should try playing Hardware Online Arena with the headset - the high-pitched voices of the 12 year olds, talking tough. It's quite grating, and from a wit point of view, like shooting fish in a barrel...
Why are you blaming this on teenagers? I havent seen any teens my age do this type of stuff. We SHOULD be blaming this on 10 year olds. There the brattiest of the brats. The ones that are spoiled rotten and live off their parents money. They're the ones who tell you to 'eat their ****' on chatrooms and multiplayer games but Cant even spell it correctly.
Because it's 95% spawned by guys age 12-17 who, as previously mentioned, can't actually start fights like that in real life, so they come online, whether it be in chatrooms or multiplayer games, and act like they're a bad enough dude (Har har) to actually fight someone.

I can honestly say that I don't ever remember starting stuff like that, but I do reply and keep them going, because it's actually rather entertaining sometimes, and it's in my nature not to let anything slide when it comes to the "I CAN TAKE ON TEH GHOST!!!!!11111ONEONE11" kind of mentality.
Man, I hate people who think they are hard. I mean give me a break. THese chaach's thought they were hard at Halloween Horror nights at Universal Studios when one of my dog's accidentally bumped into one of their girls. We apologized, because the guy that bumped into her has a temper issue. Later that night, the guy and the girl show up with 7 of their friends thinking they were tough. The first person they go after is our friend Katherine. Understand Kat is a tough Biznitch, but to go after the girl. . . wrong thing to do in my presence, let alone the three other guys I was with. Let's put it this way, we got hauled off by the cops and the other guys got hauled off by the Ambulance.

These guys made the mistake of hitting a chick. personally speaking I live by three rules in life.
#1. Don't ly to me, I will find out one way or another and I will be more pissed if I have to find out.
#2. Don't cross any of my friends in any matter. They are my friends and family, you screw with them, you screw with me.
#3. Don't hit a girl in my eyesight! If I see you doing it, I am going to jail.

If these dudes did not hit her, it would have ended up differently.

The finale of the story was, after the cops heard what happened and saw the video that Universal studio had of the fight, they let us go without any arrest or ticket whatever you have it.

I guess the Thrusday night fight nights that we throw in my garage paid off. It is a wonderful series to invovle oneslef in if you got way too much testosterone to throw around. most people think we are nutz for throwing down with each other, but we enjoy it and never hold a grudge. Most would say we are crazy rednecks, but personnally I could not consider myself a redneck thus being raised in the north. :lol:
Yeah, people used to act hard around my 'hood too. They learned not to come on my street anymore, because when I hear someone outside starting trouble, the guns get loaded up and I go outside waving them around in plain sight. I still attract attention everywhere I go, groups of people who think they're bad enough dudes (Hoho) to take me on. So far, none of the groups of people have ever actually fought me after I told them all that if they felt froggy, leap.

My and my friend don't fight each other, but I've got a couple of old BB pistols laying around, and a can of about 10,000 BB's..We run out in the street blasting at each other like it was a real gunfight..

Practice I guess.
Originally posted by Ghost C
Yeah, people used to act hard around my 'hood too. They learned not to come on my street anymore, because when I hear someone outside starting trouble, the guns get loaded up and I go outside waving them around in plain sight. I still attract attention everywhere I go, groups of people who think they're bad enough dudes (Hoho) to take me on. So far, none of the groups of people have ever actually fought me after I told them all that if they felt froggy, leap.
I'm not sure if this is tongue in cheek or you're serious. Isn't the topic of the thread asking about People bragging about and acting like badasses on the internet?

my friend don't fight each other, but I've got a couple of old BB pistols laying around, and a can of about 10,000 BB's..We run out in the street blasting at each other like it was a real gunfight..

Practice I guess.
Well, it's certainly not brains dictating that course of action. Let me gues, you've seen "Jackass" more than once and still think it's funny?

I've seen, first hand, how badasses go from strutting hteir stuff to crying and whimpering. It's not pretty, and in those situations all that strutting does nothing more than offer a better target. The old adage is "Don't look conspicuous, it draws fire."

Much like the internet. You act like a badass, you're not going to stick around long. Just ask Kilahbabe or perhaps my favorite Skillz.

Every forum is a community based on respect. If you walk in the door and stomp eveyone you see, you'll get politely asked to leave. If you don't then you'll get thrown out. It's much akin to a large social gathering. While evyerbody is there for one main purpose, there are hundreds of other conversations happening. If one person should walk in the door, butt into conversations with useless banter, act outright rude, and be a general nusiance, the big guys in black hats standing at the entry door will come and escort that person out.

Part of it was serious, part wasn't. People did used to cause trouble on my block, but me, the neighbors across the street, and the guy two houses down put a stop to it. They called the cops, I went out and told them to stay off my street. Cops came, told them to stay off the street, and they generally don't come around.

I do attract attention everywhere I go, because I dress like I'm poor (Or "gangsta" to most people, but I am poor, anyway..), but generally it's just hard stares from people.

I have seen Jackass more than once, and I do think that some of the stuff they do is hilarious, but other stuff is just retarded.

I realize shooting each other with BB's could be dangerous, but I'm talking distances of 30-40 feet with guns shooting -200 feet per second, with a couple of guys on them who have repeatedly one-shotted blackbirds from 500+ feet away with said pistols. We know how to use them, and try to aim more towards the stomach and below.

(Edit: I just read what you said again, it's about the kind of people who tell you how badass they are and how you're nothing and they could kick your ass in real life. I also think most people who brag about stuff they do in real life (D00D I'M S0000000 HIGH RITE N0W D0000D, OMG I'M DRUNK, etc) are relatively stupid, but relating stories is a whole other, well, story)
I found that a little odd too Der Alta. Starting a thread about people acting hard on the internet and then talking about how hard you are.
Like I said, the thing is about the people who say they're going to kick your ass online. Yes, I've related stories about stuff that's happened to me in real life, and some of it may seem unreal or made up, and some people don't believe it, but I also don't reply to them telling them how badass I am and tell them I'm going to kick their ass because they don't believe me.

I let people take the stories of my experiences however they want it, and don't get mad over what they think of it. So, uh, yeah..I think I made the point I was trying to make.
I get what you're saying Ghost C. I hate that too. That's why when I see people writting about how tough they are or even how smart they are on the net I usually just figure they are trying to work through some issues of inferiority they may have. The proof as they say is in the pudding.👍
Originally posted by Ghost C
I get so tired of the 15 year old's on their mommy's computer who, in real life, more than likely are that scrawny kid with glasses who get picked on every day... But if you get them on the internet, they're the baddest mother****er you'll ever meet... Online at least.

Then there's the ones who take it to the next level of annoyance by telling you to come to their house and saying a random address like "123 4th street miami, fl", or ask you for your address, and insist that they'll be there tomorrow.

Parents should monitor what their little brats do on the internet, because I don't think anyone besides E-Badasses like E-Badasses, and one of these real smart people are going to get tired of it one day, track one of these little brats down, and end up killing the kid. Then the internet will get blamed, I bet, but anyway...

Whadda you think about internet hardasses?
Ummmmm, are you being sarcastic or facetious? Because you're one of the worst "internet hardasses" I've ever seen.
Man, I hate people who think they are hard. I mean give me a break. THese chaach's thought they were hard at Halloween Horror nights at Universal Studios when one of my dog's accidentally bumped into one of their girls. We apologized, because the guy that bumped into her has a temper issue. Later that night, the guy and the girl show up with 7 of their friends thinking they were tough. The first person they go after is our friend Katherine. Understand Kat is a tough Biznitch, but to go after the girl. . . wrong thing to do in my presence, let alone the three other guys I was with. Let's put it this way, we got hauled off by the cops and the other guys got hauled off by the Ambulance.

I believe this qualifies as well.

"I hate people how think they're hard, 'cause they just find out that I'm harder."
Originally posted by DJ_andercore
We SHOULD be blaming this on 10 year olds. The ones that are spoiled rotten and live off their parents money.

Of course they live off their parents' money - do you expect them to have a job or something?
Originally posted by neon_duke
Because you're one of the worst "internet hardasses" I've ever seen.

Point out to me where I've told someone that I was going to kick their ass. Point out where I've tried to make a big deal about how much of a badass I am.

As I said, I've related stories of real life experiences on here. Believe it or don't, that's your problem. If you think they make me a badass, it's your deal. It's not my fault for how you take stuff.
It just keeps getting better.

Your another ***** made [expletive censored because the boards didn't censor it] with a big mouth.

Not to mention you stick up for ****in' rat's, any time you wanna do somethin' let me know. Until then, keep backing up those snitches, the world needs people like you to take the hits for them.

I think it's wonderful that he has some release for his anger and all, but I mean come on, how stupid can you be.
Originally posted by Ghost C
Point out to me where I've told someone that I was going to kick their ass. Point out where I've tried to make a big deal about how much of a badass I am.

As I said, I've related stories of real life experiences on here. Believe it or don't, that's your problem. If you think they make me a badass, it's your deal. It's not my fault for how you take stuff.

Originally posted by Ghost C
I'd also advise you to take a look in the thread called "post pics of yourself" and look for my pictures before you go off half cocked and get yourself hurt.

Like I said, take the threat offline, rat.
Like I said, take the threat offline, rat.

This has got to be the lowest most animal form of humanity. The reduction of a mental argument into a phsyical one. To be willing to attack someone because you are not smart enough to reason with them is to not only admit your own stupidity, but to admit that you intend to do nothing about it.

Physical violence is justifiable, but not in this way.
Don't worry, danoff, there's exactly a 0% chance he'll ever actually get the chance to do something. For one, I live halfway across the country, and I'm certainly not driving for a day or two just to go somewhere to fight someone, and I seriously doubt his mommy will let him have the car that long to come my way.

Besides, he's not a bad enough dude (Third time I've used it, has nobody here ever played a game made before the Nintendo 64/PSX era?!) to stand up to ten 9mm Black Talon hollows (Yeah, I know, hypocrisy - But it's been proven that I do in fact have posession of a 9mm, and it's not too much of a stretch that if I'll walk around in broad daylight waving the thing around in the middle of the street, I'd go off and shoot him. Actually it is, and I wouldn't, but that's not the point..), so I'm not exactly worried about him taking a battle of wits (Not even) to a physical battle.
Originally posted by Ghost C
Point out to me where I've told someone that I was going to kick their ass. Point out where I've tried to make a big deal about how much of a badass I am.
How about 3-1/2 hours before you made this challenge?
'm talking I'm so ****ing pissed if I find out who did this, it's not even gonna be guns coming out. It's going to be the Louis bat upside their ribs repeatedly until they burst from internal bleeding.

They coulda messed with anything but the house. They could've stolen the thousands of dollars of stuff outside in my storage buildings, they coulda shot me out in the street, but you never, ever, ever mess with my house. This is the goddamn capo di tutti capi's house, and I ****ing hope whoever pulled this stunt runs far the **** away because mother****er if I ever find out who did it they're going to die the slowest most painful death I can think of at the time.
So there you go, threatening to kick someone's ass and making a big deal about what a badass you are. Less than 4 hours ago. Are you really that stupid?

Here's some more:
Today I didn't even have to use my AK...
I gotta say it was a good day.
Or, how about this one, where you're threatening to do exactly what you're complaining about these so-called "hardasses" doing:
I say give them one warning, then give me their address and I'll go there and teach them not to mess up.

Kids don't have enough respect these days. Back in my day when you got out of line you got beat, now we have all these laws about child abuse, and kids think that their opinions really matter now. I say beat them senseless, that'll learn 'em a thing or two about respect.

So send me to their house, I'll teach them a thing or two, or ten. It all depends on how mouthy they get.
When the RIAA comes to my door they'll be happily escorted off the premisis by my guard detail, Horace Smith and Daniel B. Wesson.
Or this icy hot stunta picture (attached at this link).

Or, this major accomplishment you felt the need to brag about:
Yes, I have no tolerance to alcohol, but I can still outdrink my father, mother, 27 year old cousin, 23 year old brother, 20 year old friend, and his 40-50 year old father. But you're right, I have no tolerance to alcohol.

*Looks at collection of 50+ liquor bottles, all put down personally(With help, but not a whole lot)*
Is that enough evidence? Are you really this stupid, or is this whole thread some kind of joke?
no offense man...but u just seem like all the other wannabe badasses i've seen around...

i've been in fights in the past. i put up with those morons for a month before i lost my temper. that's what i regret...actually having lost my temper to the point where i threw punches. i regret that i lost it to that point. luckily, no violence since grade 11...2 years and counting
1 final point...
i take personal attacks, i could care less...unless you go non-stop for over a month like a few people did.

what makes me violent is attacks on my religion, friends, family, and girls.
1) i'll fully back my friends if they need me just like i know they will for me.
2) family...enuf said, nobody hurts my family and gets away with it.
3) girls...i can't stand the sight of a girl in pain. hit one around me, and it will be just like miata said...i WILL go to jail.
4) say anything directly attacking my religion to me or around me, and it's's hard enuf on me since the media's been having a field day as is making rednecks hate my guts. i've seen on cnn interviews, rednecks saying specifically why they joined the military "so i can go kill me some muslims". but that was after 9/11...i can see where the anger would come from...but why the **** is it against *all* muslims. luckily here, in canada, we don't have probs with stupid ppl like that.
Here's a situation for you, duke; Someone kicks out one of your windows. Do you go pick them some flowers and tell them not to worry, because it's not a big deal? You might, because you've probably got a truckload of money sitting around. I don't. I can't afford to buy a new window. You want to give me money to get my window fixed? I'll leave whoever did it alone.

I suggest you look up the lyrics to Ice Cube's song "Today was a good day", and then you'll understand the joke.

So me saying kids don't have enough respect, and jokingly saying "Hey, I'll take them out back and beat the hell out of them". My grandfather and his friends say stuff like that all the time, and I find it amusing, so I added a joke to the discussion. Didn't find it funny? I don't care.

So now you're making fun of my picture? Yeah, I've got guns, so? Yeah, I've got jewelry, so? Yeah, I show it off, so? It's not like the caption to the picture was "DON'T **** WITH ME OR I'LL KILL YOU". As I've said before, if you think I'm a badass, it's because you think it, not because I said it.

And the last subject was in direct response to you starting with me, so that's not a very good subject to get on, seeing as how, as always, someone started with me before I said anything. Not only is that hypocrisy, that's stupidity.

Anything else you want to get started on here, or can you actually stop trying to discreetly prove how much of a badass you are by starting in with me on 1/4 the threads I post on?
Originally posted by Ghost C
So now you're making fun of my picture? Yeah, I've got guns, so? Yeah, I've got jewelry, so? Yeah, I show it off, so? It's not like the caption to the picture was "DON'T **** WITH ME OR I'LL KILL YOU". As I've said before, if you think I'm a badass, it's because you think it, not because I said it.

but the thing is...that's what the image implies. showing off guns implies that ur dangerous, showing off the jewelry and guns makes one question where both came from. we don't think ur a badass, u bring off the image that u are a badass without saying it. why do u think u get stares everywhere u go? it's the image u show to people.
If you want to know where the jewelry came from, my mother bought me the necklace for a birthday gift a few years ago, my brother got me my Gucci watch and my other watch for Christmas, last year and the year before, and my ring came from him as well.

Showing off guns implies I've got guns. It's not like I haul off and shoot little kids in the eye because they look at me funny. I hate the mentality that is implanted in everyone's head that anyone who has a gun is automatically a bad person who wants to kill everybody. It's simply not true.

Like I've said so many times before, if people think I'm a badass, that's their problem, their assumption, not mine. I mind my own business for the most part, and don't start unless started with. I play by the code and don't break the rules, and most of the time, I get left alone.
What exactly is so ironic about it? Would you like me to take the approach of a pacifist and let people insult me, and not have anything to say about it, simply because I've stated that I can't stand people who tell me they could kick my ass over the computer?

I don't see the connection between a "Hey, _________ isn't true, go to hell" and "I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS D00D", at all. Ever.
Originally posted by neon_duke
How about 3-1/2 hours before you made this challenge?

So there you go, threatening to kick someone's ass and making a big deal about what a badass you are. Less than 4 hours ago. Are you really that stupid?

Here's some more:

Or, how about this one, where you're threatening to do exactly what you're complaining about these so-called "hardasses" doing:

Or this icy hot stunta picture (attached at this link).

Or, this major accomplishment you felt the need to brag about:

Is that enough evidence? Are you really this stupid, or is this whole thread some kind of joke?

Your good at dismantling anybody aren't you?
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