Acting hard on the internet?

  • Thread starter Ghost C
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Originally posted by Ghost C
If you want to know where the jewelry came from, my mother bought me the necklace for a birthday gift a few years ago, my brother got me my Gucci watch and my other watch for Christmas, last year and the year before, and my ring came from him as well.

Showing off guns implies I've got guns. It's not like I haul off and shoot little kids in the eye because they look at me funny. I hate the mentality that is implanted in everyone's head that anyone who has a gun is automatically a bad person who wants to kill everybody. It's simply not true.

Like I've said so many times before, if people think I'm a badass, that's their problem, their assumption, not mine. I mind my own business for the most part, and don't start unless started with. I play by the code and don't break the rules, and most of the time, I get left alone.

When you show off guns it implies your a badass.
Originally posted by Ghost C
If you want to know where the jewelry came from, my mother bought me the necklace for a birthday gift a few years ago, my brother got me my Gucci watch and my other watch for Christmas, last year and the year before, and my ring came from him as well.

Showing off guns implies I've got guns. It's not like I haul off and shoot little kids in the eye because they look at me funny. I hate the mentality that is implanted in everyone's head that anyone who has a gun is automatically a bad person who wants to kill everybody. It's simply not true.

Like I've said so many times before, if people think I'm a badass, that's their problem, their assumption, not mine. I mind my own business for the most part, and don't start unless started with. I play by the code and don't break the rules, and most of the time, I get left alone.

so basically, ur nothing but a white, wannabe Nelly or 50 cent...both of whom try to look and act badass just to make people like them.

but yes, u give people a bad image of yourself and then u wonder why people think you're a badass. u try to look like one.

but ups to vatman and the irony 👍

That's about all I have to say. I'm also drowning in a sea of irony (or smoothies if you want to go Tim's way).
Originally posted by Sage

That's about all I have to say. I'm also drowning in a sea of irony (or smoothies if you want to go Tim's way).
Don't you be hatin' me now. I'll kick your ass, *****.
Originally posted by emad
so basically, ur nothing but a white, wannabe Nelly or 50 cent...both of whom try to look and act badass just to make people like them.

but yes, u give people a bad image of yourself and then u wonder why people think you're a badass. u try to look like one.

but ups to vatman and the irony 👍

Uh, Nelly doesn't have the image of being a badass. Nelly is far from having the attainable image of a badass, but that's not the point. 50 Cent got shot 9 times and lived. In fact, he got shot in the mouth, and spit out the bullet. Yes, he is a little bit of a badass. Still not the point...

How do I try to look like a badass? Sorry, want me to post up some pictures of me wearing a suit and tie? That isn't me, so why would I do it? Trying to be something you aren't is worse than acting like a badass on the internet.

I'm me, I dress how I've dressed since I was 6, I tote guns around and take pictures with them because it's fun, and something to do. You don't like me? That's great. You think I'm trying to be a badass? Wonderful. Do I care about your opinion? Not at all.
It's not so much how you dress, or that you own guns. It's the fact that you felt the need to post a picture of yourself pointing them at the camera, with a "**** you" look on your face.

All of us will act to defend ourselves or our loved ones if necessary, because when it comes right down to it survival is the single strongest instinct for all living things. The difference is that you seem to feel the need to advertise the fact.

Go on and flame me if you want, but you are definitely putting out an "I'm a badass" vibe here. Unintentionally, you claim, but posting pics and comments along the lines of those highlighted are not going to convince any of us of that fact.
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
I really wish someone would invent something so I could punch you through the internet.
Klos, I think you missed the fact that Tim was joking with Sage. Ahhh...The king of sarcasm missed that one of his disciples has been learning well. ;)

Yes, A great site to waste an hour or so on. Perhaps my favorite quote (Explicit language warning), and one that I've so often wanted to quote for people on this site: It's a lesson a few bright individuals need to ponder.

Originally posted by M5Power
Of course they live off their parents' money - do you expect them to have a job or something?

This cracks me up because it reminds me of a Simpsons episode where Bart goes outside in his pajamas and Jimbo says "Nice PJ's, Simpson. Did your mommy buy those for ya?" And Bart says "Of course she did, who else would have?"

It might have been underwear.
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
I really wish someone would invent something so I could punch you through the internet.


But then they would've invented something where he could smoke your ass with his AK through the internet. Beware of insecure assholes with guns.
Originally posted by chris100575
It's not so much how you dress, or that you own guns. It's the fact that you felt the need to post a picture of yourself pointing them at the camera, with a "**** you" look on your face.

Don't bother with him. I tried. It's futile. I think is has to be genetic. It's the only plausible explanation.

Uh oh. He might kill me for using "plausible". :nervous:

OR maybe even "genetic". :nervous::nervous:
Everybody quoted this chump so much that having him on my ignore list was rendered usless.

C'est la vie.

Uh oh :nervous: :lol:

Thank you all for starting my Monday morning with a good laugh.
Originally posted by Ghost C
Here's a situation for you, duke; Someone kicks out one of your windows. Do you go pick them some flowers and tell them not to worry, because it's not a big deal? You might, because you've probably got a truckload of money sitting around. I don't. I can't afford to buy a new window. You want to give me money to get my window fixed? I'll leave whoever did it alone.
But you've got money for guns, (presumably) ammo, liquor, and jewelry. Your choice; don't whine to me about it. I drive a 7-year-old Neon. I just happen to choose more important things to spend my money on.
So me saying kids don't have enough respect, and jokingly saying "Hey, I'll take them out back and beat the hell out of them". My grandfather and his friends say stuff like that all the time, and I find it amusing, so I added a joke to the discussion. Didn't find it funny? I don't care.
Yet you apparently can't seem to find it funny yourself, when the shoe is up the other ass, and it's you that people are playing hardass to. And you accuse me of hypocrisy? When I rant, I rant about things I don't do. That's the way it's supposed to work.
So now you're making fun of my picture? Yeah, I've got guns, so? Yeah, I've got jewelry, so? Yeah, I show it off, so? It's not like the caption to the picture was "DON'T **** WITH ME OR I'LL KILL YOU". As I've said before, if you think I'm a badass, it's because you think it, not because I said it.
Well, I asked you if you were stupid, didn't I? I didn't say "Ghost C is a stupid idiot." If you think I'm calling you stupid, it's because you think it, not because I said it.

You dress and act in a way that projects a certain image. Consistantly. So quit whining when people suspect you are trying to project that image, and quit b!tching when other people do exactly the same thing. Unless you're thinking to yourself, "but I really am a hardass!"? In which case, you've got no proof that the people you're complaining about aren't hardasses too. Either way, you're hanging yourself out to dry.
And the last subject was in direct response to you starting with me, so that's not a very good subject to get on, seeing as how, as always, someone started with me before I said anything. Not only is that hypocrisy, that's stupidity.

Anything else you want to get started on here, or can you actually stop trying to discreetly prove how much of a badass you are by starting in with me on 1/4 the threads I post on?
As far as I can recall, the last time I "started" with you was in the little plastic Homies thread. And that was in response to something you said, again as I recall. In fact, I'd like you to demonstrate where I've said something to you first. I backed up my claim of why I think you're an internet hardass and a hypocrite, with half a dozen comments you have made that prove it. Please do the same to back up your claim that I'm "starting in" with you.
Originally posted by askia47
Your good at dismantling anybody aren't you?
Only when they make themselves easy targets. At least, that's the only time that they really deserve dismantling.
But you've got money for guns, (presumably) ammo, liquor, and jewelry. Your choice; don't whine to me about it. I drive a 7-year-old Neon. I just happen to choose more important things to spend my money on.

I didn't buy the guns; Gifts from family and friends. I've got a clip load of ammo in each, which was with them when I got them. I've never spent money on liquor before, it gets brought to my house and I don't care where it came from before, and I thought I explained where the jewelry came from?

Yet you apparently can't seem to find it funny yourself, when the shoe is up the other ass, and it's you that people are playing hardass to. And you accuse me of hypocrisy? When I rant, I rant about things I don't do. That's the way it's supposed to work.

I still want you to point out where I've said to someone online, for no reason at all but to seem cool, "I'm going to kick your ass", or something along the lines. No, I don't mean post a quote of me telling a story of something that happened in real life, or link to one of my pictures, I want you to point out where I've started in on someone about how much better than them I am, and how easily I could kick their ass.

Well, I asked you if you were stupid, didn't I? I didn't say "Ghost C is a stupid idiot." If you think I'm calling you stupid, it's because you think it, not because I said it.

Where did I say that you said I was stupid? I don't recall it, but I also have terrible memory. Are you stupid?

You dress and act in a way that projects a certain image. Consistantly. So quit whining when people suspect you are trying to project that image, and quit b!tching when other people do exactly the same thing. Unless you're thinking to yourself, "but I really am a hardass!"? In which case, you've got no proof that the people you're complaining about aren't hardasses too. Either way, you're hanging yourself out to dry.

No no no. You've misunderstood me. When I say I get tired of people acting like hardasses on the internet, I mean people who tell you they're going to kick your ass. I thought I made that pretty clear by now, obviously not. I don't care what you guys think of the way I dress or how I take pictures. If you think it makes me out to be a badass then go on thinking that, I'm sure I won't be able to change it.

But after looking at the picture of me outside, it does look like I'm trying to have a "I'm ****ing going to kill you" look on my face, but it wasn't intended, for the most part. I was trying to make it look like I was aiming with one of the guns (Which is almost impossible holding guns like that, anyway..), and it came out like that.

As far as I can recall, the last time I "started" with you was in the little plastic Homies thread. And that was in response to something you said, again as I recall. In fact, I'd like you to demonstrate where I've said something to you first. I backed up my claim of why I think you're an internet hardass and a hypocrite, with half a dozen comments you have made that prove it. Please do the same to back up your claim that I'm "starting in" with you.

The last time you started with me was in the thread about drinking. I don't remember the name, and don't care enough to look for it. You told me I was full of it, I explained to you that I, in fact, was not. Then you came in with a quote of me saying it, but you forgot your post, the reason why it was said.

We argued in the homies thread? Uh, why? It was a thread about 1" tall rubber figures that resemble Mexicans. I'm fairly certain I didn't start trouble in my own thread, so I'm also fairly certain I didn't start said arguement.

What's with mile and posting 6 times in a row, fishing for replies from me? That's some stupid **** right there.
:lol: Mods.. Please make this thread sticky.. Didn't actually bother to read it until just now and this is the funniest **** in a long time...
Hey there, Flerbizky, there's this neat thing called a "topic", and in some places, they like to stay on it.

This is one of those places. If you don't have anything to contribute to the discussion beside "OMG D00D LOAL!!!111111", you should leave.
Originally posted by Ghost C
I didn't buy the guns; Gifts from family and friends. I've got a clip load of ammo in each, which was with them when I got them. I've never spent money on liquor before, it gets brought to my house and I don't care where it came from before, and I thought I explained where the jewelry came from?
You were claiming you didn't have enough money to fix a broken window. I was claiming there was apparently enough money in your household being spent on other things that might be less important than a weather-tight house. Perhaps less money should be spent on those other things, in order to leave a little for more important things? It's not crtitical exactly who in the family physically pays for the window, at least in my mind.

And as an aside, you have these guns but have never done anyhting but wave them around?
I still want you to point out where I've said to someone online, for no reason at all but to seem cool, "I'm going to kick your ass", or something along the lines. No, I don't mean post a quote of me telling a story of something that happened in real life, or link to one of my pictures, I want you to point out where I've started in on someone about how much better than them I am, and how easily I could kick their ass.
All the comments that I've pointed out do just that. If it somehow makes a difference that you're threatening someone else, not a GTP member, then I guess I failed to understand that subtle distinction. The implication is there that you are a hardass and can beat up anyone you wish to
Where did I say that you said I was stupid? I don't recall it, but I also have terrible memory. Are you stupid?
No, I'm not.

I was drawing a parallel to you blaming me for thinking you're an internet hardass. It's completely in response to the image you work so hard to project, yet somehow you seem to think it's my fault for having that impression. I was attempting to illustrate that things work both ways, but apparently that's a little hard to get across to you.
No no no. You've misunderstood me. When I say I get tired of people acting like hardasses on the internet, I mean people who tell you they're going to kick your ass. I thought I made that pretty clear by now, obviously not.
As I said before, that's an exquisitely subtle distinction that I somehow failed to recognize. Since it makes such a difference, from now on I'll be careful to only belittle people from my real life and only tell stories about horrendous logical flaws and blatant hypocrisy that I've seen elsewhere.

That way, I can rest assured that no one at GTP will think I'm a pompous, stuck up, arrogant bastard.
But after looking at the picture of me outside, it does look like I'm trying to have a "I'm ****ing going to kill you" look on my face, but it wasn't intended, for the most part. I was trying to make it look like I was aiming with one of the guns (Which is almost impossible holding guns like that, anyway..), and it came out like that.
You posted the picture. You could have chosen a different one. Note that I haven't chosen to post the picture of me with the goatee that made me look like a pale, overfed demon with a double chin. Go figure.
The last time you started with me was in the thread about drinking. I don't remember the name, and don't care enough to look for it. You told me I was full of it, I explained to you that I, in fact, was not. Then you came in with a quote of me saying it, but you forgot your post, the reason why it was said.
You claimed I started with you in 1/4 of the threads you posted in. In fact, you claimed several times that I've started in with you. You claimed I'm discreetly tryin to prove myself a badass by attacking you. That one thread was a long time ago. It was also in response to a claim that I still feel was exaggerated. If that's all you've got in the way of proof, I dismiss your claim that I'm "starting in" with you.
This thread is grossly off topic. We don't allow threads about specific members, and we don't allow member bashing in anyway. If you want to dismantle someone’s character or continue to point out character defects, keep it out of the public community. Surly as a community we are above this….
You were claiming you didn't have enough money to fix a broken window. I was claiming there was apparently enough money in your household being spent on other things that might be less important than a weather-tight house. Perhaps less money should be spent on those other things, in order to leave a little for more important things? It's not crtitical exactly who in the family physically pays for the window, at least in my mind.

And as an aside, you have these guns but have never done anyhting but wave them around?

There's no money in my house. I'm not about to start selling my stuff for less than half of what it's worth to any of the shops (They want to give me $25 for a ring I've seen in shops for $300, for instance), so that leaves me with fixing the hole with what I have around the house. The same thing we've had to do with the rest of everything that's gone wrong.

No, I've never killed anyone with those guns, or even had to shoot someone, if that's what you're implying. The 1911 and AK have both seen range use, but the 910S hasn't. If I could afford ammo and go to the range, I would, but I can't.

All the comments that I've pointed out do just that. If it somehow makes a difference that you're threatening someone else, not a GTP member, then I guess I failed to understand that subtle distinction. The implication is there that you are a hardass and can beat up anyone you wish to

So far, I've managed to get out that if I ever catch who vandalized my house I'm going to beat them half to death, and have said that (50% jokingly, 50% serious) the RIAA could go **** theirselves with their stupid lawsuits.

I was drawing a parallel to you blaming me for thinking you're an internet hardass. It's completely in response to the image you work so hard to project, yet somehow you seem to think it's my fault for having that impression. I was attempting to illustrate that things work both ways, but apparently that's a little hard to get across to you.

I've never got up in the morning and said to myself "Hey, I wonder how badass I can look today", or even anything like that. I don't know why people think I do, I don't "work hard to achieve the image of a badass", I dress poor because I am poor. I buy what I can afford, sorry I can't afford **** from designer labels like the rest of you people seem to be able to.

As I said before, that's an exquisitely subtle distinction that I somehow failed to recognize. Since it makes such a difference, from now on I'll be careful to only belittle people from my real life and only tell stories about horrendous logical flaws and blatant hypocrisy that I've seen elsewhere.

That way, I can rest assured that no one at GTP will think I'm a pompous, stuck up, arrogant bastard.

Uh, ok.

You posted the picture. You could have chosen a different one. Note that I haven't chosen to post the picture of me with the goatee that made me look like a pale, overfed demon with a double chin. Go figure.

I never said that I shouldn't have posted the picture. I said in retrospect, yes, I agree it does seem as if I'm trying to look like I'm a badass, I simply explained why it looked that way.

You claimed I started with you in 1/4 of the threads you posted in. In fact, you claimed several times that I've started in with you. You claimed I'm discreetly tryin to prove myself a badass by attacking you. That one thread was a long time ago. It was also in response to a claim that I still feel was exaggerated. If that's all you've got in the way of proof, I dismiss your claim that I'm "starting in" with you.

Ok, you might not start with me in 1/4 of the threads I post in, but it sure seems like it when I come on and see you attempting to insult me, or something I've said. You may or may not be trying to prove you're a badass, but I still think it's pointless to have pissing contests online. This is a pissing contest right here, basically, and we're both wasting our time trying to prove each other wrong and be the "winner" of the arguement.

You can feel that I exaggerated all you want, but I've got no reason to lie. If I wanted to act like a badass, I'd go tell exaggerated stories to people in real life, and actually try to be a badass to people who would matter (Not that you people don't matter at all, I'm sure you matter to someone. I just don't see the internet as being anything more than a tool for entertainment. I don't get upset over the ****, etc).
Originally posted by Ghost C
Hey there, Flerbizky, there's this neat thing called a "topic", and in some places, they like to stay on it.

This is one of those places. If you don't have anything to contribute to the discussion beside "OMG D00D LOAL!!!111111", you should leave.
Well hey there yourself...

So - You're now telling me, that you, and The Duke, are actually on topic ?.. IF that is the case, then why isn't the Topic "The Dismantling of the Ghost C Charicature" ?..

I don't contribute... I Hi-Jack :mischievous:
Pako - I agree trying to insult someone to make yourself feel better is petty, and that the discussion is off topic, but not too far. We're discussing my "image of badass-ness" (Lack thereof, but still..), or at least duke and myself are. Mile is contributing all of nothing to the discussion.

Concept - DOOL OR SUFT


Flerbizky, you're not hijacking ****, and nobody is dismantling anything, considering I'm sitting here laughing, drinking my pepsi, and listening to music, just like any other day.

Like I said, it's about how much of a badass I'm percieved as being, which is slightly on topic.
Originally posted by Concept
I must not be as hard as you. What the **** does that mean?
I didn't get 'em either, SUFT could've been a misspelled STFU though. One just don't know :rolleyes:
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