Acting hard on the internet?

  • Thread starter Ghost C
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Originally posted by Flerbizky
Well hey there yourself...

So - You're now telling me, that you, and The Duke, are actually on topic ?.. IF that is the case, then why isn't the Topic "The Dismantling of the Ghost C Charicature" ?..

I don't contribute... I Hi-Jack :mischievous:

In order to hi-jack a thread, you need another member to reply and basically help it along.

I volunteer.

So Flerb... That Ghost C guy sure is a PRICK, huh?

Better, tough guy?
"duel or stfu", came from a game I used to play, Infantry. It's what they used to say when their pride was offended ("U SUX D00D"..."OMFG DUEL OR STFU!!!111111ONE"..."OMG DOOL!!!!!!!!111111ONEONEONE111")

(Edit: Nice changing that from prick to moron, mile, even I can appreciate someone trying to be a badass, but changing it so they don't get in trouble. Actually, no I can't.)
Originally posted by Ghost C
Pako - I agree trying to insult someone to make yourself feel better is petty, and that the discussion is off topic, but not too far. We're discussing my "image of badass-ness" (Lack thereof, but still..), or at least duke and myself are. Mile is contributing all of nothing to the discussion.
pako, I highly respect your opinion. Despite the fact that I'm not deliberately trying to attack any member's character, I was planning to drop the subject. I'm certainly not upset about it since this after all an internet message board and not anything critical to life in general. In point of fact the discussion has nearly run its course anyway. But nonetheless I beleive there are still points to be made, especially in light of the other member's post above.
Originally posted by Ghost C
"duel or stfu", came from a game I used to play, Infantry. It's what they used to say when their pride was offended ("U SUX D00D"..."OMFG DUEL OR STFU!!!111111ONE"..."OMG DOOL!!!!!!!!111111ONEONEONE111")
Then why not write STFU and not SUFT - How are we to know the clever jokes you play with your pals ? :rolleyes:
How about this? Am I hard now?


  • hardmatt.jpg
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Originally posted by Ghost C
There's no money in my house. I'm not about to start selling my stuff for less than half of what it's worth to any of the shops (They want to give me $25 for a ring I've seen in shops for $300, for instance), so that leaves me with fixing the hole with what I have around the house. The same thing we've had to do with the rest of everything that's gone wrong.
My point was not that you should sell your stuff at a loss. My point was that perhaps that stuff should not have been bought in the first place, if it left the household without enough money to fix a broken window. If some real tragedy occurred between times that interfered with family income, I can see your point. However, it might be a better idea to prepare for the unknown rather than complaining about not being able to afford it.

I've been married 13 years. My wife's engagement ring cost $100 because that is the sum total of what I could spare at the time. Since that time I have not had enough extra money to buy her something nicer (but ultimately unnecessary) until this year, when I finally bought her a piece of jewelry for her 40th birthday. But neither of us is wearing a $300 ring, plus other jewelry, while I patch a window with cardboard.

My wife and I both drive 7-year-old Neons, which are obviously cheap cars. I'd have to trade them both in to get anything like a downpayment for even a modest new car. Any minor accident will likely total one because they are worth nothing. Yet they both run and I plan on keeping them for at least 2 years more. I could buy a new car if I was willing to - but I'd rather drive an old Neon, and have a couple spare mortgage payments in store in case something truly bad happens.

Do I complain about driving an old car? No. But I don't complain about being unable to fix something that breaks, either. You make your own choices; so don't complain whn they turn out to be incorrect.
I've never got up in the morning and said to myself "Hey, I wonder how badass I can look today", or even anything like that. I don't know why people think I do, I don't "work hard to achieve the image of a badass",
It's been abundantly explained why people think that. In fact, you're the only person in this thread who doesn't think that. Since you maintain that you don't care that we do think you try to project a badass image, perhaps you should not complain about ways other people try to project a badass image.
I dress poor because I am poor. I buy what I can afford, sorry I can't afford **** from designer labels like the rest of you people seem to be able to.
In all honesty, most "poor" people I've seen drive far nicer cars and wear far more expensive clothes than I do. Not all of them, but many many.
  • My nicest car is a 3-year-old minivan with 50,000 miles on it, that I just bought used to replace my 11-year-old minivan. My old car was destroyed in an accident - I got rear ended by a "poor" person driving a brand new car with state-mandated minimum insurance. It's likely totalled and she likely owes her bank 4-5 more years of car payments, with no car to go with them. Until the accident I had no intention of replacing the van, even though much nicer ones were available.
  • If you consider Lands End $17 shirts as a designer label, then I wear designer clothes. I own 4 pairs of shoes; my only pair of sneakers is 5 years old and cost $35 new. Yet I see "poor people" in full length leather coats, Hilfiger logos all over them, wearing gold watches and the newest Nikes (or some other, more hip-and-expensive brand I don't know about) in gleaming spotless white. If you dress at Walmart prices, I certainly won't bust on you, because so do I.
  • See my post about jewelry above.
Hey, you made the point about it being different, not me.
I never said that I shouldn't have posted the picture. I said in retrospect, yes, I agree it does seem as if I'm trying to look like I'm a badass, I simply explained why it looked that way.
You seem offended that people think you're trying to look like a badass. We're simply explaining why we think that. No matter how much you wish to project that onto us, you need to realize that you are the one doing the projecting. Again; you make the choice - so don't complain about the results.
Ok, you might not start with me in 1/4 of the threads I post in, but it sure seems like it when I come on and see you attempting to insult me, or something I've said. You may or may not be trying to prove you're a badass, but I still think it's pointless to have pissing contests online.
I'll have to end my participation with what vat_man said. The irony is killing me.
My point was not that you should sell your stuff at a loss. My point was that perhaps that stuff should not have been bought in the first place, if it left the household without enough money to fix a broken window. If some real tragedy occurred between times that interfered with family income, I can see your point. However, it might be a better idea to prepare for the unknown rather than complaining about not being able to afford it.

I've been married 13 years. My wife's engagement ring cost $100 because that is the sum total of what I could spare at the time. Since that time I have not had enough extra money to buy her something nicer (but ultimately unnecessary) until this year, when I finally bought her a piece of jewelry for her 40th birthday. But neither of us is wearing a $300 ring, plus other jewelry, while I patch a window with cardboard.

All of the jewelry, the guns, and even most of my clothing were gifts from family members or friends of mine. I've never had the money to buy that crap in the first place.

On a side note, I just realized that there was an attempt at getting into my basement in another room that I don't go into. I'm ****ing going to be sitting around with all the lights out waiting for someone to try something. God ****ing damnit that pisses me off.

In all honesty, most "poor" people I've seen drive far nicer cars and wear far more expensive clothes than I do. Not all of them, but many many.
  • If you consider Lands End $17 shirts as a designer label, then I wear designer clothes. I own 4 pairs of shoes; my only pair of sneakers is 5 years old and cost $35 new. Yet I see "poor people" in full length leather coats, Hilfiger logos all over them, wearing gold watches and the newest Nikes (or some other, more hip-and-expensive brand I don't know about) in gleaming spotless white. If you dress at Walmart prices, I certainly won't bust on you, because so do I.

I've got maybe 10 pairs of pants, 6-7 shirts, a pair of boots, a pair of 2 year old Nikes, and that's it. All of that totals up to about $200 maybe, and that's all I've got. I don't say I'm poor because it's a cool image to have, I say I'm poor because I'm poor. Anyway, this is a stupid point, who wants to argue about who has less?

And as for Concept, haven't you ever heard the saying that "Arguing on the internet is like the special olympics, even if you win, you're still retarded"?

Besides, there was nothing to win in the first place. Cable company is coming to fix my goddamn modem that's been on the twitch lately sometime, so I'm going to go and clean up the house some.

Anyway, thread closed
Originally posted by Ghost C
I just realized that there was an attempt at getting into my basement in another room that I don't go into. I'm ****ing going to be sitting around with all the lights out waiting for someone to try something.

That's a real hard thing to do. Make sure you've got all your guns with you.

9/10 on the "hard things to do" scale. 👍
Originally posted by Ghost C
I've got maybe 10 pairs of pants, 6-7 shirts, a pair of boots, a pair of 2 year old Nikes, and that's it. All of that totals up to about $200 maybe, and that's all I've got. I don't say I'm poor because it's a cool image to have, I say I'm poor because I'm poor.
The point was not to embarrass you; I'm sorry. The point was to see if you were in the gold-and-leather crowd. I'm glad you're not.

On a semi-related note, I do hope that the people who are trying to break in are caught.

With that, I'm going to close this thread, because you asked me to.
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