Well, I wouldn't doubt a wow title on consoles after this... I mean really, do you think any company would skip an entire market like that?
"wow" has reached it's height in popularity (IMO) and spreading to the console market is one of the best ways to get
new customers. Stress that, NEW, customers. PC people will always be a potential base of sales for wow and at this point it's a matter of keeping existing customers.
Basically, PC users who want to play WOW have already started playing, kept playing, and now, even taken breaks.
However, Console users have never had a chance to get their hands on wow and wouldn't mind playing. 👍
That's a huge market and I can't see them skipping out on that (even if they bring a different game with the same goal, which makes sense to me being that I think wow's popularity has leveled off if not begun to decline).
Beyond that... Asking why anyone would do this... Money!
Since, for what I know, no one here is on the blizzard or vivendi staffs, I'm going to go out on a limb and say "we," the population of the GTP did not create these companies or succeed as they have and so we are in no position to judge what potential a merger of this kind can bring.
Of course, with that said, there are basic economics to consider... Is this a true merger? Is this a hidden buyout?
I'd be interested to know what makes anyone here think this merger would not be profitable.
Btw, the last to replies make me think... Diablo I and II = PC, wow= PC, Blizzard= PC RPGs, Square= needs competition, Me=