Where do I begin?
My brain/mind/subconscious/whatever has been controlled by some pharmaceutical or illegal drug since I was 6...
I was on ritalin from 6-12. I started smoking weed, cigarettes and drinking at 15. I started smoking crack at 16 to 19. Worst 2 1/2 years of my life... I have been locked up 14 times for possession and other stupidity. After serving 8 months, my longest time incarcerated, I had to figure out how kick crack. Yeah after 8 months sober I still wanted it! Go figure! Did I mention I've ODed before? Well guess what I went back to? Weed. I've become very angry lately about my job I've quit for the 3rd time... So I was drinking a lot and have gone from 12 to 16-18 16oz. beers a day. I do look at my life and wonder WTF am I doing. My girl isn't happy I'm drunk and high every waking minute I'm off and I'm not happy I was working 60-90 hours a week. I really do want to quit, I'd like a CDL, if I gotta hear crap for being on the road all the time I'd like better pay. I had an interesting conversation with a police officer about ritalin/kids and what he said he thinks leads to other addictions.
Is it the ritalin? Is it I'm angry about my mom, not knowing who she is and being born a crack baby? Or am I simply a lost soul? Do I hate my current life?
I had 2 people here reach out to me last time I posted about trying to quit, I appreciate them for trying to help, I never went this deep talking to them and I didn't want to admit my failure.
My relationship with my girl is on the brinks cause of my drinking.
I honestly don't know what to do, my brain screams F it, get wasted, my sober brain says you need a good job, don't give up! I then go into the the why bother circle...
Hope my post makes sense.