Agressive Drivers

  • Thread starter Puffy
i mean, unlike me there are drivers that would do anything to stop a bump or something like that, me i just think it's fun to hit someone so hard that u make'em spin or cut them of just to laugh for a while, that's what driving is all about is not like on NFS4 where u have to fix your car if u wreck it. Any more agressive drivers??
I member one time, I didn't really care about some race and some fool had cut me off or bumped me, in a Honda, and I hate Honda's. It was in Rome Circuit. I cut him off and STOPPED for about thirty seconds in front of him. Since it was a Honda, he was too stupid to go around me. I ended up winning the race. Vroom.
hell yea. i do that stuff all the time. i normally race real clean, no grass or anything. but if someone hits me 😈
and when i did the endurances, i had such a lead at the end, for the last 5 mins i would turn around and play chicken.. :D
I ran one of the Amateur series in a stock Speed 12 - I only had medium tyres which were j u s t lasting the distance.

There was a JGTC NSX, the Arta I think, that kept punting me through the whole series.

I had revenge at Tokyo II though. I had a solid draft from the rest of the field and was nearing the limiter in 6th at the end of the straight. There he was, just finishing his braking - and gosh, I was so excited I just clean forgot to brake. Speed 12 at 330kmh meets NSX doing 80kmh.

I hit him absolutely square on, which slowed me perfectly for the left hairpin, while he disappeared deep into the barriers. The whole of the rest of the field got past while he was recovering.
is fun just before a turn let the guy in front of you brake for you, what i mean is when he is brakin to make tthe turn just hit he'll slow u down and u'll send him flying, pretty fun stuff
vat- The end of the straightway at Tokyo is the absolute best place to ram a car... just don't brake, hit, then scoot away! :D

And yes, I am an aggressive driver... unless I'm running in a really hard race where my car is comparable to others, it's always fun to play with the AI.
I try to race pretty clean most of the time, but if my car is much better than any of AI, then I'll always have a 'play' with them, nudging (and slamming) them. ;)
in the test track i ram them at 270mph so that near 450mph together combining mine and the victims speed. Usually he goes flying!@!!!!!!!!
I am an aggressive driver on the game in the sense that I drive the car to the limit. I still race clean, but I will wear some tires down quick sometimes!!! I usually don't bump and slam people, but once in a while someone will irritate me, and that is a bad idea. I might draft with them, get them loose, and use that to my advantage. Sounds like NASCAR now :rolleyes:

I don't purposely slam into a car going 3 times their speed, unless I sneeze and don't see them there. :P
Sometimes if i'm in a series that i need the win and have an underpowered car i'll knock the table leader (or close second if he's been trouble) off the track in the first lap to be sure of the series win.

What i want to know though is are they vindictive? I'm sure i've been shunted, and bad, by cars i've given a "little nudge" to.
Originally posted by slip2rock
Sometimes if i'm in a series that i need the win and have an underpowered car i'll knock the table leader (or close second if he's been trouble) off the track in the first lap to be sure of the series win.

What i want to know though is are they vindictive? I'm sure i've been shunted, and bad, by cars i've given a "little nudge" to.

Actually the AI cars respond to nudging, so yes.
I don't like doing it as it detracts from the realism. I try not doing it to give me a bit of discipline. Damage in GT4 (if it happens) will sort that out though.

Having said that, if it's a tight race I'm up for any amount of 'gentle persuasion'. All's fair in love and war etc! 😈
I'm very aggressive when it comes to holding the line I've chosen, so if a car is coming in and going to hit me, I'm not going to flinch and it'll mean a collision (especially early on, since I rarely ever qualify for any given race). So that is perhaps a little unrealistic, but if the AI wants to get around me, it's got to earn it... heh.

Also, I'm likely to help an opponent go a little out of their way if things are getting down to the wire. Catching the back bumper of an opponent going into a turn or keeping my car planted firmly in front of a drifting opponent can buy some precious seconds and isn't unrealistic. Professional drivers in many circuits do the same, so I don't feel particularly bad about it in-game.
I remember on Tahiti Maze I was in my trusty Ford Mustang :) The Evo rammed me up my arse.

I got really mad so on the next corner I let him go on the inside of me........I rammed him right up against the wall, I sped off while he was some how left in a daze of 360 spins :)

Serves the dumb Evo Right!

btw mybad, offhand I think the one with the best power:weight ratio is the F094/S.
Originally posted by mybad4990
You're welcome. :D

Last night I was doing the Pro GT World series in my ZZII. I was running the Test Course, and the only opponent that could keep up with me was the 787B. It was just as fast as me, so I was a little bit concerned that it might beat me, and there's nothing worse than being in second place after 10 laps of the Test Course. So, naturally, I started ramming him into the walls. I kep doing this for several laps, but it didn't have the desired affect... he would just skid a little while regaining control, then catch up to me again via drafting. However, the last time that I did it, something happened. I rammed him so hard that it must've spun out or something... It was "caught" onto the wall for a while. I couldn't see it in my rearview mirror, so I watched the map... his dot wasn't moving a bit! It just stayed there for about 20 seconds, then the dot started slowly moving, but by this time the other CPUs had bypassed it.

BTW, why DO the CPU cars get "stuck" or "caught" onto the walls when you hit them just right? Have any of you other aggressive drivers noticed this?
it happened to me in Seattle , you know that kind of s turn just before the straight away that goes to the finish line, well i hit this one corvette and i hit him pretty hard so he went straight for the wall i lost about to places but i recovered so the next lap i pased and the corvette was still "stuck" on the wall, he never got out in the whole 3 laps i had left.

weird huh how he didn't even move and stayed there