
  • Thread starter Exorcet

Is there extraterrestrial life?

  • Yes, and they are not Earth like creatures (non carbon based)

    Votes: 19 2.5%
  • Yes, and they are not Earth like creatures (carbon based)

    Votes: 25 3.3%
  • Yes, and they are not Earth like creatures (carbon and non carbon based)

    Votes: 82 10.8%
  • Yes, and they are humanoid creatures

    Votes: 39 5.1%
  • Yes, and they are those associated with abductions

    Votes: 19 2.5%
  • Yes, but I don't know what they'd be like

    Votes: 379 49.8%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 151 19.8%
  • No, they only exist in movies

    Votes: 47 6.2%

  • Total voters
Anyways, I wonder what's causing them?

The region of space where the signal originated seemed vacant, unoccupied by any star, galaxy or nebula. There have been quite a few of this kind of signal, but this is the first time its (non) origin was located in real time.

As to its cause, they have ruled out quasars, pulsars, supernovae and all the normal, well understood (?) sources.

However, these radio bursts have the same 1400 MHz flux density that exactly matches laboratory models of conventional, and very Earthly, excited helium-neon vacuum flux tubes. In space, huge magnetically stabilized and electrically charged helium currents that collide with neon atoms could produce these radio bursts. Mainstream astrophysics does not quite accept this yet.

Another, more exciting hypothesis is that aliens, having monitored Earthly radio broadcast for ~100 years, are sending back the same sort of signal as a form of communication.
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Another, more exciting theory is that aliens, having monitored Earthly radio broadcast for ~100 years, are sending back the same sort of signal as a form of communication.
While this sounds exciting, there is one problem with anyone hanging on to this theory:

The region of space where the signal originated seemed vacant, unoccupied by any star, galaxy or nebula.

Either it is so far away that we can't see it, meaning they wouldn't have gotten our signals yet, they are some unknown form of life that needs no star or planet to exist, or they sent us an invite without leaving the light on for us.

We would likely never know in the next few lifetimes if it were intelligent life because we wouldn't be able to find it.

I wonder if some large, past event, on a big bang type scale, didn't occur a long time ago and these aren't just the remaining ripples. All energy in the universe are just remnants of the energy from the creation of the universe. It might not necessarily all be captured in easily identifiable or explained forms, such as gravity, light, and heat, or any other form that we are able to measure. It might just be something that we don't know exists.
All energy in the universe are just remnants of the energy from the creation of the universe.

Off topic:
There is a paradox which cosmologists are uncomfortable with. If the universe is expanding - even accelerating, then new space and its new energy is being created. Thus there is no conservation of energy in the universe.
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Off topic:
There is a paradox which cosmologists are uncomfortable with. If the universe is expanding - even accelerating, then new space and its new energy is being created. Thus there is no conservation of energy the universe.
I think the paradox is because we think the universe's creation happened in a giant bang, like a bomb going off. It is finished in seconds. What if that bang was so big that it is still exploding? It would explain the accelerated growth. We are being pushed away from the epicenter of creation, and doing it so fast that we will never be able to see it.

I think science often gets so stuck in its ideals that new data confounds them because they can't think outside the box. They have new, conflicting data. It is time to reconsider what we think we know, while simultaneously rechecking our new data for accuracy.

Similarly with aliens, we keep looking for life that looks like what we see on Earth. We have no idea if that is all life can look like. I fear that if interplanetary wars ever occurred it would be because someone colonized, killing numbers of the indigenous species that look nothing like life as they know it.
I don't believe that there are aliens. I'm sorry if that irks anyone

If there were it would have been impossible to cover up by now

That said, I'll contradict myself. They may well appear in the future

We haven't encountered them yet though
I don't believe that there are aliens. I'm sorry if that irks anyone

If there were it would have been impossible to cover up by now

That said, I'll contradict myself. They may well appear in the future

We haven't encountered them yet though
Aliens visiting Earth, yes, that's unlikely. But what about 'aliens' as in "possible life in other planets"? Given the amount of solar systems, planets, Earth-like planets out there the chances are more than high. Even if it's much more likely to be basic life forms rather than technologically advanced green little men.
Aliens visiting Earth, yes, that's unlikely. But what about 'aliens' as in "possible life in other planets"? Given the amount of solar systems, planets, Earth-like planets out there the chances are more than high. Even if it's much more likely to be basic life forms rather than technologically advanced green little men
indeed. I've always been of the opinion that even if there were alien cultures out there, that there was the mathematical possibility that we were the most intelligent
Very slick promotional trailer for upcoming event showing images of supposed alien body. There have been many similar claims made for decades about the Roswell alien. Is this just the newest and best hoax? Is the "alien" really a deformed child? Personally, I don't believe it, but I don't want to believe it either, so I am prejudiced. You be the judge.

Yes, but I don't think any of us would have any luck predicting how they'd look like without knowing what sort of world they evolved on.

They might be carbon based, considering we know for a fact that carbon based life can actually exist. However, we don't know if carbon based life has an easier or harder time evolving than life forms that aren't carbon based, so we could in fact be the really weird aliens while most other aliens are based on a completely different chemistry, and live on far colder or hotter worlds than we feel comfortable with.

I don't think aliens (except microbes encapsuled in meteorites) have visited earth while tool-using life forms have been in existence.
Watch this video of the purple Peru UFO:


Both distant and zoomed-in perspectives of the UFO reveal a saucer-shaped object, with a large central bright purple section, tapering off on either end. The extreme right end appears almost black in color, while the opposite end seems to be a darker purple shade than the center part of the object. The video also reveals that sometimes the two dark ends appear to become smaller and larger.

Eyewitnesses reported seeing the aerial object for up to two hours, and yet, no video has emerged showing how the UFO left the scene.
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Peruvians always do this, all of their past tries of UFO and mythical creature sightings have been proven fake, and there's nothing telling me this will be an exception.
Peruvians always do this, all of their past tries of UFO and mythical creature sightings have been proven fake, and there's nothing telling me this will be an exception.
It will only get worse as we enter the age of drones. Now there are a Earth-based, human-controlled UFOS.
What is it? You guessed it, plasma. If it went 1800 mph with no sonic boom, it was not a solid object. Silent, supersonic objects have also been documented in Peru and Colorado.


BAFFLE: The UFO is spotted flying past the drone at an incredible speed [YOUTUBE ]

Assuming it's not a hoax, one thing that has experts baffled is the speed the object is flying.

By analysing the footage it's estimated the 'UFO' is travelling at one mile every two seconds.

Incredibly, that would mean it's flying at around 1800 miles per hour, which is roughly 2.4 times the speed of sound.

You can see the original footage, below, played at actual speed, just don't blink or you'll miss it.
Playful glowing ball of light, a plasma ufo?

I see these almost every day, like my neighbors, especially in summer if the weather is good. I call them ghost stars, they look like stars until they suddenly start to move and fly crazy erratic patterns, circles and accelerate and brake like they're completely massless. Some of them also vibrate wildly. One time I saw one so big I thought its the north star until it started to dance around like possessed. Every now and then I see one that moves like its being controlled, those fly long loops and do not vibrate nor dance around like the others. Suddenly they blast off to the horizon with incredible speed.
They can usually be observed for 1-2 minutes.

I like the idea of them being plasma or some sort of weird electrical phenomena, they way those lights move it seems they're completely massless. Maybe some unknown version of ball lightning?
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Thanks for your reply. May I respectfully ask your age and the general vicinity and circumstances you see these things? I first saw this phenomenon when I was 14, vacationing with my family on a fjord in Washington State.

I agree that ball lightning is a close cousin of the phenomenon.
Clearly you guys just don't get it, our future selves (time travelers) have clearly mastered the art of creating craft that are not fully tangible and also made of pure energy. I can't wait for the year 2516
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Thanks for your reply. May I respectfully ask your age and the general vicinity and circumstances you see these things? I first saw this phenomenon when I was 14, vacationing with my family on a fjord in Washington State.

I agree that ball lightning is a close cousin of the phenomenon.

If its helpful, I'm 26, I live in a rural area, where I can see the stars and even the milky way pretty well. I lived in the city until I moved here 5 years ago, thats when I started seeing those lights. I mostly see them in summer, as far as I remember the record in one night was 12 sightings in under two hours, it seems the hotter the temperature the more lights appear and you are most likely to see one one or two hours before sunrise.

I've only seen two of those lights in winter. The most amazing sighting was when two of those lights suddenly interacted, they were flying similar to an 8-pattern crossing their paths many times for quite a while till they started to fly erratically again only to dim out and vanish a few seconds later.
One strange thing is I've never seen one of those lights appear, I've only observed them when they were moving around so I guess many of those remain stationary looking like stars.

Once I thought them being very distant laser beams but I dismissed that theory because there never are clouds to project he light onto and it also happens during the week. Also laser beams every single day for months? Makes no sense.

Another theory I have is those are small meteorites or space trash illuminated by the sun that bounce off earths atmosphere. The vibration is caused by air layers moving, similar to flickering stars. This does not explain those objects flying circular maneuvers and long loops though.

And just to make things clear, I'm not an Alien or UFO nut, I think those are electric or magnetic phenomenas we have yet to study and understand.
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Transient electromagnetic energy and a puff of dust; but organized somewhat like a cell with an outer electrical double layer with any number of smaller cells within, is my best guess. More like an inorganic lifeform than a craft.

Oh I was just joking*, about all that stuff. But once I take my space vehicle dynamics class we should talk about it some more.

*somewhat dun dun dunnnnn.
In my regards to aliens/religion, I just hope there's at least 1 extraterrestrial more intelligent than us. We're smart but we don't always do the smartest things.
This seductive idea that aliens are here to save us picked up strength in the 1950's when the US was conducting extensive open air testing of atomic bombs in the western US and Pacific islands.

UFO sightings were very common over atom bomb equipped bases from the late 40's on through the 80's in a series of incidents that remain unexplained to this day.
President Obama openly admits, albeit with plausible deniability, that at least one kind of alien is here, and influencing events on Earth. Listen to him him say so on the video clip. Watch his chest heave.

On last night’s Jimmy Kimmel Live, President Barack Obama made a strange UFO admission. He said space aliens control the USA, and they are responsible for government secrecy about UFOs. According to the LA Times and New York Magazine, Obama’s admission was nothing more than a joke made in a late night comedy show highlighting his dry sense of humor. But was it? A recent disclosure about UFO secrecy by John Podesta, Obama’s former White House Counselor for Climate Change and Energy Policy, suggests that Obama was serious about a situation he had no control over.


The possibility that space aliens may be on Earth and are influencing the public policy of major nations such as the USA is not so strange given what other major world leaders have had to say on the topic.

For example, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said on Dec 7, 2012 that Russian Presidents are secretly briefed on extraterrestrials living among us and a top secret agency set up to monitor alien activities. Medvedev’s statement strongly implied that space aliens living among us exercise some kind of influence over human affairs.

According to Paul Hellyer, a former Canadian Defense Minister, the U.S. has reached agreements with extraterrestrials that secretly live on U.S. military facilities at Nellis Air Force Base. Hellyer claims to have confirmed his UFO alien information with senior military officials in the U.S. Air Force. Hellyer’s claims were cited in a story by the Fars News Agency that the U.S. is controlled by Tall White aliens. The story was covered by the Washington Post and other major media.

Obama’s strange alien control claim may have been done partly in jest on a late night comedy show. Yet that does not dismiss the possibility that underneath his dry humor was a disturbing truth. U.S. Presidents are powerless to tell the truth about UFOs and alien life – unless they do so in a way that maintains plausible deniability
President Obama openly admits, albeit with plausible deniability, that at least one kind of alien is here, and influencing events on Earth. Listen to him him say so on the video clip. Watch his chest heave.

On last night’s Jimmy Kimmel Live, President Barack Obama made a strange UFO admission. He said space aliens control the USA, and they are responsible for government secrecy about UFOs. According to the LA Times and New York Magazine, Obama’s admission was nothing more than a joke made in a late night comedy show highlighting his dry sense of humor. But was it? A recent disclosure about UFO secrecy by John Podesta, Obama’s former White House Counselor for Climate Change and Energy Policy, suggests that Obama was serious about a situation he had no control over.


The possibility that space aliens may be on Earth and are influencing the public policy of major nations such as the USA is not so strange given what other major world leaders have had to say on the topic.

For example, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said on Dec 7, 2012 that Russian Presidents are secretly briefed on extraterrestrials living among us and a top secret agency set up to monitor alien activities. Medvedev’s statement strongly implied that space aliens living among us exercise some kind of influence over human affairs.

According to Paul Hellyer, a former Canadian Defense Minister, the U.S. has reached agreements with extraterrestrials that secretly live on U.S. military facilities at Nellis Air Force Base. Hellyer claims to have confirmed his UFO alien information with senior military officials in the U.S. Air Force. Hellyer’s claims were cited in a story by the Fars News Agency that the U.S. is controlled by Tall White aliens. The story was covered by the Washington Post and other major media.

Obama’s strange alien control claim may have been done partly in jest on a late night comedy show. Yet that does not dismiss the possibility that underneath his dry humor was a disturbing truth. U.S. Presidents are powerless to tell the truth about UFOs and alien life – unless they do so in a way that maintains plausible deniability

Politicians lie about policies but tell the truth that aliens exist.

Some people deny there is a God and claim aliens are real.