
  • Thread starter Exorcet

Is there extraterrestrial life?

  • Yes, and they are not Earth like creatures (non carbon based)

    Votes: 19 2.5%
  • Yes, and they are not Earth like creatures (carbon based)

    Votes: 25 3.3%
  • Yes, and they are not Earth like creatures (carbon and non carbon based)

    Votes: 82 10.8%
  • Yes, and they are humanoid creatures

    Votes: 39 5.1%
  • Yes, and they are those associated with abductions

    Votes: 19 2.5%
  • Yes, but I don't know what they'd be like

    Votes: 379 49.8%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 151 19.8%
  • No, they only exist in movies

    Votes: 47 6.2%

  • Total voters
For those exceptionally gifted with the requisite time and interest, a one hour podcast featuring award winning reporter George Knapp discussing the recent revelations of government UFO acknowledgment, and more.


Another recommended podcast (36 minute) for those with time and curiosity.
Includes several new important details on the metals collected.

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This post recaps, in my opinion, the most important overlooked or understated news to clearly emerge since the surprise publication Dec 16, 2017 when the NY Times, Washington Post and Politico simultaneously released their own prepared stories on secret US government UFO research.

#1: A clear national security threat exists. Virtually every nuke base in the US has been hovered over by UFOs. ICBMs were interfered with, etc.
#2: Funding of the pentagon's AATIP program was ended by US Congressmen whose "religious views didn't fit with what they wanted to spend money on", as former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said. I.e., UFOs are satanic and evil - in the views of a significant number of US lawmakers.

These two points are included within the KLAS Las Vegas TV report aired in the first video below. Future releases from the TTSA group are expected to document these national security threats in the fullest possible detail.

FWIW, overall this recent news has somewhat upset my own thinking on UFOs. I had long held to the explanation that UFOs were natural but inorganic entities (organisms?) originating on Earth, sometimes exhibiting what might pass for intelligent, or really, instinctive behavior. Like hive-minded bees attracted to nectar, or flies to offal. But the characteristics of the UAP studied by AATIP is attributed to technology, and not nature.

Some writers are now discussing the inter-dimensional hypothesis. This involves aliens emerging from a parallel plane of consciousness, doing their business here both in our physical world and in the workings of human consciousness (hallucination). IMO, UFOs and aliens will never be understood without first understanding the true workings of consciousness.


Short vid on UFOs interfering with US nukes.

Much longer vid on same subject. FWIW, in 1964 I and my family witnessed approximately ten UFOs hovering over nuclear Submarine Base Bangor, Washington State.

TTSA partial release of interview with strike fighter squadron Commander David Fravor, US Navy retired.

Article from Scientific American

Interesting comments from Dartmouth physicist
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How was this 'material' - by which i guess they are referring to these mysterious alloys that have been spoken about, recovered?

I took some time to look further at the video and to read the various accounts... and I'm mystified. If the video is as it appears and if the accounts of the pilots are genuine then this is something that is (self-evidently) extremely difficult to explain.

Is the 'mass' a natural phenomenon? Impossible to tell without credible scientific suggestions about what that phenomenon may be. Other-wordly? On balance I'd say likely not, but at the moment this is surely the very definition of unidentified.

The 70 year modern history of UFOs is peppered with numerous stories of slag, or ejecta being recovered. Upon analysis, magnesium and bismuth have been at the top of elements listed as recovered.
Then there is the case of the mysterious metals. The New York Times wrote: “Under Mr. Bigelow’s direction, the company modified buildings in Las Vegas for the storage of metal alloys and other materials that Mr. Elizondo and program contractors said had been recovered from unidentified aerial phenomena.”

WTF? Were these metals analyzed? If so, by whom and what did they find? If the phenomena that produced these metals are still unexplained, does that imply any analysis done thus far was inconclusive? What sort of properties do these metals have? Are they extraordinary? This is kind of a big deal, but we have no answers, and the media is not even asking these questions…yet.

Does this tweet by Tom DeLonge, President and CEO of TTSA, posted two days before The New York Timesarticle, have anything to do with these metals?


Stanford professor takes questions on the UFO metamaterials. Also take note of remarks by Dr Jack Sarfatti, theoretical physicist long connected with gov't in re science behind UFO phenom.

Dr. Garry Nolan is a Professor of Microbiology & Immunology at Stanford University as well as being a member of the advisory board for the To The Stars Academy,


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A brief peek back into history, the 1976 Tehran incident.
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Interesting "alien" material according to Popular Mechanics. Interesting for at least two reasons, in that some sort of standard appears to be set for what qualifies as extraterrestrial or pre-solar, and that this news originates from PM, a Hearst publication sometimes associated with CIA and UFO debunking. Interestingly, PM's coverage of the Nimitz "Tic Tac" incident seems balanced, and even includes a reported CVW 11 Event Summary describing contact with an unidentified submerged object (USO) "larger than a submarine". ( )
Incredible 'Hypatia' Stone Contains Compounds Not Found in the Solar System
The mysterious Egyptian rock contains micro-mineral compounds not found on Earth, in any meteorite or comet, or elsewhere in the solar system.



The Hypatia stone is only a few centimeters across, broken into pebble fragments, but it may very well be the most interesting rock in the world.

Using sophisticated electron microscopy to determine the compositions of microscopic parts of the Hypatia stone, Kramers and fellow geologists at the University of Johannesburg identified the parts of the rock that were not added when it impacted Earth. They found that many compounds in the stone seem to have formed prior to the sun and planets. The elements are the same—carbon and silicon and aluminum and iron—but the ratios of these elements in the material are all wrong, unlike the compositions of objects that orbit the sun.

Named for Hypatia of Alexandria, the first prominent Western woman astronomer and mathematician, the colorful rock was found in 1996 in western Egypt by Aly Barakat, a geologist working for the Egyptian Geological Survey. Barakat was studying Libyan desert glass, which appears to be similar to sea glass from the ocean, except geologists believe it might have formed roughly 28 million years ago in a meteorite impact.

Barakat immediately recognized the unique significance of the glossy stone, lined with microscopic diamonds, and he suspected that it did not come from Earth. In 2013, geologists studying the Hypatia stone confirmed the rock was of extraterrestrial origin. Unlike any known meteorite, researchers originally believed the Hypatia stone was the first sample of a comet nucleus.

But it seems the space rock has a much more interesting past. A new study led by geologists at the University of Johannesburg found that compounds in the Hypatia stone are distinct from anything discovered in the solar system. The researchers therefore conclude that parts of the rock formed before the solar system, and if these compounds are not presolar, the prevailing idea that the solar system formed from a nebula of homogenous gas is called into question.

"We think that many compounds (polyaromatic hydrocarbons, silicon carbide, nickel phosphide compound, native metal inclusions) are presolar," Jan Kramers, a geochemistry professor at the University of Johannesburg who has studied the Hypatia stone for years, told Popular Mechanics in an email. "The assembly probably occurred in the early solar nebula."
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Transcript of recent radio interview with Luis Elizondo:
W Radio: Mr Luis Elizondo, good morning and thank you very much for being with us at W radio.

I would like to ask you if you as an official at the Pentagon, had enough proof, or solid proof, that could lead you to believe that there's life outside of the Earth?

Luis Elizando: Thank you very much for having me on your program. What we looked at on our program was two fold - what was it and how it worked?

As a result of our analysis and ten years worth of study and information, leads us to believe that these phenomena are not from any one country that we know. So the question is, if they from outer space, or inner space or any space in between, that is a question that we still don't know, but we are fairly certain they're not from here.

W Radio: Mr Elizondo, why the Pentagon wanted to have a secret program watching the phenomena and these UFOs? Why wouldn't it publish this material this proof or this analysis that the Pentagon had?

Luis Elizando: I believe the answer is for two reasons. One, there is a tremendous social stigma or taboo against officially recognizing the phenomena and, two, I believe it is very difficult for any national security apparatus to have identified a problem or potential threat and not offer a solution. In this case you have phenomena that are in a certain air space. We do not know what it is, we do not know how it works, and there's nothing we can do about it. And that is a very uncomfortable topic for any government to have internally or externally.

W Radio: Mr Elizondo, from the phenomena and incidents that you knew when you were at this program, what was the one that really surprised you or the one that you said, ok this is what makes me believe that there's life outside of the Earth?

Luis Elizando: I think every day was a surprise. There was no one single incident. It was a slow steady flow of information coming in, either through eye-witness accounts or through radar or through video, that began to paint a very compelling picture for all of us.

I think furthermore for your listeners' understanding, we are talking about objects that can be sub-categorized in five different observables. Those observables include extreme maneuverability, hyper-sonic velocities, low observability, transmedium travel and, lastly, positive lift without any type of obvious signs of aerodynamics or thrust, or propulsion. These objects are displaying characteristics that far exceed anything we know currently in the world's inventory.

W Radio: Mr Elizando, regarding the name of the program at the Pentagon that you worked with, it is described as a 'threat', do you really think there is an actual threat from outer space to the Earth, to our planet?

Luis Elizando: I think in national security, we always have to assume anything can be a threat until we can prove it is not a an example, we lock our doors and night, we turn on our alarm systems and we lock our windows because there is a potential there might be a threat. There probably won't be, but there might be.
In this particular case, if you can imagine waking up every morning and seeing muddy boot prints in your living room, every morning even though you've locked your doors and you've locked your windows and your alarm is on.

In this particular case, nothing is stolen from your house, nothing is missing, no-one is hurt but at the end of the day you still have muddy boot-prints that aren't yours in your house.

W Radio: Mr Elizando, I would like to ask your opinion around the possibility of this topic that these investigations and analysis, could be a main part of a President Trump administration or that this program could be re-opened in the near future?

Luis Elizando: Well, I think that's a very good question. We, in the office that I came from, are all apolitical, meaning we don't get paid to take sides, so whether it's Democrat or Republican or an Independent in office is really inconsequential for us, but our hope is that whoever is in office, whether it's Trump or it's anybody else, we'll look at the data and allow the data to speak for itself, then at that point, hopefully be able to increase funding and the necessary budget to continue the program in a far more robust manner.

I think it's important for you listeners to know the program never went away. The program was never officially disestablished. Parts of the funding may have ended in 2012 but then more funding came in 2013 but more importantly than that, is that the effort was never stopped, never halted. So the program continues to move forward and in my opinion, whoever's in charge, whoever is the President at the time, needs to allow the data to speak for itself and increase funding for additional research and analysis into the phenomena.

W Radio: Mr Elizando, there are two different scenarios: one is that life in outer space is possible and that it actually exists, and the other one, is that this different life that lives outside of Planet Earth might come to this planet and visit us. So this solid proof remains unknown for us to understand that this life really happens and they might come to Planet Earth. NASA hasn't even recognized this possibility.

Why, if you have observed that there is life at outer space, no-one including NASA has recognized it?

Luis Elizando: Well, keeping in mind that NASA has already recognized the possibility in fact they funded in part our SETI program. SETI is by definition Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence and millions and millions of dollars were invested of US taxpayer money to build radio telescopes for exactly that purpose.

I would submit to you, if we are willing to invest millions of dollars on the off-chance we might hear a conversation somewhere in deep space, and here we have pilots who are in charge of multi-million dollar weapon systems with top secret clearances who are telling you they are seeing something right here, right now. I would submit to you, our money is probably better spent listening to the pilots and looking at the hard radar data, and looking at the videos, and trying to figure that out, instead of hoping that we might hear some conversation maybe ten million light years away.

NASA has already acknowledged the high degree of possibility that we are not alone in this universe.

I am not saying that what we are seeing here is necessarily outer space, or as I said before, or inner space or the space in between. I have my personal opinion. But if it's not from here, it's from somewhere else. The binary discussion of, is it from here, or is it from outer space from an alien or is it not - I'm not sure if that's even the right question because there's a lot of different scenarios and possibilities. I do not think it's an either/or question. I think there are several other options of the origins of what we're looking at.

W Radio: Mr Elizando, I would like to know your personal opinion about or around these UFOs might have for coming to Planet Earth or our planet - why would they want to do that?

Luis Elizando: All I can do is put this in a human context. So let's look at this question from the human perspective. Why does mankind do anything we do and why do we explore the horizons? Sometimes we explore the horizons for our sheer curiosity. It's in our DNA, it's in our genetics. Other times we explore to exploit - to take resources and to do something that is to our advantage as a species.

Other times we do it to study and to learn. There's many reasons why mankind goes... pushes the limits and goes beyond his horizon and it could well be the same thing for any other living organism out there.

Again I can only speak to the intentions looking at mankind and our history, why we do what we do.

There could be a whole range of reasons: they could be natural resources, it could be the fact that hydrogen is so abundant here in a very dense form with water, it could be to observe our evolution as a species, it could be reconnaissance, in some cases I've heard people say it could be what we refer to as preparation of the battlefield, you know, to determine if this planet we live on is something... that is something attractive for another species.

I can't answer that question very well, cos it's simply put - I just don't know. I think there's a whole, if you will, spectrum of reasons why something or someone should be interested in this planet. Why are we interested in Mars? Why are we interested in putting mankind on Mars? Why are we interested in putting human beings in outer space in space stations?

W Radio: Well Mr Luis Elizando thank you very much for being with us on W Radio. Have a good day.
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This is another very recent and very significant confirmation from the highest (yet) rank of US government that UFOs are real and have been under study by the military and CIA for (70+) years.

- January 22, 2018 statement of John O. Brennan, Director of CIA, 2013-2017

"I think over the past several decades there have been a number of phenomena that have been observed by pilots, both commercial pilots, both military pilots, that are basically unexplained. Maybe it’s the result of some type of atmospheric conditions or something else. And so I think the Pentagon rightly is trying to understand whether or not any of these phenomena have implications as far as national security is concerned. Some people refer to it as UFO, an unidentified flying object, it’s something that is observed but there is no determination about what its origin or provenance is."

“During the course of my career, both in the CIA as well as the White House, I was aware that there were endeavors to try to discern what some of these phenomena are. ....Most of them remain unexplained. But that shouldn’t mean that we don’t continue to pursue it. And try to apply the latest technologies and the latest science to understand what may be going on."

“We know that a number of our adversaries continue to try to look for gaps and vulnerabilities in our national defense so anything that might take place in the air, in the atmosphere, is something that I think is rightly an area for pursuit on the part of our intelligence community and Defense Department.”

*Notice he mentions the White House. This means the head of state would also be privy to Mr Brennan's briefing on the subject, and, as the ultimate arbiter of classification of secrets, does not have a problem with Brennan revealing this information, previously classified, which now passes into the public domain as open knowledge. But this is only Confirmation, not Disclosure. Disclosure can only come from the head of state. That is unlikely to happen for a matter of years yet, IMO. The risk would be too much reaction from media and populace. This would very understandable and expected, since the government cannot yet explain the source of the phenomenon. Too embarrassing!
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As the To the Stars Academy proceeds with releasing government sanctioned UFO data, I believe it will be seen that the Extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH) is increasing untenable. Instead, we will be left with the Ultraterrestrial, or Interdimensional hypothesis.

Interdimensional hypothesis
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The interdimensional hypothesis (IDH or IH), is an idea advanced by Ufologists such as Jacques Vallée that says unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and related events involve visitations from other "realities" or "dimensions" that coexist separately alongside our own. It is an alternative to the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH).[1][2][3][4] IDH also holds that UFOs are a modern manifestation of a phenomenon that has occurred throughout recorded human history, which in prior ages were ascribed to mythological or supernatural creatures.[2]

Although ETH has remained the predominant explanation for UFOs by UFOlogists,[5] some ufologists have abandoned it in favor of IDH. Paranormal researcher Brad Steiger wrote that "we are dealing with a multidimensional paraphysical phenomenon that is largely indigenous to planet Earth".[6] Other UFOlogists, such as John Ankerberg and John Weldon, advocate IDH because it fits the explanation of UFOs as a spiritistic phenomenon. Commenting on the disparity between the ETH and the accounts that people have made of UFO encounters, Ankerberg and Weldon wrote "the UFO phenomenon simply does not behave like extraterrestrial visitors."[1][7] In the book UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse published in 1970, John Keel linked UFOs to supernatural concepts such as ghosts and demons.

The development of IDH as an alternative to ETH increased in the 1970s and 1980s with the publication of books by Vallée and J. Allen Hynek. In 1975, Vallée and Hynek advocated the hypothesis in The Edge of Reality: A Progress Report on Unidentified Flying Objects and further, in Vallée's 1979 book Messengers of Deception: UFO Contacts and Cults.[8]

Some UFO proponents accepted IDH because the distance between stars makes interstellar travel impractical using conventional means and nobody had demonstrated an antigravity or faster-than-light travel hypothesis that could explain extraterrestrial machines. With IDH, it is unnecessary to explain any propulsion method because the IDH holds that UFOs are not spacecraft, but rather devices that travel between different realities.[9]

One advantage of IDH proffered by Hilary Evans is its ability to explain the apparent ability of UFOs to appear and disappear from sight and radar; this is explained as the UFO entering and leaving our dimension ("materializing" and "dematerializing"). Moreover, Evans argues that if the other dimension is slightly more advanced than ours, or is our own future, this would explain the UFOs' tendency to represent near future technologies (airships in the 1890s, rockets and supersonic travel in the 1940s, etc.).[10]

IDH has been a causative factor in establishing UFO religion.[1]
From today's edition of the Washington Post.
Outlook | Perspective

The military keeps encountering UFOs. Why doesn’t the Pentagon care?
We have no idea what’s behind these weird incidents because we’re not investigating.
By Christopher Mellon

March 9, 2018 at 2:23 PM

In December, the Defense Department declassified two videosdocumenting encounters between U.S. Navy F-18 fighters and unidentified aircraft. The first video captures multiple pilots observing and discussing a strange, hovering, egg-shaped craft, apparently one of a “fleet” of such objects, according to cockpit audio. The second shows a similar incident involving an F-18 attached to the USS Nimitz carrier battle group in 2004.

The videos, along with observations by pilots and radar operators, appear to provide evidence of the existence of aircraft far superior to anything possessed by the United States or its allies. Defense Department officials who analyze the relevant intelligence confirm more than a dozen such incidents off the East Coast alone since 2015. In another recent case, the Air Force launched F-15 fighters last October in a failed attempt to intercept an unidentified high-speed aircraft looping over the Pacific Northwest .

A third declassified video, released by To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science , a privately owned media and scientific research company to which I’m an adviser, reveals a previously undisclosed Navy encounter that occurred off the East Coast in 2015.

Is it possible that America has been technologically leap-frogged by Russia or China? Or, as many people wondered after the videos were first published by the New York Times in December, might they be evidence of some alien civilization?

Unfortunately, we have no idea, because we aren’t even seeking answers.

I served as deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence for the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations and as staff director for the Senate Intelligence Committee, and I know from numerous discussions with Pentagon officials over the past two years that military departments and agencies treat such incidents as isolated events rather than as part of a pattern requiring serious attention and investigation. A colleague of mine at To the Stars Academy, Luis Elizondo, used to run a Pentagon intelligence program that examined evidence of “anomalous” aircraft, but he resigned last fall to protest government inattention to the growing body of empirical data.

Meanwhile, reports from different services and agencies remain largely ignored and unevaluated inside their respective bureaucratic stovepipes. There is no Pentagon process for synthesizing all the observations the military is making. The current approach is equivalent to having the Army conduct a submarine search without the Navy. It is also reminiscent of the counterterrorism efforts of the CIA and the FBI before Sept. 11, 2001, when each had information on the hijackers that they kept to themselves. In this instance, the truth may ultimately prove benign, but why leave it to chance?

(A Pentagon spokesman did not respond to requests from The Washington Post for comment, but in December, the military confirmed the existence of a program to investigate UFOs and said it had stopped funding the research in 2012.)

The military personnel who are encountering these phenomena tell remarkable stories. In one example, over the course of two weeks in November 2004, the USS Princeton, a guided-missile cruiser operating advanced naval radar, repeatedly detected unidentified aircraft operating in and around the Nimitz carrier battle group, which it was guarding off the coast of San Diego. In some cases, according to incident reports and interviews with military personnel, these vehicles descended from altitudes higher than 60,000 feet at supersonic speeds, only to suddenly stop and hover as low as 50 feet above the ocean. The United States possesses nothing capable of such feats.

On at least two occasions, F-18 fighters were guided to intercept these vehicles and were able to verify their location, appearance and performance. Notably, these encounters occurred in broad daylight and were independently monitored by radars aboard multiple ships and aircraft. According to naval aviators I have spoken with at length, the vehicles were roughly 45 feet long and white. Yet these mysterious aircraft easily sped away from and outmaneuvered America’s front-line fighters without a discernible means of propulsion.

From my work with To the Stars Academy, which seeks to raise private funds to investigate incidents like the 2004 Nimitz encounter, I know they continue to occur, because we are being approached by military personnel who are concerned about national security and frustrated by how the Defense Department is handling such reports. I am also familiar with the evidence as a former Pentagon intelligence official and a consultant who began researching the issue after the Nimitz incident was brought to my attention. On several occasions, I have met with senior Pentagon officials, and at least one followed up and obtained briefings confirming incidents such as the Nimitz case. But nobody wants to be “the alien guy” in the national security bureaucracy; nobody wants to be ridiculed or sidelined for drawing attention to the issue. This is true up and down the chain of command, and it is a serious and recurring impediment to progress.

If the origin of these aircraft is a mystery, so is the paralysis of the U.S. government in the face of such evidence. Sixty years ago, when the Soviet Union put the first manmade satellite in orbit, Americans recoiled at the idea of being technologically surpassed by a dangerous rival, and the furor over Sputnik ultimately produced the space race. Americans responded vigorously, and a little more than a decade later, Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon. If these craft mean that Russia, China or some other nation is concealing an astonishing technological breakthrough to quietly extend its lead, surely we should respond as we did then. Perhaps Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent chest-thumping claims about propulsion breakthroughs are not pure braggadocio. Or, if these craft really aren’t from Earth, then the need to figure out what they are is even more urgent.

Lately, media coverage of the issue of unidentified aerial vehicles has focused on an expired $22 million congressional earmark for Bigelow Aerospace, a contractor with ties to former Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid (Nev.). The money mostly funded research and analysis by that contractor, without participation from the Air Force, NORAD or other key military organizations. The real issue, though, is not a long-gone earmark, helpful though it may have been, but numerous recent incidents involving the military and violations of U.S. airspace. It is time to set aside taboos regarding “UFOs” and instead listen to our pilots and radar operators.

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Tucker Carlson, Fox news prime-time political commentator, discusses the danger of UFOs.
"Possibly one of the biggest stories of my lifetime", he says.

I'm watching youtube clips where Dr Steven Greer talks about the Moon landings and Aliens on the moon.

Major and minor news outlets are currently reporting UAP witnessed over Arizona by pilots in two planes. It used to be that pilots would lose their jobs for saying they saw unidentified objects, for example Captain Terauchi, JAL 1628. But it seems the paradigm has changed. Would you willingly fly in an American Airlines Airbus flown by a pilot who has admitted seeing a UFO?


Two separate flights reported seeing the same 'UFO' in the Arizona desert in February.
Credit: Joe Raedle/Getty

Edit: Superior reporting to be found here:
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Years ago, I collected and read several of Ingo Swann's books, including Penetration and Natural ESP.

Today, I will recommend reading Phenomena, by NY Times best-selling journalist/author Annie Jacobsen. It is the secret history of the US government's investigation into extrasensory perception and psychokinesis. This history has been praised by the Pulitzer Prize history committee, Washington Post, Boston Globe, as well as by people intimately connected to TTSA (the To the Stars Academy of former high-ranking government, military, industry and science professionals currently releasing declassified F18 gun camera/FLIR video, etc.), who have stated that the UFO phenomena cannot be understood without reference to consciousness.
Which are reliable website about aliens (and other stuff such as; other dimensions, time traveling, etc .... )?
Which are reliable website about aliens (and other stuff such as; other dimensions, time traveling, etc .... )?
There is very little in the UFO/alien realm which is reliable or trustworthy. It is mostly deception and madness.

After accepting that, and if you are still serious about learning what little is worthwhile, I would strongly advise you to read the works of Dr Jacques Vallee. Probably start with Messengers of Deception.

If you insist on surfing the internet, you might bookmark The Anomalist and Mysterious Universe.

YouTube is a cesspool. But if you want up-to-date info on "inside ufology", government "disclosure", etc, I reluctantly recommend Grant Cameron's whitehouseufo. Start with his reports on Tom DeLonge and TTSA.

This is an okay site:
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Major and minor news outlets are currently reporting UAP witnessed over Arizona by pilots in two planes. It used to be that pilots would lose their jobs for saying they saw unidentified objects, for example Captain Terauchi, JAL 1628. But it seems the paradigm has changed. Would you willingly fly in an American Airlines Airbus flown by a pilot who has admitted seeing a UFO?


Two separate flights reported seeing the same 'UFO' in the Arizona desert in February.
Credit: Joe Raedle/Getty

Edit: Superior reporting to be found here:

Reminds me that Secure Team posted a video of a bunch of static objects in air over Phx last month.

Also why did they use a Boeing for the image? This same situation was discussed on SecureTeam10 too
Is Dr. Steven Greer full of 🤬 or is he on to something?
Dr Greer has been around for quite awhile, and even though most of the American ufological 'establishment' supports the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH) as does Dr Greer, he remains controversial. He claims to have, and probably does have, many connections within US intelligence and military circles. Evidently he has been selected as one of the four main "Messiahs" to deliver one of the US government's versions of disclosure of UFO reality. He's promoting the theme that aliens are here, and some of them are friendly and want to help us. Long ago, I met Dr Greer and spoke with him briefly, one-on-one. My impression was that he is creepy and a huckster. My current, educated opinion is that he is promoting what one faction of US intelligence (CIA/DIA, etc) wants us to believe, and is trying to give us the impression that the US government knows what the facts are and is in control of the situation. This falls under the category of useful and presumably necessary lies. There is another, possibly larger faction of government that wants us to believe that aliens are here, and are definitely not good. This is the faction currently supporting the disclosure efforts of Tom DeLonge, another so-called "Messiah". My opinion is that the government does NOT know what the facts are , and is trying to mask this with propaganda, education and programming of the population in their preferred way to maintain stability, control and productivity. Very understandably. In my opinion the ETH is incorrect, but the government promotes this as preferable to other hypotheses which they currently don't want to discuss.
Is Dr. Steven Greer full of 🤬 or is he on to something?

Why not both?¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Dr Greer has been around for quite awhile, and even though most of the American ufological 'establishment' supports the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH) as does Dr Greer, he remains controversial. He claims to have, and probably does have, many connections within US intelligence and military circles. Evidently he has been selected as one of the four main "Messiahs" to deliver one of the US government's versions of disclosure of UFO reality. He's promoting the theme that aliens are here, and some of them are friendly and want to help us. Long ago, I met Dr Greer and spoke with him briefly, one-on-one. My impression was that he is creepy and a huckster. My current, educated opinion is that he is promoting what one faction of US intelligence (CIA/DIA, etc) wants us to believe, and is trying to give us the impression that the US government knows what the facts are and is in control of the situation. This falls under the category of useful and presumably necessary lies. There is another, possibly larger faction of government that wants us to believe that aliens are here, and are definitely not good. This is the faction currently supporting the disclosure efforts of Tom DeLonge, another so-called "Messiah". My opinion is that the government does NOT know what the facts are , and is trying to mask this with propaganda, education and programming of the population in their preferred way to maintain stability, control and productivity. Very understandably. In my opinion the ETH is incorrect, but the government promotes this as preferable to other hypotheses which they currently don't want to discuss.

There is a final option, the government fully knows what's going on, has no more control over it than the average citizen, nor has any idea the scope of the situation. Thus couldn't tell people if they're aliens, drones, dimensional beings, time travelers or whatever other sci-fi book you want to use. To further that, they probably also couldn't tell you if they're benign or not or if multiple types, which are or are not.

And in this probably more realistic situation than all the others, I imagine if people knew this (should fairly be obvious) then they'd lose their minds and fear whatever is possibly out there.
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This looks like a lens flare.
Could be. About 95% of total UFO sightings have ordinary explanations. Another "ordinary" explanation is a plasma discharge, as in the laboratory magnetized plasma (below) and astrophysical jets.

astrophysical jet

Lens flare

jellyfish sprite

"Gigantic" jet

I also have doubts about the realism of this photo.

Jets and sprites occur above clouds and are extremely faint and quick. You definitely won't see them below the clouds during the day.

That plasma discharge pic has a physical ring that makes the whole thing this shape.
The jet from a black hole or a pulsar... well, a really heavy and fast rotating object is making those.
I also have doubts about the realism of this photo.

Jets and sprites occur above clouds and are extremely faint and quick. You definitely won't see them below the clouds during the day.

That plasma discharge pic has a physical ring that makes the whole thing this shape.
The jet from a black hole or a pulsar... well, a really heavy and fast rotating object is making those.


What is this odd streak coming down from the clear sky into the eyewall of Katrina?

Doubts are good. But plasma discharges do occur at all scales, from below microscopic to above the galactic. Ordinary thunderclouds build up internal charge separation which can discharge as a gigantic jet, as shown in post #2127. As I documented above, there is a 30,000,000 volts/meter charge exchange taking place across the cell membranes in your body. We are electrical beings. Without electrical activity, we would be dead.

To recap:
I am hypothesizing that no, none, zero physical ET aliens exist, either here on Earth or far off in space, that are required to explain in a different and better way 100% of all sightings of UFOs or supposed aliens.
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