- 2,529
- G-D Luxembourg
- GTP_Vince_Fiero
I wonder if he thinks we should shoot at them first and ask questions later? Would you?
I just stumbled across the article and came to this thread.
His opinion is more "All resistance is futile" according to me.
You could compare it to the:
* The Romans spreading out in Europe (and beyond)
* Atilla the Hun going round
* ....
A slight advantage in technology and organization leads to a big advantage to control a large area.
He sees the probability that there is intelligent life out there, struggling for survival, as very high. And when we get involved in the struggle the probability we come out losing as equally high.
So avoid to get involved.
It is not clear to me if the messages we are sending in to space declaring what and where we are, are idealistic dreams (could go up to stupidity) or a message of hope that we find a strong partner to defend ourselves during the struggle to survive.
To put it in T.V. Series it just seems to me Hawkings believes the chances on E.T. or Vulcan like creatures less probable then ""Goa'uld" or Visitors from V.
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