little bit of selective croping, but use it if you want...
You're better off copying the image and rehosting it yourself, I just whacked it on one of my site accounts for now(as it'll probably get deleted off my server after a while)
Thanks, That was lightning fast. 👍
So you've distorted the picture nearly beyond recognition and want us to clean it up? Not likely to happen. Post up a better (ie - larger) shot and then we'll talk.Can someone do a bit of work on this? You know, detail, sharpness, that stuff. Oh, and it has to be 25kb or lower.
So you've distorted the picture nearly beyond recognition and want us to clean it up? Not likely to happen. Post up a better (ie - larger) shot and then we'll talk.
But without the multi-million dollar contracts and the nice cars.+1.
I love how this has become more or less our design studio, TB.
We're contract playas now.