If that's not what you're looking for, holler.
Ok, here you go, 120x120 please.
Well when you save it, it's losing quality. It'll probably be something to do with the settings of GIMP.
By linking to it instead, GTP is saving it in the exact same format that it was posted in on here, if that makes sense. It cut's out the middleman since you're not saving it yourself.
When I export it,it has a Quality bar,and it's set up to 85,should I put it "100"?
Eh, I'd fix it, but it doesn't look right when it's too small. And if I do change it, it'll be small because I need to buy Premium.
So if your not premium, then would you mind sharing with us how it is that your avatar is the size it is?👍
If you are a premium member and use a 120x120 avatar, when your premium runs out you will still have the 120x120 avatar until you change it.