All horns received due to some very friendly fellows!

  • Thread starter Outeke
Let me know when your list is updated and put me down for any horns you need. You helped me a lot when I was collecting mine.
Let me know when your list is updated and put me down for any horns you need. You helped me a lot when I was collecting mine.

Hey bro,

5 non pending left in the OP and then the long list of Vipersan you could help with if your free of horn trades.

I can send you 159, 174, and 274 from vipersan's list after reset to help you get them a lil quicker. Unless yall have a trade worked out? Let me know.
Last 5 from the OP heading your way in next few mins :D

Edit - Horns 176,202,208,211,228 now sent 👍
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Ans as vipersan sent another 5 today, this is updated vipersan's to-do list:


If anyone wants to take something else off, that is of no problem to me. I check here, before I send. (This is just because it would be great for Outeke to have complete collection sooner, rather the me not wanting to send him those pending horns) 👍
153, 158, 173, 175 and 197 sent.
Could do with some myself if anyone likes to check out myGran turismo page.
Ok, I will send those after reset. Sorry, that is all the horns that I have that you don't already.

Man, serious never say sorry when you give something. I was happy with one, you gave much more!!
I have to go to babyswim now, but when I get back, Ill update mygt page.
OP is updated!

Thanks all!!
GT_COL: sure thing. I can send you any. Add me (PSN: TheNordschleife) and we'll talk over personal messages. After I do my sending to Outeke, I can do same for you (3 or 4 days left?). No problem there.
Hi mate,
Please update your list, I send this morning 5 horns to you.
Tomorrow morning you will get another 5!
cu mate
thanks guys, Im updating now!! 17 pendings left :-)
goes SUPERGOOD!! So proud of you all doing it together.
200,210,220,227,238 sent my friend :D

Sorry Viper for stealing the last of yours 👍
Damn thieves 👍. Ah well, all for hapiness of mr. Outeke. Thank you for helping.

I shall commit my horns effort to GT_COL now.
The best thing that happened, 100% horns in just a few days with some great guys!

Thanks for all the help, hope everybody enjoyed it as I did!
I know I helped others out as well, but some just did it spontane, 10000x thanks!!