Amanda Knox - Acquited of all charges! ^_^ Y

  • Thread starter daspianist
Going by some of the accounts that I have heard about him, I think it is more likely that he was grandstanding, trying to take a high-profile case and bend it to suit himself.
Going into a case with a pre-conceived conclusion and making the facts fit the conclusion isn't some form of abuse of power? The fact that the murder took place in Knox's apartment in Italy painted a big target on her back by the prosecutor.
Going into a case with a pre-conceived conclusion and making the facts fit the conclusion isn't some form of abuse of power? The fact that the murder took place in Knox's apartment in Italy painted a big target on her back by the prosecutor.
Oh, I don't doubt that he abused his power - but I don't think that he intended to "put America on trial", as you put it. Rather, I think that he felt he had a slam-dunk case and pursued it without stopping to consider the oversights in the investigation - and it got out of control when the case started to garner international attention. To this day, there are a lot of inconsistencies in Knox's case, like the footprints in the apartment and the way she and Sollecito knew nothing had been stolen from the apartment before the police arrived, that have been questioned by her defence, but never satisfactorily explained. Had due process been followed, then I suspect that it would be harder for Knox's lawyers to refute the evidence. And there was a lot of slick media management that recast Knox as a greater victim than Kercher.

I doubt that we will ever know what happened to Meredith Kercher. I think that Knox and/or Sollecito have some knowledge of the events, but the way they shot their credibility early on means that whatever chance we have of knowing what happened is gone.
She is cute. I bet the first guy that dates her now/in the future would ask; "So, anything ever happened between you and other Italian female prisoners while you were in jail ?" :lol:
You're disgusting. An innocent woman is dead, and whatever chance her family has of seeing her killers brought to justice is gone because Knox shot her credibility early on in the investigation. And yet all you take from this is the possibility of soft-core Italian lesbian prison porn simply because you're distracted by her breasts.
I think that Rudy guy did it alone. I dont think its a sexual orgy conspiracy. :lol::lol: Anyways even if I suspect Knox might have had something to do with it (I do) that doesn't meet the standard of beyond a reasonable doubt here in 'Merica...... I think it would be awfully hard to get her here in the USA on anything.
I think that Rudy guy did it alone.
The evidence suggests otherwise - Kercher was strangled from behind, and stabbed twice around the base of the skull. She was trained in martial arts, but her hands had no defensive wounds. The suggestion that one person was able to single-handedly overpower her like that is very far-fetched.
The evidence suggests otherwise - Kercher was strangled from behind, and stabbed twice around the base of the skull. She was trained in martial arts, but her hands had no defensive wounds. The suggestion that one person was able to single-handedly overpower her like that is very far-fetched.
If that is indeed true, then you have to take into account how deep were the ligature marks around her neck were, or, quite possibly, any potential fibers that were left behind on those marks. Another factor to consider is whether or not alcohol was in the victim's toxicology report. If it is higher than, roughly .16 (that is twice the legal limit in some states in the US), then it is of little wonder why a drunken woman would be left alone to a home invasion.

This is the trouble of making the facts fit the crime, you don't really consider all of the evidence in the case. Had I been Italian police, I would seriously question why there were ligature marks when she was stabbed to death.
The autopsy found that it was an attempt to restrain Kercher while she was attacked. It's believed that she was attacked by at least two people, with one standing in front of her and one behind. Even if she was legally drunk at the time, it would have been extremely difficult - if not impossible - for one person to restrain and stab her.
The autopsy found that it was an attempt to restrain Kercher while she was attacked. It's believed that she was attacked by at least two people, with one standing in front of her and one behind. Even if she was legally drunk at the time, it would have been extremely difficult - if not impossible - for one person to restrain and stab her.
Not really ruling out that more than one person had killed her here. The way that I see it, it would have taken three men to have properly restrain and kill her, not two men and one woman as the Italian Police have alleged. By selecting a murder weapon that was commonly used by Knox, the kitchen knife, it made it impossible to discern any other prints besides Knox.
I don't think that two men committing the crime is outside the realm of possibility. I suspect Guede and Sollecito killed her, and Knox covered for Sollecito. Knox's defence might have successfully discredited elements of the prosecution's case, but there were elements that they never explained - like the way the police found footprints belonging to Knox and Sollectio when they swept the scene with luminol; or the way Sollecito and Knox claimed that they were together the morning Kercher was murdered and never got out of bed until ten in the morning, but his phone was active four hours beforehand; or the way they called the carabinieri to report the break-in and claimed nothing was stolen, but never acknowledged the presence of local police at the time, and the local police had not established that nothing was stolen. Even their behaviour in the immediate aftermath of the discovery was bizarre - completely disconnected and unconcerned. She wasn't a helpless and naïve foreigner who was completely defenceless in the face of an unfamiliar justice system until such time as she started getting some image management from her supporters.
That's what I think happened and, regardless of Knox's later claims to the contrary, I think her original confession was correct.
Plus, there has never been a single viable suspect outside the Knox-Sollecito-Guede trifecta. Sure, there was the bartender, Lumumba, that Knox gave up, but he was proven to be innocent. Fifth on the list would be rumours of a man seen washing his bloody hands on a fountain before dawn on the day of the discovery, but his existence has never been substantiated.
I don't think that two men committing the crime is outside the realm of possibility. I suspect Guede and Sollecito killed her, and Knox covered for Sollecito. Knox's defence might have successfully discredited elements of the prosecution's case, but there were elements that they never explained - like the way the police found footprints belonging to Knox and Sollectio when they swept the scene with luminol; or the way Sollecito and Knox claimed that they were together the morning Kercher was murdered and never got out of bed until ten in the morning, but his phone was active four hours beforehand; or the way they called the carabinieri to report the break-in and claimed nothing was stolen, but never acknowledged the presence of local police at the time, and the local police had not established that nothing was stolen. Even their behaviour in the immediate aftermath of the discovery was bizarre - completely disconnected and unconcerned. She wasn't a helpless and naïve foreigner who was completely defenceless in the face of an unfamiliar justice system until such time as she started getting some image management from her supporters.
That might have what ultimately saved her in the court of public opinion here in the US (as most cases are tried now a days). Had she lost support from average Joes in the US, the open ended question of extradition might have been answered in Italy's favor.
That might have what ultimately saved her in the court of public opinion here in the US (as most cases are tried now a days).
I don't know how she was initially represented in America, but she wasn't a helpless, naïve young woman caught up in a foreign land and bravely resisting an alien criminal justice system. She was cold and distant, more interested in making out with her boyfriend than in showing concern for her murdered flatmate.

Maybe I am just being a cynic, but I wonder if she was getting support from home because she was an American, rather than because she was innocent. We went through something similar here with two drug smugglers on death row in Indonesia - the public have been appealing to Jakarta to grant clemency on the grounds that they are rehabilitated, but we have no way of verifying it. And while we say we want to encourage Indonesia to abandon the death penalty, we haven't done anything to aid prisoners from other countries charged with the same crime and facing the same fate. How can we be opposed to the death penalty if we are only trying to save a few? I suspect that our politicians are only trying to get clemency because they're Australians, and I have to wonder if the same thing happened here and Knox's support was based on her nationality, and not her innocence.

Because she underwent one hell of a make-over in terms of her public image.
If that's true it's a mighty double standard as we(U.S.) demand extradition, and prosecute plenty of non nationals.