America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec


Did nobody check this before its release or are the people who checked it just that stupid? I mean...there's an awful lot of garbage in it suggesting the latter, but this is Babytown Frolics. I figure it was first or second grade...maybe which I learned that rhyme, the first eight words of which address this.

"Thirty days has September, April, June and November..."
With me it's "Thirty days has September, the rest I can't remember". Knuckles rule still works for me though.

Trumpist lawyers don't seem to be much into attention to detail. I wonder whether they pulled their pants on the right way round this morning.
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I have no doubt she only heard about the Fauci e-mails from Q & as is her nature, bought into whatever it claimed was in them. I don't believe for a second she actually looked into them because she's made it clear that 14-pages of anything is quite the accomplishment for her.
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I forgot that rhyme a long time ago.
What's the knuckles rule?
Clench your fists and put them side by side.


Thirty days hast September, April, June and November.
They all have thirty days except February. Then the rhyme starts wandering off into Olde English and outta my memory. Mnemonics should be short and easy to remember like "i before e except after c"... oh wait, that's BS as well. :lol:
Feisty old Keith lives in the sovereign state of Brunei and is heir to the reign of the sheik. He’s a foreign species in a society of nescient financiers. With sleight of hand, in a heinous heist at the hacienda of the Reich, Keith seized a freight of eight buddleias. His forfeit was to either guess the height of a gneiss statue of a deity or to whistle a leitmotiv; he deigned to do neither, feigning injury to be pardoned.

Keith deifies heifers and feeds them seitan when they are deficient in protein. This he does conscientiously, reining in the dose if he suspects a surfeit may induce seizure. In such a case he would inject codeine into their veins.

After noticing seiches on the lake, Keith was prescient enough to efficiently conduct a scientific seismic survey of the weir before fishing with his seine net.

In his leisure time Keith relaxes among teil trees, veiled in his beige eider-down peignoir while proficiently spinning a dreidel, sipping from a seidel of beer.

Heigh-ho, that’s sufficient weight to the tale of weird Keith’s conscience. Don’t even start me on his neighbour Deirdre, an expert on ancient glaciers!
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View attachment 1015768
Did nobody check this before its release or are the people who checked it just that stupid? I mean...there's an awful lot of garbage in it suggesting the latter, but this is Babytown Frolics. I figure it was first or second grade...maybe which I learned that rhyme, the first eight words of which address this.

"Thirty days has September, April, June and November..."

Biden should respond to Mensa Marjorie and let her know the results will be available EXACTLY on the 31st of June.
Would be interesting to know Trump's thoughts about which POTUS was in charge when the US Government lifted the ban on 'Gain of Function' research in 2017....
Please be real.

I don't think that's possible.

It kinda looks like the crotch area is blurred out. Pretty sure its edited.

Edit: Re June 31st. I'm not good at calendars so I did my research by sparing approximately 1 second clicking in the bottom right corner of my computer screen to bring up the calendar and you can imagine my surprise when I found out.
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I don't think that's possible.

It kinda looks like the crotch area is blurred out. Pretty sure its edited.
The original video is in the post below it, and unless it was edited live... it looks genuine.

Of course it may be an optical illusion - and the varied explanations all seem to be urine-based - but it looks pretty much like Trump has got his trousers on ass-backwards. Or rather not ass-backwards.
@Famine I'm definitely going to have to try this when I get home. The wrinkles are definitely suspicious but we already know he stands like a lizard so I don't know how any pants fit him at all.


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There is speculation (and has been for some time) that Trump may be wearing an adult diaper.

If that is the case, then it is pretty unfortunate that people are making fun of him for that - but, then again, he is such an odious human being who has blatantly ridiculed people with disabilities himself that he doesn't really deserve much, if any, compassion even if he genuinely is afflicted with incontinence.
Would be interesting to know Trump's thoughts about which POTUS was in charge when the US Government lifted the ban on 'Gain of Function' research in 2017....
"Deep State!"

The original video is in the post below it, and unless it was edited live... it looks genuine.
Sure, but the source of the original video, Normal Right Side Broadcasting Network, is ****ing garbage.

Snopes has determined the claim that he's wearing his pants backwards to be false.
There is speculation (and has been for some time) that Trump may be wearing an adult diaper.

If that is the case, then it is pretty unfortunate that people are making fun of him for that - but, then again, he is such an odious human being who has blatantly ridiculed people with disabilities himself that he doesn't really deserve much, if any, compassion even if he genuinely is afflicted with incontinence.
Not only has he ridiculed others for it but if true then he's blatantly lied to the entire planet by telling us he's a perfect specimen. He's too big and strong to admit any health problems and appear weak. He's a poser and deserves to be challenged. Nobody has ever challenged him his entire life.
Sure, but the source of the original video, Normal Right Side Broadcasting Network, is ****ing garbage.
But pro-Trump garbage, isn't it?
If that is the case, then it is pretty unfortunate that people are making fun of him for that - but, then again, he is such an odious human being who has blatantly ridiculed people with disabilities himself that he doesn't really deserve much, if any, compassion even if he genuinely is afflicted with incontinence.
I like people who don't piss themselves.
Sure, but the source of the original video, Normal Right Side Broadcasting Network, is ****ing garbage.

Snopes has determined the claim that he's wearing his pants backwards to be false.
It's often said that a lie can get halfway around the world before the truth hs had a chance to get its pants on, but looking at the video it's not hard to see why the people watching it were fooled in the absence of clearer images. RSBN had no reason to fake the video and YouTube compression is more likely to be the cause of the illusion.
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It turns out the democrats didn't really win the senate. Manchin is a republican, even if he doesn't change party affiliation. West Virginia is conservative, Trump won it in 2020 with 70% of the vote. Democrats should just count themselves lucky that Manchin doesn't change parties (which he still can do), because otherwise we'd have McConnell as majority leader still. It would be painful for Manchin to switch parties, he'd alienate a lot of voters who cast votes for him previously. Manchin is on thin ice, but he knows that he can't support democrats very much and win again.

Unless they can find a way to twist his arm, the infrastructure bill may be the last of the legislation until mid-terms.

...and he's continuing to prove that he's a republican every chance he gets.

At this point, I think it's worth pondering exactly why Manchin calls himself a democrat at all.
Some uh-oh from Merrick Garland's DOJ as they support a decision which deprives Puerto Ricans of benefits that mainland US citizens are entititled to.

Biden's stated that he doesn't agree but insists the DOJ needs to defend their brief in court.

I'm not American so any corrections to my interpretation of the situation are welcome.

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I like people who don't piss themselves.
I thought we weren't cool unless we pee our pants?


...and he's continuing to prove that he's a republican every chance he gets.

At this point, I think it's worth pondering exactly why Manchin calls himself a democrat at all.
Apparently he was elected to the senate in 2010 as a Democrat and the vast majority of the state leaned blue for him. He was previously the second Democratic governor WV had had in a row, and before that the state flip-flopped red and blue since the late 60s but had been majority blue for the entire 20th century. Even after Manchin left, the next two WV governors were also blue until 2017, after which Jim Justice switched his party to Republican during his first term. Yeah, that's right - WV elected a blue governor in 2016 who then proceeded to switch Red with the swelling of the Trumpian tide, or rather a Trump rally in WV in August 2017. West Virginians were bamboozled and they liked it. During the 2020 gubernational election, every single county went red, an approximately 70% reversal from the previous election.

WV having a history of being blue is apparently the norm. But Blues switching Red at the behest of Trump is absolutely unusual and stinks of quid pro quo, just as basically every other aspect of Trump's presidency. More evidence of the Republican prerogative to completely ignore their constituents and follow Trump's lead.

Edit: In 2018 the Republican transition of WV was nearly complete with Manchin scraping by on 49.6% of the vote to hold his Senate seat.

This suggests to me that Manchin will definitely not win his 2024 election as a Dem unless the political tides change again. I wouldn't put it past him to simply switch his party to give Republicans the majority. All of this evidence suggests he is absolutely working in lockstep with Republicans to derail Democratic efforts to accomplish anything and simply lying about it.

Some uh-oh from Merrick Garland's DOJ as they support a decision which deprives Puerto Ricans of benefits that mainland US citizens are entititled to.

Biden's stated that he doesn't agree but insists the DOJ needs to defend their brief in court.

I'm not American so any corrections to my interpretation of the situation are welcome.

I'm curious if this DOJ move is some sort of compromise toward PR statehood in a convoluted way. Sort of like how in Obama's quest to normalize Cuban relations he also ended the Wet Foot Dry Foot policy. That seemed like a backwards move on its own but the long-term goal was to finally negotiate free travel and other normalizations with the Cuban government. Obviously Trump ruined that idea but was super happy about being being able to officially ship Cuban migrants home.
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