America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Amazing. In just two sentences you see the shift from condescension to blame and conspiracy, finally landing on victimhood. I don't imagine there exists a more perfect distillation of modern American conservatism.

Right on all counts.

Also, chances are pretty low that @ryzno actually pays taxes. Almost half of Americans pay zero net federal income tax. When they say "taxes", they mean something else, like medicare or social security (which is a tax, but is not what's being talked about here with respect to government debt). If @ryzno does pay net federal income tax, it's likely not a high percentage. I can virtually guarantee it is less than his "fair share". The bottom 90% of US earners pay less than 10% effective tax rate on federal income tax.

This may be the most American thing I've said in a while but I'm convinced Taco Bell is good eating. I mean, what other fast food place gives you this much lettuce and tomato for such a low price? A crunchwrap supreme is like 90% vegetables. That's a sweet deal as far as I'm concerned.
Right on all counts.

Also, chances are pretty low that @ryzno actually pays taxes. Almost half of Americans pay zero net federal income tax. When they say "taxes", they mean something else, like medicare or social security (which is a tax, but is not what's being talked about here with respect to government debt). If @ryzno does pay net federal income tax, it's likely not a high percentage. I can virtually guarantee it is less than his "fair share". The bottom 90% of US earners pay less than 10% effective tax rate on federal income tax.

It needs to be even more progressive because the lowest income brackets who actually pay taxes are still overburdened. For example, the third quarter of income earners, from the top 50% to top 25%, earn 20.5% of all income and pay 11.1% of all taxes. These are the people who make between $43,614 to $87,044 according to that 2018 chart. Virtually all of my friends and family live in this range and most of them are living what I'd call paycheck to paycheck - they literally wouldn't be able to pay their bills unassisted for more than a month if their income dried up. This bracket of income earners struggles to build the type of liquid savings needed to overcome that which is why they've been screaming throughout the pandemic regardless of their political affiliation. Anyway, this bracket earns an average of $65,329 and pays an average of $20,663 in federal taxes, literally 1/3 of their incomes.

Because Jeffrey Bezos is such an easy target with his shiny dick missile and all that, if he paid 1/3 of his income in federal taxes what would he pay? We can see what he actually paid - between 2006 and 2018 he made $6.5 billion and paid $1.4 billion which is only 21.5%. Based on this info I'm failing to see how our tax system is "progressive". The majority of the tax burden is put on the middle class, people for whom each dollar has a large amount of buying power. The richest people in America aren't even paying an equal share, much less a progressive share, much less a progressive share which accounts for buying power. For example myself and Jeff Bezos both need to eat apples to stay alive, so if an apple costs me $1 what's it cost him, $100? No, it costs him $1. Difference is I might have $1,000 on my debit card and he might have $10,000,000. Due to this tremendous difference in buying power, the concept of basic survival could be 10,000 times more expensive for me than him.

I literally cannot afford for this asshole to not pay his fair share of taxes. That 1/3 of my income that I'm shelling out to support America is all extremely important dollars for me, each one of those could make a difference in my quality of life and the life of my friends and family. But to a person like Jeff Bezos, a dollar has virtually zero value. He could heat his home by burning them and he wouldn't run out. The concept of money does not matter. Therefore, his "fair share" of the tax burden shouldn't be some arbitrary percentage, it should be based on actual buying power, and it should ultimately be an amount which has actual value to that person in terms of quality of life. What I'm trying to say is that if Jeff Bezos actually owns that $200,000,000,000 of wealth that people keep saying he does, he should pay $199,000,000,000 in taxes. That's a 99.5% rate, and he's still a billionaire. Most of America is paying about 33% of their income in taxes and is hurting while this dude could pay 99% and not give a single **** about it. A lot of people like to argue that we shouldn't punish success and I'd counter with well, if the punishment for being a billionaire is still being a billionaire then you can crack me with that whip all day long.
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This is stupid.
Not the article. The article's fine. I'm not compelled to transcribe it in full here (I'm on a tablet and that complicates the process) because it's not really [what I*] want to address.

This ****ing ad is stupid.

Shackford briefly touches on the bit that so irks me.

She accuses Republicans of "abusing" the recall process (they did not—they collected more than the required number of citizen signatures to force the vote under state law) and complains about the cost of the recall vote for Californian taxpayers (who, again, signed the petition).
Sure, this effort may well have been mounted largely by Republicans, but everything about it appears to be above-board. They didn't abuse the democratic process. They used it.

Linking the recall effort to the "audit" in Arizona and restricting voter access all over the ****ing country props up the allegation that the recall is anti-democratic, but the allegation breaks down easily under scrutiny and falls right on top of the criticisms of the other.

I. Don't. Like. Elizabeth. Warren.

*Edit to add. Fingers couldn't keep up with my train of thought.
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We can see what he actually paid - between 2006 and 2018 he made $6.5 billion and paid $1.4 billion which is only 21.5%.
Paying the equivalent of thousands of other people's taxes sounds like it far exceeds what his fair share would be.

As far as being able to save up money though, one thing that has popped up in my head from time to time is a period of tax exemption specifically to allow people to grow financially. Let's say from 18-25, no taxes are paid. You keep what you make and can use 100% of your income to get on your feet. I wonder what kind of effect this might have. On the one hand it would certainly leave people with more money, but on the other it doesn't mean they'll spend it wisely at all. I'm already surprised at the income range that you described as living paycheck to paycheck and I'm having a hard time figuring out why living in that range would be so difficult without other factors contributing to hardship.
This may be the most American thing I've said in a while but I'm convinced Taco Bell is good eating. I mean, what other fast food place gives you this much lettuce and tomato for such a low price? A crunchwrap supreme is like 90% vegetables. That's a sweet deal as far as I'm concerned.
Can't agree enough. As a vegetarian who used to frequently be a (broke) touring musician in the US, the Bell was often a shining light of the strip mall. Bean burritos for $1.19? Sign me tf up. Chipotle is the king though, and we would often call ahead to a location explaining we were a hungry British band on tour, and they'd fully hook us up with free food and treat us like royalty haha it was hilarious.

I'm getting some "jumping to conclusions mat" vibes from this.

Office Space Idea GIF

I'm getting some "jumping to conclusions mat" vibes from this.

Office Space Idea GIF
Grifters gonna grift.

If i'm reading the article right, he's charging $50-300 for a card to go in a wallet that no one is going to see anyway?

I bet its the same mugs patriots (Trump puts the riots into patriots BTW) who would flat out refuse to carry a vax-passport who will lap this up.
1) I guess instead of morons, they can now become card carrying morons provided they pony up first.

2) Has there ever been a president of the US as egotisitical and self serving as this? I don't recall Obama asking his followers to carry cards of this nature.


Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh... the reich stuff. Someone must have seen this coming...

4) The third card says "offical" by the way.
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If i'm reading the article right, he's charging $50-300 for a card to go in a wallet that no one is going to see anyway?
Unless you're compelled to show it...say, if Trump supporters are accosting you for not being a supporter. It increasingly feels that's the direction things are going.
The third card says "offical" by the way
Of course it does.
I'm already surprised at the income range that you described as living paycheck to paycheck and I'm having a hard time figuring out why living in that range would be so difficult without other factors contributing to hardship.
Because that's the income range of the "normal" jobs where pay doesn't go up as quickly as costs or prices. This is the pay range where people my age, 33, have to decide whether to start a family or not based on finances alone. By the time a person like me who lives comfortably without kids decides to have a kid, boom right back to paycheck to paycheck. And one kid isn't even enough to sustain the population. Groceries cost the same amount whether you're rich or poor, and for poor people $250 a week just to feed a family is an expense that actually needs to be planned for. We still need a reliable car to get to work because this is America. We basically have to have internet and cell phones. Anyway the point is that this is the income range where people are just able to pack in all these necessary expenses along with a kid or two and get by paycheck to paycheck. In fact I'd argue the only reason my married friends can afford the extra expense of kids is precisely because they have doubled their income. People get married for financial stability in this income range. Most people in this range will not be able to retire on their own savings, they'll have to rely on social security (which in turn was funded primarily by their wage-earning peers).

Above this range, any extra income becomes expendable. It goes to savings, it goes to retirement, it goes to a BMW. Below this range, myriad poverty-related problems occur including crime. The plurality of Americans live in this range I'm talking about, the largest share of working people, and none of them are having a good time. Meanwhile, hyper-wealthy people don't even realize that somebody has gone to the grocery for them or that somebody has done their taxes for them or that the market dropped 10% and they lost a billion overnight. If my taxes are an amount that matters to my survival, and that's my "fair share", then the "fair share" of a billionaire should be an amount that matters to their survival as well. Go ahead and leave them a million dollars per year, that's more cash than I'll ever see in my lifetime. They should be able to fund a retirement on a million per year.
It needs to be even more progressive because the lowest income brackets who actually pay taxes are still overburdened. For example, the third quarter of income earners, from the top 50% to top 25%, earn 20.5% of all income and pay 11.1% of all taxes. These are the people who make between $43,614 to $87,044 according to that 2018 chart. Virtually all of my friends and family live in this range and most of them are living what I'd call paycheck to paycheck - they literally wouldn't be able to pay their bills unassisted for more than a month if their income dried up. This bracket of income earners struggles to build the type of liquid savings needed to overcome that which is why they've been screaming throughout the pandemic regardless of their political affiliation. Anyway, this bracket earns an average of $65,329 and pays an average of $20,663 in federal taxes, literally 1/3 of their incomes.

Because Jeffrey Bezos is such an easy target with his shiny dick missile and all that, if he paid 1/3 of his income in federal taxes what would he pay? We can see what he actually paid - between 2006 and 2018 he made $6.5 billion and paid $1.4 billion which is only 21.5%. Based on this info I'm failing to see how our tax system is "progressive". The majority of the tax burden is put on the middle class, people for whom each dollar has a large amount of buying power. The richest people in America aren't even paying an equal share, much less a progressive share, much less a progressive share which accounts for buying power. For example myself and Jeff Bezos both need to eat apples to stay alive, so if an apple costs me $1 what's it cost him, $100? No, it costs him $1. Difference is I might have $1,000 on my debit card and he might have $10,000,000. Due to this tremendous difference in buying power, the concept of basic survival could be 10,000 times more expensive for me than him.

I literally cannot afford for this asshole to not pay his fair share of taxes. That 1/3 of my income that I'm shelling out to support America is all extremely important dollars for me, each one of those could make a difference in my quality of life and the life of my friends and family. But to a person like Jeff Bezos, a dollar has virtually zero value. He could heat his home by burning them and he wouldn't run out. The concept of money does not matter. Therefore, his "fair share" of the tax burden shouldn't be some arbitrary percentage, it should be based on actual buying power, and it should ultimately be an amount which has actual value to that person in terms of quality of life. What I'm trying to say is that if Jeff Bezos actually owns that $200,000,000,000 of wealth that people keep saying he does, he should pay $199,000,000,000 in taxes. That's a 99.5% rate, and he's still a billionaire. Most of America is paying about 33% of their income in taxes and is hurting while this dude could pay 99% and not give a single **** about it. A lot of people like to argue that we shouldn't punish success and I'd counter with well, if the punishment for being a billionaire is still being a billionaire then you can crack me with that whip all day long.
The top 1% pays 40% of all income tax. The top quarter of earners pays 87%. How is that requiring the middle class to pay for the country? I get your point, you want Jeff Bezos to pay lots of tax. That's a fairly separable issue. Let's not pretend that the middle class is funding the country or that the tax code is not progressive. An 11% effective tax rate is not a big effective tax rate.
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Regardless of the motivations behind the effort to recall Governor Newsom (who I don't particularly like but don't particularly dislike either) I have to say the recall process is kind of a mess.

The recall vote is entirely dependent on who shows up to vote...obviously that stacks the deck in favor of the recall succeeding because people who don't care that much but otherwise wouldn't vote to recall probably won't even vote. All that is needed is a simple majority of the votes, not of the voting-eligible population. This is why Brexit happened. It's sloppy democracy.

What's worse is that the candidate who simply receives the most votes down ballot would succeed Newsom, immediately, in the event the recall is successful - a majority is not even necessary.

You could end up in a situation where the governor is recalled by 20% of the population and the candidate who succeeds him gains just 20% of those votes. In that case you would end up with a Governor in power who was selected by just 4% of the population.

Question one will be decided by a majority of votes. That means that if a simple majority of voters — more than 50% — vote ‘yes,’ Newsom will be removed from office. However, if the recall is successful, the candidate who receives the most votes will take office and complete Newsom’s term. This candidate does not need a majority of votes to take office. In other words, if Newsom is recalled, his replacement could be determined by only a small fraction of the votes — possibly even a tiny fraction.
The top 1% pays 40% of all income tax. The top quarter of earners pays 87%. How is that requiring the middle class to pay for the country? I get your point, you want Jeff Bezos to pay lots of tax. That's a fairly separable issue. Let's not pretend that the middle class is funding the country or that the tax code is not progressive. An 11% effective tax rate is not a big effective tax rate.
I already explained this, I thought it was very clear. The effective tax rate that the working class pays is survival money. Every dollar of it matters greatly. It's the difference between living a happy life or dying early from stress.

One dollar literally does not matter to the richest people in America. A million dollars doesn't matter. To some of them, a billion dollars literally doesn't matter - that's a market variation. Unlike the working class, virtually any tax rate they could possibly pay simply never presents a survival situation. Virtually no tax they could possibly pay will ever put their necessities in jeopardy, will never risk their electricity being turned off, will never risk throwing a cookout for the whole family, will never risk anything that actually matters to daily life. And yet for some reason whoever came up with these rules thought it made sense that the largest portion of the country, the working class, should pay a tax rate which puts their basic needs at risk. Eleven percent of $80k is tremendous when corrected for cost of living while 11% of a billion is worthless. I don't understand how I can more clearly explain the "buying power" proposition I'm talking about. I don't understand why you think it's okay that a large portion of the country should literally have to worry every day about fitting all their taxes and necessities into a budget while the richest people wouldn't even know if half their wealth disappeared in a barn fire.
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I already explained this, I thought it was very clear. The effective tax rate that the working class pays is survival money. Every dollar of it matters greatly. It's the difference between living a happy life or dying early from stress.

One dollar literally does not matter to the richest people in America. A million dollars doesn't matter. To some of them, a billion dollars literally doesn't matter - that's a market variation. Unlike the working class, virtually any tax rate they could possibly pay simply never presents a survival situation. Virtually no tax they could possibly pay will ever put their necessities in jeopardy, will never risk their electricity being turned off, will never risk throwing a cookout for the whole family, will never risk anything that actually matters to daily life. And yet for some reason whoever came up with these rules thought it made sense that the largest portion of the country, the working class, should pay a tax rate which puts their basic needs at risk. Eleven percent of $80k is tremendous when corrected for cost of living while 11% of a billion is worthless. I don't understand how I can more clearly explain the "buying power" proposition I'm talking about. I don't understand why you think it's okay that a large portion of the country should literally have to worry every day about fitting all their taxes and necessities into a budget while the richest people wouldn't even know if half their wealth disappeared in a barn fire.
Taxes are an important economic and political signal. It might not cost much to the top 25% to pay the remaining 13% of federal income tax that they do not already pay, but it is important that everyone has a stake in taxes. Likewise, it's important from a principle of government perspective - equal treatment under the law.

How would you feel about a stituation like the following:

Every single taxpayer in the US gets a stipend of $10,000 annually (this is more than the bottom 75% pays generally speaking). Every single taxpayer pays 20% federal income tax on all dollars earned. No exceptions, no deductions, not credits. Super simple tax code.

The means bezos pays 20% on Bezos's income. But Bezos's $10k check would not offset that tax much at all. Meanwhile someone making $80k per year would pay $16k in federal income tax, but would receive the $10k stipend, which would offeset more than half. Taking the stipend into account, the effective tax rate on 80k would be 7.5%. Someone making $50k per year would pay exactly what the stipend replaced, and everyone below that would make money.

That's equal protection under the law, and a completely non-distorted signal. It's also a simple tax code, and a welfare program.
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Regardless of the motivations behind the effort to recall Governor Newsom (who I don't particularly like but don't particularly dislike either) I have to say the recall process is kind of a mess.

The recall vote is entirely dependent on who shows up to vote...obviously that stacks the deck in favor of the recall succeeding because people who don't care that much but otherwise wouldn't vote to recall probably won't even vote. All that is needed is a simple majority of the votes, not of the voting-eligible population. This is why Brexit happened. It's sloppy democracy.

What's worse is that the candidate who simply receives the most votes down ballot would succeed Newsom, immediately, in the event the recall is successful - a majority is not even necessary.

You could end up in a situation where the governor is recalled by 20% of the population and the candidate who succeeds him gains just 20% of those votes. In that case you would end up with a Governor in power who was selected by just 4% of the population.
That's the process, right? Would it be the process regardless of who mounts the effort? Does it differ greatly from when Arn replaced what's-his-face?

Maybe the process needs to be overhauled, but deliberately conflating a supposed flawed process with deceitful tactics is itself deceitful.

For four years, the administration of Donald Trump assaulted political norms and governing institutions, culminating in a literal assault by his supporters on the U.S. Capitol. This was rightly a major focus of Trump’s critics, who hoped and expected that, as president, Joe Biden would protect norms and strengthen institutions, and restore Americans’ faith in them.

Of course, simply removing Trump from the scene could not magically produce the institutional restoration we so desperately need. The structure of today’s politics—the fundraising incentives, the media dynamics, the parties very evenly divided in Congress, the heightened partisanship—make it very tempting to trample on norms in order to get things done. Reinvigorating institutional norms requires active, concerted effort. It often requires compromise. And it requires courage.

Which is what makes President Biden’s Tuesday announcement about the eviction moratorium so disappointing.

To understand why this matters and what the stakes are, it’s important first to separate the policy aim from the means of achieving it. The economic distress and job losses caused by the pandemic have contributed to an estimated 6 million Americans falling behind on rent, and a wave of evictions is expected to follow once an eviction moratorium issued by the federal government last September ends. Preventing, delaying, slowing, or softening the wave of evictions and the potentially disastrous social and economic follow-on effects may well be desirable, wise, and admirable as a policy matter—but like any policy matter, it must be pursued in a way that comports with the Constitution and applicable law.

Unfortunately, that is not what has happened here. Instead, President Biden has compounded a Trumpian instance of norm-busting.

Let’s walk through what happened. The first moratorium on evictions during the pandemic was passed by Congress and enacted in March 2020; it expired in July 2020. After a short gap, the Trump administration moved, on the basis of weak statutory and constitutional authority, to have the CDC issue a new moratorium, which took effect last September. That CDC moratorium was originally supposed to last only through the end of 2020, but it has been extended three times: once by Congress in late December, and then by the Biden CDC in late January and late March. The order was set to expire on July 31.

The question of the legality of the moratorium came before the judiciary, and federal courts in the Sixth Circuit and the D.C. Circuit found that the CDC had overstepped the powers granted it by the relevant statute. In June, the U.S. Supreme Court was asked to step in. The justices decided 5-4 not to intervene, with Justice Brett Kavanaugh spelling out precisely why he supplied the fifth vote to uphold the moratorium: “In my view, clear and specific congressional authorization (via new legislation) would be necessary for the CDC to extend the moratorium past July 31.”

Last Thursday—two days before the moratorium ended—the White House issued a reasonable statement regarding the ability of the executive branch to extend the eviction moratorium. Press Secretary Jen Psaki acknowledged that the Supreme Court “has made clear” that the option of executive branch extension of the moratorium, absent explicit legislative authorization from Congress, “is no longer available.”

Congress failed to pass that “clear and specific” legislation, as Speaker Pelosi could not even muster support from the moderate wing of her own Democratic caucus in the House, let alone sway Republicans in the Senate. This led to the strange dynamic of members of Congress protesting outside of the very institution of which they are a part.

July 31 came and went with no congressional action. Faced with the grim possibility of a wave of evictions, and under pressure from his base to take unilateral, presumptively illegal action to renew the moratorium, President Biden could have stuck to his guns, leaving the matter where it belongs: with Congress.

Instead, he had the CDC issue a new, more limited eviction ban applying to “counties experiencing substantial and high levels of community transmission levels” and extending through October 3. There is still no constitutional or statutory authority for this ban, which Biden himself acknowledged as he teased the announcement, saying that “any call for a moratorium based on the Supreme Court’s recent decision is likely to face obstacles.” He also made this strange admission:
One, I’ve sought out constitutional scholars to determine . . . what could [the CDC] do that was most likely to pass muster, constitutionally. The bulk of the constitutional scholarship says that it’s not likely to pass constitutional muster. . . . But there are several key scholars who think that it may and it’s worth the effort. But the present—you could not—the Court has already ruled on the present eviction moratorium.
The president seems to be admitting either that he is knowingly taking action that is unconstitutional, or that he thinks the new version of the eviction ban is different enough from the old one to somehow be more constitutionally permissible. The latter possibility is unconvincing; the former is troubling.

So what will happen now?

The new eviction ban will inevitably make its way through the courts, and if it reaches the Supreme Court it will almost certainly be struck down by a 5-4 vote as an unlawful exercise of executive power.

And this is where we can return to the broader question of norms and institutions, and the ramifications of President Biden’s action.

His decision will further erode the Supreme Court’s legitimacy. The president has buoyed his base’s hopes with a policy win that will prove fleeting, and when his base is stripped of that win by the Supreme Court, they will conclude that it’s the Supreme Court that is their problem. The Court’s legitimacy will be weakened. Don’t be surprised if calls for court packing and other norm-breaking proposals resume.

And the president’s action only worsens the unfortunate buck-passing dynamic among the branches of government—especially Congress’s eagerness to cede legislative authority to the executive branch. A president who is courageously committed to institutional norms would not assist Congress in its dereliction of duty. The disappearance of congressional strength atrophies our self-governing muscles. It cuts against piecemeal compromise, and it exacerbates fear of the other side. We’ve forgotten how to debate and work with one another—in the public square and in Congress. With his action this week, President Biden is not pushing back against this worrisome erosion of our self-governing capacities; he’s adding to it.
That's the process, right? Would it be the process regardless of who mounts the effort? Does it differ greatly from when Arn replaced what's-his-face?

Maybe the process needs to be overhauled, but deliberately conflating a supposed flawed process with deceitful tactics is itself deceitful.

Yeah, I'm not conflating, I'm criticizing the process itself. I find the amount of direct democracy in California to be dangerous. It's how we ended up with Proposition 13.
Yeah, I'm not conflating, I'm criticizing the process itself. I find the amount of direct democracy in California to be dangerous. It's how we ended up with Proposition 13.
Oh, apologies. I didn't mean to say that you were conflating. I can absolutely see how you read that, and it's my fault for not specifying that I was again speaking of Elizabeth Warren and the ad.
Speaking of state governors getting thrown out, I wonder what the official CNN hard hitting interview will be with Andrew Cuomo now that he's probably going to be impeached. Having Chris ask him about that time the two of them skipped rocks on the beach?
Speaking of state governors getting thrown out, I wonder what the official CNN hard hitting interview will be with Andrew Cuomo now that he's probably going to be impeached. Having Chris ask him about that time the two of them skipped rocks on the beach?
They're having his brother interview him?
Because that's the income range of the "normal" jobs where pay doesn't go up as quickly as costs or prices. This is the pay range where people my age, 33, have to decide whether to start a family or not based on finances alone. By the time a person like me who lives comfortably without kids decides to have a kid, boom right back to paycheck to paycheck. And one kid isn't even enough to sustain the population. Groceries cost the same amount whether you're rich or poor, and for poor people $250 a week just to feed a family is an expense that actually needs to be planned for. We still need a reliable car to get to work because this is America. We basically have to have internet and cell phones. Anyway the point is that this is the income range where people are just able to pack in all these necessary expenses along with a kid or two and get by paycheck to paycheck. In fact I'd argue the only reason my married friends can afford the extra expense of kids is precisely because they have doubled their income. People get married for financial stability in this income range. Most people in this range will not be able to retire on their own savings, they'll have to rely on social security (which in turn was funded primarily by their wage-earning peers).
Part of the reason for my surprise was that I've been in that range and I never really felt like I was under that much pressure. Originally I was renting while saving up enough to buy my own place, and after I did manage to buy property I had the money to build savings while still funding unnecessary expenses. Of course there is more to it than just paycheck, so I'm not trying to say that the bracket you mentioned is going to be sufficient in every case, but I feel like it's more than the bare minimum to get by when you apply some financial planning. Especially toward the upper end.

Having kids is definitely one way to make things tighter financially and I would recommend marriage in that case to help cover the expenses, but before that I would just hold off on kids all together if they're going to push finances to the limit. It would be better for the sake of everyone.

Above this range, any extra income becomes expendable. It goes to savings, it goes to retirement, it goes to a BMW. Below this range, myriad poverty-related problems occur including crime. The plurality of Americans live in this range I'm talking about, the largest share of working people, and none of them are having a good time. Meanwhile, hyper-wealthy people don't even realize that somebody has gone to the grocery for them or that somebody has done their taxes for them or that the market dropped 10% and they lost a billion overnight. If my taxes are an amount that matters to my survival, and that's my "fair share", then the "fair share" of a billionaire should be an amount that matters to their survival as well. Go ahead and leave them a million dollars per year, that's more cash than I'll ever see in my lifetime. They should be able to fund a retirement on a million per year.
The point of having money is to make life easier. I find it backwards to want to punish the wealthy just because the poor have it bad. The latter is the problem, not the former. I'm perfectly fine with the ultra wealthy not even noticing taxes. Ideally no one would.

I don't like the idea of income tax in the first place anyway. Tax should be based on what you cost the government, and the government should be structured so that it's not absurdly expensive to run.
1) I guess instead of morons, they can now become card carrying morons provided they pony up first.

2) Has there ever been a president of the US as egotisitical and self serving as this? I don't recall Obama asking his followers to carry cards of this nature.


Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh... the reich stuff. Someone must have seen this coming...

4) The third card says "offical" by the way.

And I thought Lindell's new symbol had some off vibe to it.
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Patriotism may be the last refuge of a scoundrel but those conservatives seem to be making it their first, last and only refuge.

Or rather, appealing to patriotism, as storming government buildings and attempting to hang the VP isn't in fact very patriotic.
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