America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
This was a good piece.

I particularly liked this bit from Barber:

We must break this understanding that this is just a black issue. It's not binary. This is a moral, constitutional issue. I love what brother Turner said. It's impacting all Americans. I think Democrats, nationally, made a little mistake there. They should have never framed this as Jim Crow. This is James Crow Esquire, an attempt to cut down thr progressive voice, undermine the changing demographics, block the voting processes that 56 million Americans used in the last election--
I desperately want to get away from this comparison to Jim Crow laws, and as clever as it was (well, certainly more clever than Biden's "Jim Eagle," which was just excruciatingly awkward), the "James Crow Esquire" to which Barber referred simply isn't helping matters.

As Barber said, this isn't a black issue. While people of color are disproportionately affected by some of these measures (and I'm not talking about identification), the reason they're disproportionately affected is because they're more likely to live in major population centers. It's these metropolitan areas that are the real target because Republicans know people in these areas, regardless of skin color, are more likely to vote for more liveral policies and candidates.

It's easy to say that it's about race and the numbers don't lie, but saying it's about race gives these mother****ers plausible deniability. These measures don't care who lives in metropolitan areas, and people likely to vote conservative in these areas are just as ****ed as everyone else, but this is acceptable to the Republicans crafting these laws because conservative voters represent a minority in these areas. For ****'s sake, these conservative voters are probably fine with it too because the ends justify the means. That's how far gone these ****ers are; "If you support us, you accept it and it serves you right if you don't support us."

A patriotic American would expect a voting process that is simultaneously easy and secure (which isn't to say that the process hasn't been secure) and one who has a view of American exceptionalism would expect such a process to be possible. These aren't patriotic Americans, they're ****ing caricatures of patriotic Americans and this purported view of American exceptionalism is plain pandering.
This kind of throwback message is pretty common. But it did get me thinking, even if this were literally true (which I doubt), it does kinda speak to a rise in standard of living more than a change in intelligence. Every idiot can afford a car these days, and nobody is expected to need to work on them, but if the car did need work, you'd have the money to hire it out.
even if this were literally true (which I doubt)
I don't. I can't hold up an example that shows it to be literally true, but I don't doubt one bit that it is.

Now, I don't think it being true--if it is--points to ignorance or any kind of common sense decay as seems to be suggested by the meme. Rather I think it points to business entities acknowledging the existence of a ridiculously litigious society in which people will sue over the stupidest goddamned things.

As for what owner's manuals don't cover, I think that's the result of automobiles advancing so much that even the average mechanically-minded owner would be out of their depth. There's also so much regular mechanical maintenance that used to be necessary, due to the way automobiles were built, but simply isn't required anymore. Hydraulic lifters--which that truck likely had from new (it's clearly been modified and may well have a more modern engine that would also have hydraulic lifters)--did away with valve adjustment at regular intervals.

It needs to be acknowledged that these are owner's manuals rather than service manuals. Mine has three full pages (both sides) on seat adjustment, but then one of those pages is intended for trim levels that don't have power adjustment like mine.

Edit: Who does Cuomo think he is? What is he expecting? He's going all Trumpy but he doesn't have any kind of comparable base support. Who, apart from him, actually wants him to stay in office?
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MTG suggests to Alabamians that they should use firearms to scare off vaccine promoters (NBC News), calling them "Biden's police state friends." The Independent UK also has video of the incident in question.

Dear God, what has to happen for this woman to be completely disavowed? The blatant fear-mongering is bad enough by itself, but here she's literally encouraging her supporters to engage in reckless endangerment that could get someone seriously injured or killed (nevermind the unrealistic series of events that would need to transpire to even get to that point). She is 100% unfit to be in a position of power.
Change party affiliation.
You're correct, and that is deeply frustrating. Literally a member of government advocating for citizens to potentially kill other civilians (some of which might be government volunteers) for the crime of keeping their fellow man safe and healthy.

On a completely separate note, it's people like her and her supporters that make it difficult for me to enjoy having an interest in firearms.
On a completely separate note, it's people like her and her supporters that make it difficult for me to enjoy having an interest in firearms.
If you're keeping and using them responsibly, and not in a manner which is likely to cause harm to innocent people, then screw them. And I say that as someone who has no interest in firearms. You go right ahead.
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You're correct, and that is deeply frustrating. Literally a member of government advocating for citizens to potentially kill other civilians (some of which might be government volunteers) for the crime of keeping their fellow man safe and healthy.
It is what it is. These people are ****ing garbage and they won't hear criticism from others in their circle. Which is really to say that it won't be voiced, but in the incredibly unlikely event that it is voiced, it'll fall on deaf ears.

I hate what these ****ers have done to my country. I couldn't have imagined it 20 years ago. I mean...I couldn't have imagined it 19 years ago either, seeing as the 20th anniversary of 9/11 is a little over a month away.

On a completely separate note, it's people like her and her supporters that make it difficult for me to enjoy having an interest in firearms.
It's maybe not a bad idea to embrace them anyway. Steer into the skid.
MTG suggests to Alabamians that they should use firearms to scare off vaccine promoters (NBC News), calling them "Biden's police state friends." The Independent UK also has video of the incident in question.

Dear God, what has to happen for this woman to be completely disavowed? The blatant fear-mongering is bad enough by itself, but here she's literally encouraging her supporters to engage in reckless endangerment that could get someone seriously injured or killed (nevermind the unrealistic series of events that would need to transpire to even get to that point). She is 100% unfit to be in a position of power.
You lucky people here in Alabama might get a knock on your door, because I hear Alabama might be one of the most unvaccinated states,” Greene told the crowd, prompting cheers and applause over the state's low vaccination rate.
Jim Carrey Reaction GIF
Some House seats would be better served by an empty chair than by actually electing someone who appears to have less morals than said chair.
Make immigration and acquiring legal residence privileges easier and streamline the path to citizenship, and the odds of someone attempting to gain entry illegally doing so for drug distribution purposes increases significantly. Energies put into securing the border may then become more effective at addressing what can reasonably be considered a problem (hint: it's not people) and can possibly even be redistributed in such a way that the very same problem can be addressed in an area that is in no way subject to border security--the ports.

Also, pare back the idiotic war on drugs to that which can reasonably be considered a problem (hint: it's not cannabis), or even abandon it entirely as it hasn't been particularly effective and likely even played a significant role in creating the opioid epidemic (predatory legal dealers can't be dismissed, obviously) that hasn't been addressed particularly well either and has in turn played a significant role in creating the demand for the synthetic fentanyl that's killing people.
Ol' Nancy Reagan must be rollin' in her grave...

BTW, my mum just spoke to her elderly friend in Bayport, NY who's convinced that Covid is all the fault of the Democrats for letting countless unvaxxed illegals in at the border.

First, how countless are they, and are they "flooding" in, in the kind of numbers to affect the hundreds of millions of the US in total? If so, why is it only the unvaxxed states showing high incidences of Covid? Sounds kinda like paranoid old lady scaremongered by Rupert "howling mad" Murdoch to me.
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Ol' Nancy Reagan must be rollin' in her grave...

BTW, my mum just spoke to her elderly friend in Bayport, NY who's convinced that Covid is all the fault of the Democrats for letting countless unvaxxed illegals in at the border.

First, how countless are they, and are they "flooding" in, in the kind of numbers to affect the hundreds of millions of the US in total? If so, why is it only the unvaxxed states showing high incidences of Covid? Sounds kinda like paranoid old lady scaremongered by Rupert "howling mad" Murdoch to me.
I get this conspiracy shoved at me almost daily at this point. When I pointed out that the Florida spike is leading Texas, and that the illegal immigrants from mexico must be swimming to florida to cross the border before traveling back to texas, it made almost no difference, although it began a slight shift toward blaming all foreigners coming to the US from all destinations.

The problem is not the wonderful patriots in the US who refuse masks and vaccination, the problem is the unwashed masses from outside our borders. Trump was holding them at bay, but Biden has allowed them to infect our people. [/s]
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Cuomo resigning and set to cede duties and responsibilities to New York Lt. Governor Kathy Hochul in 14 days.

Good riddance.

I get this conspiracy shoved at me almost daily at this point. When I pointed out that the Florida spike is leading Texas, and that the illegal immigrants from mexico must be swimming to florida to cross the border before traveling back to texas, it made almost no difference, although it began a slight shift toward blaming all foreigners coming to the US from all destinations.
Why is it that when conspiratorial belief is challenged, even by merely asking for substantiation, it so frequently results in the individual holding such belief devolving to even more absurd belief?
Wow. I expected him to stop just short of burning down Albany to keep from leaving. Everything his office had done to this point suggested he was going to fight it every inch of the way.
Wow. I expected him to stop just short of burning down Albany to keep from leaving. Everything his office had done to this point suggested he was going to fight it every inch of the way.
Guess he's all inched out.
Wow. I expected him to stop just short of burning down Albany to keep from leaving. Everything his office had done to this point suggested he was going to fight it every inch of the way.
Exactly my thought. He pulled a 180 so I wonder if his top allies resigning sealed his own.
Cuomo resigning and set to cede duties and responsibilities to New York Lt. Governor Kathy Hochul in 14 days.

Good riddance.
Some batcrap logic from Cuomo:
In my mind I've never crossed the line with anyone. but I didn't realise the extent to which the line has been redrawn.
The line between groping women and not groping women apparently... crossed him?
Some batcrap logic from Cuomo:

The line between groping women and not groping women apparently... crossed him?
It's a generational thing?

seinfeld whatever GIF

It's no longer political, anyway. There was really nowhere for him to go but down. I gather there's more to come on the criminal front.

He redrew it!

How has he not deleted that?

Was that said to be about anyone in particular or was it just a blanket statement as a response to calls to action against workplace abuses?
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Why is it that when conspiratorial belief is challenged, even by merely asking for substantiation, it so frequently results in the individual holding such belief devolving to even more absurd belief?
As the Delta variant sweeps across Texas, local officials in the state’s largest metro areas who have swallowed Gov. Greg Abbott’s bans on COVID restrictions for much of the pandemic are now in full revolt against the governor over his refusal to allow local mask mandates.

On Tuesday afternoon, a state district judge in San Antonio granted a request by the mayor and Bexar County judge to require face coverings in schools and at city and county facilities. Hours later, a Dallas judge ruled that Abbott’s ban on mask mandates was not “a necessary action to combat the pandemic” and granted Dallas County’s top elected official broad authority to require masks in public. Harris County commissioners piled on shortly after, authorizing the county attorney to file their own challenge to the governor’s order.

Meanwhile, Austin and Dallas schools already had issued their own mask mandates in defiance of the governor’s order. Houston ISD, the state’s largest public school system, was expected to follow suit Thursday ahead of reopenings next week, while Mayor Sylvester Turner since last Wednesday has required city employees to wear masks at work when they are unable to socially distance. Fort Worth ISD will also require masks indoors next week when classes begin, the district’s superintendent announced Tuesday evening.

The local pushback coincides with a surge in COVID cases and hospitalizations that has overwhelmed medical facilities in Houston and across the state. While mayors and county judges have frequently blasted Abbott for overriding their COVID decisions, until now they had made only sporadic one-off attempts to flout the governor, with little success.

“Obviously cities and counties sue the state left and right for certain policies and this and that, but I haven't seen this number of school districts and local officials suing the governor before,” said Jeronimo Cortina, a political science professor at the University of Houston.

Local officials have said they feel compelled to act without any tools to combat the sharpest rise in COVID cases and hospitalizations since the pandemic began last spring.

“It’s a moment of necessary civil disobedience. Children's lives are literally at risk,” Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo said earlier this week as she touted support for Houston ISD’s potential mask mandate. “Schools have an unspoken commitment to protect the children in their care. I can't imagine the state of Texas suing school districts that require masks to keep kids safe.”

Abbott has defended his approach to the virus, arguing that Texans have “mastered the safe practices that help to prevent and avoid the spread of COVID-19” and no longer require government restrictions. On Monday, however, Abbott announced that state health officials will begin recruiting out-of-state nurses to help fill staffing gaps and asked hospital executives to postpone non-critical surgeries.

By Tuesday, more than 10,000 people were hospitalized with COVID-19 in Texas for the first time in six months. The Houston region recorded an increase in COVID hospitalizations for the 25th straight day, with local hospitals recording their highest numbers since late January when only 2 percent of the state was vaccinated.

Medical officials say the surge is being driven by the highly contagious Delta variant and the millions of Texans who have yet to receive the COVID vaccine. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said last month that 97 percent of people entering hospitals for COVID-19 were unvaccinated, one of the many recent statistics that have left parents concerned as they prepare to send children who are not eligible for the vaccine back to school.

Abbott spokeswoman Renae Eze predicted an appellate court would reverse the San Antonio judge’s decision, and chastised school officials for imposing mask mandates in the face of the governor’s order, which he issued in May.

“We are all working to protect Texas children and those most vulnerable among us, but violating the governor’s executive orders — and violating parental rights — is not the way to do it,” Eze said. “Governor Abbott has been clear that the time for mask mandates is over; now is the time for personal responsibility. Parents and guardians have the right to decide whether their child will wear a mask or not, just as with any other decision in their child’s life.”

Meanwhile in Harris County, state judges joined the parade of local mask mandates on Tuesday, voting unanimously to require face coverings in courthouses despite Abbott’s order. Judges cited guidance from the all-Republican Texas Supreme Court that gives judges broad discretion to take “reasonable” action to protect themselves and those in their courtrooms, along with an opinion from Attorney General Ken Paxton last August that stated judges could require masks in their courtrooms.

The city of San Antonio is now suing for that same discretion.

At a hearing Tuesday afternoon before state District Judge Antonia “Toni” Arteaga, a city attorney argued that Abbott had exceeded the bounds of the Texas Disaster Act of 1975, which the governor cited in suspending local authority to impose COVID restrictions.

“The Texas Legislature has given cities and counties broad authority within the Texas Health and Safety Act,” said Assistant City Attorney Bill Christian. “Only the Legislature has the authority to suspend laws.”

Kimberly Gdula, a lawyer with the Texas Attorney General’s Office, pointed to an appellate court ruling last November that upheld Abbott’s ban on local business restrictions. She also argued that the city and county were asking the court to improperly “throw out” parts of the Disaster Act.

Arteaga is set to take up the case again on Monday at an injunction hearing. In the meantime, the San Anotnio-area health authority swiftly enacted a mask mandate for local schools and issued a requirement that unvaccinated students, staff, teachers and visitors remain away from campus if they are “found to be in close contact with a COVID-19 positive person.”

Abbott has become familiar with mask mandate debates during the course of the pandemic, drawing criticism from local leaders when he nullified Harris County’s first mask order in the spring of 2020 before facing heat from Republicans who accused the governor of infringing on their personal liberties when he issued his own mask requirement for most of the state a few months later.

Since Abbott began removing local authority to issue COVID restrictions, a handful of officials have openly defied the governor only to see their attempts struck down in court. Last November, El Paso County Judge Ricardo Samaniego unsuccessfully ordered nonessential businesses to close during a massive spike in cases that led officials to enlist inmates to help handle the flow of dead bodies in local morgues.

The Texas Supreme Court later blocked Austin and Travis County restrictions on restaurant operations around the New Year’s holiday. The city and county also temporarily continued to require masks in public after Abbott lifted his statewide mask mandate in March.

With the ongoing COVID surge, Cortina said the best political outcome for Abbott now may be for the courts to uphold the local mask mandates.

"That way, the governor would simply not backtrack on his executive orders, while allowing counties and ISDs to do as they please,” Cortina said.
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Abbott has defended his approach to the virus, arguing that Texans have “mastered the safe practices that help to prevent and avoid the spread of COVID-19”
The Houston region recorded an increase in COVID hospitalizations for the 25th straight day, with local hospitals recording their highest numbers since late January when only 2 percent of the state was vaccinated.
Mastered, indeed. :rolleyes:

He is such a piece of trash.