America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) — A witness to an incident last week involving MyPillow chief executive Mike Lindell says he saw no reason for Lindell to claim he was attacked at a South Dakota hotel.

Lindell, who was in Sioux Falls hosting an election fraud symposium, told The Associated Press on Tuesday his encounter with a man seeking a photo late Wednesday left him doubled over in pain. Lindell said he has filed a report of an assault with the Sioux Falls Police Department and is conducting his own investigation into how the photo-seeker could have shoved an object between his ribs, leaving him unable to move his right arm.

:lol::rolleyes: I think we all know how THAT'S going to go.
He's gonna team up with O.J. and go after the REAL criminals... Antifa.

He's gonna team up with O.J. and go after the REAL criminals... Antifa.

I've seen a few of his "Cyber Symposium" posters hanging up in shops and gas stations. How can people still give this guy the benefit of the doubt?

His OWN cyber security expert confirmed that he has NO evidence. Even Mike knows it.

"No, just forget about the evidence..." Classic.

And now he claims that some guy, maybe an Antifa operative, shoved a dangerous object between his ribs, perhaps a finger, and in the process, made his arm go limp. And yet, Republican Congressional candidate, Jeff Buongiorno, who was standing right next to him, claims nothing of the sort happened.
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I've seen a few of his "Cyber Symposium" posters hanging up in shops and gas stations. How can people still give this guy the benefit of the doubt?

He won't give the evidence to as many cyber experts as possible because one of them might doctor the data? And nobody will notice it's different to the other sources?!

Y'know, I begrudge that guy space on the official America thread. In my eyes he is an utter irrelevance to your country.
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As this still loosely pertains to the 2020 election, that's probably the better venue for this sort of stuff. That thread isn't going to cease being relevant for quite some time yet.
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As this still loosely pertains to the 2020 election, that's probably the better venue for this sort of stuff. That thread isn't going to cease being relevant for quite some time yet.
Bright side? Since he is still debating if Trump is currently president and hasn't accepted the results, Trump cannot run in 2024 since he hasn't asked for a revocation of term limits.
Bright side? Since he is still debating if Trump is currently president and hasn't accepted the results, Trump cannot run in 2024 since he hasn't asked for a revocation of term limits.
Guarantee he doesn't think that way. If he thinks at all, he doesn't think thay way. looks exactly like Jan 6? Except somehow the Taliban didn't try as hard but were more successful. It kinda seems like you're trying to make an example out of this, as if this is what the American terrorists should've done because it actually worked.
I posted that picture for the ignorant people who actually believe that the Jan. 6 riot was an insurrection. Hard to blame them though given the breathless press is still touting this idea on nearly a daily basis. Hell, even President Biden said it was the “worst attack on democracy since the Civil War". What an Idiot.
The only ignorance is on the side of right-wing dummies who haven't made up their mind if it was peaceful tourists, Antifa, or the FBI.

The hilarity is that as Keef pointed out., Jan 6th fits the definition far more of an insurrection b/c the Taliban didn't even have to revolt against anyone; the established government literally dipped beforehand.
: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) — A witness to an incident last week involving MyPillow chief executive Mike Lindell says he saw no reason for Lindell to claim he was attacked at a South Dakota hotel.

Lindell, who was in Sioux Falls hosting an election fraud symposium, told The Associated Press on Tuesday his encounter with a man seeking a photo late Wednesday left him doubled over in pain. Lindell said he has filed a report of an assault with the Sioux Falls Police Department and is conducting his own investigation into how the photo-seeker could have shoved an object between his ribs, leaving him unable to move his right arm.

:lol::rolleyes: I think we all know how THAT'S going to go.
“It happened pretty fast, but the guy knew what he was doing,” Lindell said, adding that it was “one of the worst attacks on me I’ve ever had."

Mikey must just be used to all them pillow fights.

Alternatively, it might have been his liver begging him to stop drinking.
“It happened pretty fast, but the guy knew what he was doing,” Lindell said, adding that it was “one of the worst attacks on me I’ve ever had."

Mikey must just be used to all them pillow fights.

Alternatively, it might have been his liver begging him to stop drinking.
That ain't alcohol his body is asking to stop doing.

Snort, snort
That ain't alcohol his body is asking to stop doing.

Snort, snort
I considered that but I didn't want to search for what organ processes cocaine so just went with booze. :lol:

Now I'll just sit back and wait for someone to tell me that it's the liver. :P
I considered that but I didn't want to search for what organ processes cocaine so just went with booze. :lol:

Now I'll just sit back and wait for someone to tell me that it's the liver. :P
Hammond organ.
I considered that but I didn't want to search for what organ processes cocaine so just went with booze. :lol:

Now I'll just sit back and wait for someone to tell me that it's the liver. :P
Considering he didn't snort coke but actually smoked crack, I'd say his lungs.
Oh, dear.

There's a really creepy element there. Alleged underage sex trafficker's friend with whom he co-hosted a podcast is on the board of BB/BS chapter.

There's nothing to suggest she was actually involved in his alleged activities or that she abused her position as part of any supposed involvement, but the whole thing really stinks.
That guy, Anton, seems to have been heavy into the Republican circle. Dude has pictures with Trump, Pence, Graham, Carlson, & I think Rubio? Also was on Fox News.
I posted that picture for the ignorant people who actually believe that the Jan. 6 riot was an insurrection.
What do you believe the differences are between that photo and photos of Jan 6?

Oh, dear.

There's a really creepy element there. Alleged underage sex trafficker's friend with whom he co-hosted a podcast is on the board of BB/BS chapter.

There's nothing to suggest she was actually involved in his alleged activities or that she abused her position as part of any supposed involvement, but the whole thing really stinks.

Why quit if you haven't done anything wrong? I know people who have done terrible things (FAA butt puckers abound), that hasn't made me quit my jobs. When I found out my company violated all sorts of rules and half the fleet go grounded I knew I was clean so I didn't quit. The only reason I would quit one of my jobs because of something somebody else did is if I were implicated or involved in it. I assume an actual experienced, professional adult would come to the same conclusion, so yeah I'd say it stinks like poo.
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I posted that picture for the ignorant people who actually believe that the Jan. 6 riot was an insurrection. Hard to blame them though given the breathless press is still touting this idea on nearly a daily basis. Hell, even President Biden said it was the “worst attack on democracy since the Civil War". What an Idiot.
Chrunch, I'm going to say it again for your benefit. The people who stormed and invaded the Capitol on January 6th were NOT patriots. They were not peaceful protestors. They were not calmly exercising their right to free expression. They were a mob of violent insurrectionists, many of whom after being pumped for years with outrageous and decietful propaganda, decided to overturn the results of a free and fair election, stormed one of our most sacred institutions, beat armed police officers and security guards and in some cases, attempted to hang the Vice President and potentially other members of Congress or the Senate. What they did was treasonous and despicable and every single one of them should be tried and if found guilty, should be incarcerated with the maximum penalty allowable by law. That process is well under way.

I'll repeat it again. The people who stormed the Capitol on January 6th were violent criminals. And in MY country (that would be the United States of America) we have laws against such activity. Perhaps you've gone to sleep and believe you've woken up in some fairy-tale land of your own creation, where people who DON'T sit glassy eyed in front of Fox News or OAN or Newsmax aren't "real Americans" or as you believe "normal people". Maybe you think it's all just fine as long as they "believe" what they're doing is alright. But the country I call home is made up of people who don't always agree and often don't see eye to eye. But despite this, we hold elections, and having a narcissistic despot urge his hoard to storm and overthrow the rightfully elected governemnt is not part of the American way of doing things.

YES, it was an insurrection.
Chrunch, I'm going to say it again for your benefit. The people who stormed and invaded the Capitol on January 6th were NOT patriots. They were not peaceful protestors. They were not calmly exercising their right to free expression. They were a mob of violent insurrectionists, many of whom after being pumped for years with outrageous and decietful propaganda, decided to overturn the results of a free and fair election, stormed one of our most sacred institutions, beat armed police officers and security guards and in some cases, attempted to hang the Vice President and potentially other members of Congress or the Senate. What they did was treasonous and despicable and every single one of them should be tried and if found guilty, should be incarcerated with the maximum penalty allowable by law. That process is well under way.

I'll repeat it again. The people who stormed the Capitol on January 6th were violent criminals. And in MY country (that would be the United States of America) we have laws against such activity. Perhaps you've gone to sleep and believe you've woken up in some fairy-tale land of your own creation, where people who DON'T sit glassy eyed in front of Fox News or OAN or Newsmax aren't "real Americans" or as you believe "normal people". Maybe you think it's all just fine as long as they "believe" what they're doing is alright. But the country I call home is made up of people who don't always agree and often don't see eye to eye. But despite this, we hold elections, and having a narcissistic despot urge his hoard to storm and overthrow the rightfully elected governemnt is not part of the American way of doing things.

YES, it was an insurrection.
Wasn't an insurrection. Homies just out here putting up a gallows for fun. MAGA humor on a different level.
The Spanish war and other events in 1936-37 turned the scale and thereafter I knew where I stood. Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, as I understand it. It seems to me nonsense, in a period like our own, to think that one can avoid writing of such subjects.

Take a gander who wrote this Ground.
That kind of B.S. is why so many idiots stormed the Capitol, thinking THEY were the patriots instead of the puppets. If Orwell was alive today, he'd probably be writing a part II and NOT about Russia.
That's funny that he posted that image because that's exactly what those idiots that stormed the capital, Trump himself, Giuliani, this Liindell moron, all those in Congress that tried to stop the certification, they were all trying to prove that 2+2 does equal 5.

Despite overwhelming evidence that the election was fairly held and the vote totals were right (2+2=4) they all screamed, NO IT DOESN'T!!!! 2+2 equals 5!!!!