America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
The man claimed he had a bomb that would go off even if he was killed (dead man's switch). Even if he was lying, parking in front of a federal building claiming you have a bomb is almost parallel to shouting fire in a crowded movie theater. Not really something to be taken lightly.
The man claimed he had a bomb that would go off even if he was killed (dead man's switch). Even if he was lying, parking in front of a federal building claiming you have a bomb is almost parallel to shouting fire in a crowded movie theater. Not really something to be taken lightly.
Evacuate everyone and wait till he has to pee. Can't hold the switch forever...
He's stupid enough to make an in-person bomb threat near the Capitol--there's hardly any chance he hasn't pissed his pants in his adult life.
I like what you did there. He's gotta sleep at some point too. I'll tell you from personal experience, after 4 days you become delusional and useless.
A little bump of something helps keep you awake but just makes you more paranoid.
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Yikes. This one's out there before she even gets to the bit referred to in the description. Even after what happened today, she's trying to scare people with the notion that refugees may be terrorists.

Right trash.
I like what you did there. He's gotta sleep at some point too. I'll tell you from personal experience, after 4 days you become delusional and useless.
A little bump of something helps keep you awake but just makes you more paranoid.
Thanks for the tip, next time I have a mental snap and execute a bomb threat at a government building, I'll make sure I have a gram of the pub grub just to keep me invested.

But will they take me seriously? Should I bring crack instead?
we gotta protect the little kiddos...from the "ya know, that thing" guy.
All this passion for saving the children from being sniffed, yet I haven't seen you show the same energy when stories are shared of yet another person of the opposite party being investigated for child sex trafficking.
The man claimed he had a bomb that would go off even if he was killed (dead man's switch).
Not quite. Roseberry claimed in the video that he livestreamed on Facebook from his truck outside the Library of Congress that he had no control of it at all, that the detonator worked off of noise.

"The only thing that can set this bomb off is enough decimals (sic). The shatter of this glass in this truck is enough decimals (sic) to start the revolution.


Don't shoot me, Joe, 'cause if you shoot me, you're settin' this bomb off and you're settin' the other four off, and the other four might be sittin' in the middle of a million people and it'll be on you. It won't be on us. It won't be on us. It's your game, Joe. Now I'm callin' your bluff. Shoot me. Two city blocks is gone."

Christ on a ****ing bike, that video was 30 minutes of brain rot.

Because "Uncle Joe" hasn't been a recipient of criticism on this platform?

The caps-locked sentence that immediately preceeded that one was also humorous because Roseberry said in his video that he was chosen for his job (announcing the "revolution"), unlike Biden, and it's reported that his Facebook is full of unfair election rhetoric, that he purportedly believes Trump is the rightful president.

A pre-emptive victim card. Man, those are rare.
He's a victim because a guy who threatened to blow up a federal building had his FB page, the last post to which was something from DJTJ, taken down. And he's apparently said awful things on Facebook without going to Facebook jail while others have for saying things that aren't as bad?

That was a strange post. Strange overall, anyway, but pretty typical for @ryzno as of late.
All this passion for saving the children from being sniffed, yet I haven't seen you show the same energy when stories are shared of yet another person of the opposite party being investigated for child sex trafficking.
Chop off his willy and throw it to the dog then throw him under the jail if he doesn't bleed out first. I have the same feeling for anyone who messes with children.

The evacuation situation right now is an absolute cluster****. There's no belaboring that. The Biden administration and Biden himself deserve considerable blame.

While the current administration deserves blame, the process has been mired for many months by bad policy fueled by isolationalist agenda and bigotry, and any effort to right the situation was forestalled and inhibited by rampant toxic cronyism in the last administration.

On the topic of helping those who helped our forces in Afghanistan for many years, the ALLIES (Averting Loss of Life and Injury by Expediting SIVs) Act was passed in the House and awaits a resumed session in the Senate to see a vote so that it can be presented to Biden to put into effect.

The ALLIES Act would:

  • Increase the SIV allotment by an additional 8,000 visas to cover all potentially eligible applicants currently in the pipeline;
  • Amend the credible threat requirement, removing the necessity for applicants to provide additional paperwork to establish a credible threat we know exists for applicants with verified U.S. government ties;
  • Strengthen protections for surviving spouses and children, allowing them to retain eligibility if the primary SIV applicant dies before visa approval;
  • Clarify eligibility for certain Afghans who worked for Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) under cooperative agreements and grants with the U.S. government, including those performing critical democracy, human rights, and governance work;
  • Remove the requirement for International Security Assistance Force or Resolute Support employment to be “sensitive and trusted”, expanding the field of qualified applicants; and
  • Eliminate redundant paperwork by giving the Departments of Homeland Security the flexibility not to require a I-360 petition in cases where the State Department has already determined an applicant’s eligibility through the Chief of Mission process.
The effort to revise processes for granting Special Immigrant Visas was popular enough in the House that it garnered yeas from 407 representatives. Tremendous bipartisan support, and not even a montho ago with the state of political affairs as it has been.

Fifteen Sixteen members voted against. Some of their names are recognizable as they've demonstrated a propensity to clown themselves on social media and national television.

Andy Biggs (R-AZ)
Lauren Boebert (R-CO
Mo Brooks (R-AL)
Scott DesJarlais (R-TN)
Jeff Duncan (R-SC)
Bob Good (R-VA)
Paul Gosar (R-AZ)
Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA)
Kevin Hern (R-OK)
Jody Hice (R-GA)
Thomas Massie (R-KY)
Barry Moore (R-AL)
Scott Perry (R-PA)
Bill Posey (R-FL)
Matt Rosendale (R-MT)
Chip Roy (R-TX)
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Lindsay Graham says Biden should be impeached if anyone is left behind in Afghanistan. 5 seconds ago Republicans had the threshold for impeachment so high that you couldn't meet it no matter what. Now all of the sudden it applies to anything they want.

So gross. Impeachment has a meaning and a purpose. Republicans just can't seem to find it.
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Not really. I watch Hasan and he's currently live explaining once again, how folks on the right don't understand what socialism is beyond, "Oooo, scary word".
Guy affords nice home-doesn’t pay mods, according to Twitter.
Admittedly I don’t watch him. I watched the V guy once for a few minutes Vash? Vauchz?
I saw no reason to watch further, these guys are transparent.
I just find it funny.
Guys like him will say Socialism great you like roads and police and fire departments lol but it’s not like govt controlling the means of production which is what it is.
It’s brainwashing and the weak eat it up, pandering to the lowest common denominator.
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Guys like him will say Socialism great you like roads and police and fire departments lol but it’s not like govt controlling the means of production which is what it is.
You don't understand what socialism is. Socialism is a big blanket term that covers a huge variety of government - including market and non-market-based socialism. It's such a big term, it barely means anything by itself. You'd need to understand a particular flavor of socialism, or socialist policy, being discussed in order to really get a sense of how someone is using the term and what they're really advocating.

What socialism is, fundamentally, is government regulation of the economy - not limited to human rights, but regulation and control for a variety of purposes. So a redistributive program like social security, or medicare, are socialist programs enacted within the socialist united states. Public fire, roads, ERs, and ambulances are also socialist. On the flip side, seizing control of a private company and making it publicly owned and controlled directly by the government is also socialist. It's a big spectrum, and describes all of the major global players today, including the US.

Government controlling the means of production can be socialist, but it is not necessary for socialism.
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I realized just how far gone the USA was when it was “too big to fail”
That’s ruinous Socialism enough for me.
It’s just bad when you read like what @Danoff just posted. You are ignorant, sir, about others.

“from each according to their abilities to each according to their needs”

What a fantasy and total misunderstanding of human nature Marx had!

Here’s a useful quote to think about before I get labeled one way or the otger
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I realized just how far gone the USA was when it was “too big to fail”
That’s ruinous Socialism enough for me.
It’s just bad when you read like what @Danoff just posted. You are ignorant, sir, about others.
Ok... let me walk you through this. The US has been a socialist country since 1935 when it enacted a huge socialist program called social security. Since then (at least), the US is a form of socialism. It's not the most left form, but it is a form. You should be able to accept that the US is and has been socialist since before your parents were born (unless you're much older than I think).

If you can't accept that, let's discuss which of these statements you think is wrong:
  • Social Security is socialist
  • Social Security is a US program since 1935
  • The presence of a broad sweeping socialist program makes the US a socialist country

Pick one you think is out of place and we can discuss.

“from each according to their abilities to each according to their needs”

That's marxism. Socialism, I suppose in particular market-based socialism (which is how it's usually referred to, and which represents all of the major global socialist governments), is fundamentally incompatible with marxism and communism. It's predicated on the connection between consumption and production, whereas marxism and communism are predicated on the separation of consumption and production.
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You mean like having the ability to make millions on Twitch espousing Socialism then taking a lot of it and buying a huge mansion for yourself?
Making millions espousing a system of thought you don’t practice?
Or like kneeling for the anthem to protest the fact the country you are in made you rich for playing sports?
Look at me I’m a Socialist!
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You mean like having the ability to make millions on Twitch espousing Socialism then taking a lot of it and buying a huge mansion for yourself?
Making millions espousing a system of thought you don’t practice?
Look at me I’m a Socialist!
There's nothing inherently inconsistent with buying a mansion and advocating for socialism. The US is socialist, it's ok to buy a mansion here. China is socialist, it's ok to buy a mansion there. It might be hypocritical for this particular twitch person, but it's not enough to say that this person advocates for socialism and also is rich. That's not inconsistent by itself.
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For someone against socialism, Groundfish loves quoting people who advocate socialist policies. First Orwell, then Eisenhower, now Washington.
George Washington, a slave owner, remember, believed that broad-based worker ownership would ensure “the happiness of the lowest class of people because of the equal distribution of property.”
But in researching the book, the biggest surprise was that citizen ownership — often stigmatized as “socialist” or pie in the sky — has a pedigree stretching back to the American Revolution. And it wasn’t just James Madison and John Adams. Other be-wigged early presidents of the U.S. and half the crew on Mt. Rushmore — George Washington and Thomas Jefferson — believed that U.S. democracy would work best if citizens had a broad-based ownership stake in the economy.
Madison wrote in a letter on voting that “the owners of the country itself form the safest basis of free government” and stressed “the universal hope of acquiring property.” Washington, in a letter on immigration,
said broad-based ownership would insure “the happiness of the lowest class of people because of the equal distribution of property.”
This view showed up in policies. Washington gave tax incentives to New England cod fishers to rebuild their fleets after the Revolutionary War on the condition that the captains and the crew sign contracts ensuring broad-based profit sharing among all workers. He also favored grants of substantial land to veterans of the Revolutionary War to make them into self-sufficient property-owners.

Regardless of the wisdom behind socialistic practices, one thing is certain. It is not unconstitutional. Indeed, our Founding Fathers were, in fact, socialists. They believed that several “essential” services should be provided by government to the public at large for little or no remuneration. The costs of these services would be shared by the whole. This, by most modern accounts, constitutes socialism.

The 1787 Constitution of the United States proves this to be true. Section 8 of Article I, for example, empowers Congress to socialize communication by creating "Post Offices and post Roads.” That same section also authorizes Congress to socialize national defense by "rais[ing] and support[ing] Armies,” and "maintain[ing] a Navy.” Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, George Washington, and Benjamin Franklin -- among others -- all signed this document.
You mean like having the ability to make millions on Twitch espousing Socialism then taking a lot of it and buying a huge mansion for yourself?
Making millions espousing a system of thought you don’t practice?
LUL, is this a Tim Pool defense coming up? So where's the line in the sand for the size & cost of the house he should be allowed to buy?
Or like kneeling for the anthem to protest the fact the country you are in made you rich for playing sports?
Look at me I’m a Socialist!
1) Rich people are allowed to advocate for the betterment of others, which is what kneeling was.
2) Rich people are not immune from the unjust treatment of those they kneeled against.
There's nothing inherently inconsistent with buying a mansion and advocating for socialism. The US is socialist, it's ok to buy a mansion here. China is socialist, it's ok to buy a mansion there. It might be hypocritical for this particular twitch person, but it's not enough to say that this person advocates for socialism and also is rich. That's not inconsistent by itself.
Hasan's belief in socialism is that the workers should have a right to the fruits of their labor. In which case, I don't see how buying a house would make him hypocrite b/c Hasan didn't have any hand in the house built.

To add, Hasan has said the housing market in LA is ridiculous and he didn't buy the house in-full b/c he doesn't have millions of dollars as folks believe.
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