ou can not watch the VOD where he responds to your socialist-ignorant Twitch-equivalent til' he goes offline.
Sorry but all I find is cursing and ranting and negativity there.
Plus I think you made that bit up didn’t you?
Because according to you he banned the person instead of defeating their points?
Why would he do that?
If he made a good argument why would t you share that here for the topic?
I’m not going to bother searching 8 hours of idiotic cursing trying to find one single instance of logic on display…
@Danoff had you bothered to read any of my posts you would be able to see the true definitions in use.
That would be in direct contrast to your bizarre tactic of shifting the definitions of words along with the goalposts further with each sentence you type!
To what end? I have no idea.
You can choose to say within your writings that since the definitions are being shifted BY YOU that therefore you are correct I guess.
Just as you laid out the bait with your three postulates…2 of 3 were poppycock .
You can’t base an interaction on a dishonest attempt to pigeonhole people either.
It’s extremely difficult to interact with your writings because they are so fraught with assumption that is untrue.
In order to undo all the missteps it could take a page to one sentence you produce!
The big thing now is the same exact repeat of history we have seen over and over again. Just as Marx wrote the subversion begins with socialism.
Interestingly if you think about it just as the communists are working on in India big things ideologically is removing religion.
From a psychological standpoint religion is quite problematic if the culture you are trying to subvert has any.
It’s a META psychologically which must be broken in order to fully subvert the subjects to socialism.
Once there’s no higher power the party can take the place of that lol.
That’s maybe why the founders of this constitutional republic didn’t forsake God.
The subverters on the other hand have their tricks…
They need to be able to instill fear and guilt…
How do you do that to someone who has no faith in God, simple.
And that’s what we see today.
None of this discussion about subversion or socialism is new it’s been the same a long long time.
Seems like now there’s a big push to remove all negative connotations to certain words like socialism.
Thing is STALIN himself in 1936 put that word into their constitution.
STALIN. “From each from ability to each per contribution”
didn’t turn out very well for the millions that died at his hands.
Stalin death toll
I mean I personally will never acquiesce to a propagandist trying to play semantics games.
Sorry, this is the Murcia thread, JACK!
here’s a video to watch re India
In the USA since the educational system has been infected with subversive ideology multiple generations now we see that the younger folks are so far gone they are actively seeking out the very ideology that intends to enslave them.
It’s sad the shape things are in but all is not lost, luckily Trump appointed many wonderful judges and that was his most important task!