America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
I don't know if I want a fire to be on the entire company or JUST isolated to the electrical parts of the company:

This tweet highlights the other issue that could remain; it's one thing to resign, but if he keeps tweeting as he has recently ("someone foolish enough"), that's going to continue to cause nothing to improve, new CEO or not.

It's almost basically been the entire problem at hand. The petty man child will not wise up and act like the 51 year old man he is. Tesla investors (& the Qataris supposedly) are not just upset over his inability to manage the platform's rules & features, but that he also runs his mouth when doing so. It'd be 1 thing to come out and say, "No more links to competing sites" or "No more sharing flight path charts", and deal with the consequences behind the scenes. But, Elon has to open his mouth to try and justify these things through lies, attacks, and passive aggressiveness. And that's before you get to stupid tweets like, "Muh pronouns are prosecute Fauci" & "Guess SF is full of libs lul" which I'm sure doesn't please investors.
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Who knew all you had to do to get Republicans in the Senate to overwhelmingly help you pass whatever you wanted was to just give the military a ton of money.

Anything that helps Ukraine and infuriates the nutjobs in the House GOP.
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He is intentionally making awful decisions so that people give up and abandon the platform. It's the only explanation other than him being a complete idiot.
He is intentionally making awful decisions so that people give up and abandon the platform. It's the only explanation other than him being a complete idiot.
Mimi Choose GIF by G2 Esports
Electoral Count Reform Act comes through at the last second.

The lame duck session for this congress has arguably been more productive than the session up until that point. My grade for this congress went way up after the mid terms.
Electoral Count Reform Act comes through at the last second.

The lame duck session for this congress has arguably been more productive than the session up until that point. My grade for this congress went way up after the mid terms.
I've already seen MAGAs on Twitter spinning this as "cheating Dems change the way we vote". Did anyone vote against it besides Cruz?
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Alabama conservatives on California having to deal with rolling power blackouts:


Alabama conservatives now having to deal with rolling power blackouts IN ALABAMA.

"The weather in 'Bama was 87% better before Biden's radical left cold front moved in. Trump 2024!!"
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What a gigantic, ******* clown. 3 million votes on the Twitter poll (out of 332 million Americans), potentially only by Elon dick riders & people not even in the US.

Keep holding this L, Elon and anyone who supports him including he-who-ignores-everyone.
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According to this article's sources Elon Musk has quietly removed the #ThereIsHelp suicide prevention feature on Twitter.
But he's bringing it back due to popular demand

I can't wait for Elon's super hero card collection.


The Tesla stocks. Another scheme. Just wait and see, if they're low enough Elon buys a **** load of them and then Tesla's truck and fully autonomous cars are released, stocks go to the Moon and Elon is worth half a trillion.
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@R1600Turbo , I’m supposed to be on your Ignore list you fragile Musketeer.
@R1600Turbo doesn't even appreciate sterile acknowledgement of reality when that reality isn't great for Musk/Tesla.


Note that I didn't say anything at all about Musk or Tesla in that. All I did was say I didn't fully understand the state of Tesla stock's decline.

Dude's corncobbing so hard right now.

Think of the effort it must take to constantly take people off of your ignore list just so you could impersonate how Elon acts when a Twitter poll didn't go the way he expected, but without even having the endless amount of money.

Edit: Anyway, since it's clear the child is intently watching this thread again:
Seems like Elon possibly wasn't aware of the consent degree Twitter had with the FTC at all. I wonder if he just assumes the FTC is as toothless of an organization as the SEC when he picks fights with senators on Twitter.
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Anyway, since it's clear the child is intently watching this thread again:
Goes both ways. Calling me names, posting GIFS to mock me and saying things out of spite to get my attention are also very childish. Two can play that game.
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saying things out of spite to get my attention are also very childish
Literally nobody did this. You're lying, once again. People talking about arbitrary Twitter policy changes or Elon Musk or Tesla stock prices are not calling your attention, no matter how much you want to simp for the billionaire. I'm sure few would really have cared had you had actually followed through with 🤬 off and never coming back like you threatened to a month ago until it was clear you weren't getting the pity party you expected (like when the Twitter CEO makes multiple polls to try to get the responses he wants regarding stepping down). Your attention is, I'm quite certain, not wanted anywhere by anybody on this forum at this point in your GTP account life.

And yet...

You are the one who feels the need to periodically trawl through this thread specifically with your ignore list turned off so you can negatively flag posts that comment, no matter how benignly, about Elon Musk or Twitter or Tesla. You are the one who makes sniveling driveby comments mocking people for... discussing things in a thread you are incapable of actually participating in. You are the one who makes passive aggressive status updates calling out members so you can try and pass off fraudulent reports you make to get other members in trouble as the entire site staff being out to get you. You are the one so emotionally invested in people say about some rich asshole does that everyone who has ever criticized him lives rent free in your head forever. You are the one who looks up to him and how he acts as great because you act the same way and have for long before Musk was ever in the public eye; and him being successful to this point is vindication for the similar 🤬 attitude you have always had whenever someone dares push back against something you said.

And then when you react like a petulant child, going through multiple pages a thread where people are discussing things and reacting with the poop emoji to nearly every one? People notice that, and they connect the dots with it being from the person who openly brags about how he puts people on his ignore list whenever he loses an argument, and then they dunk on you incessantly. You want people to stop making fun of you? Stop acting like a Kevin Durant burner account.

Two can play that game.
I know which group is having more fun.
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Goes both ways. Calling me names, posting GIFS to mock me and saying things out of spite to get my attention are also very childish. Two can play that game.
I seem to recall you passive aggressively calling out a member in your status update as the "angry little man" who needs to lay off the F-bombs. Seems you're a bit pinched you're on the receiving end of being picked out without being named.