America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
So, your opinion would be contrary?
No one in their right mind (ha!) would say that Biden is all there. Anyone that thinks Trump is is deranged.
Biden is the poorest excuse for a president in our lifetimes. Nothing he has done benefits any of us.
I know, right? I hate it when roads and bridges get repaired, old water supply infrastructure gets replaced, people get health insurance...
Cite some specific examples.
You first.

You come in here spouting off and then when anyone rebuts you, you just stick your fingers in your ears and say "nuh-uh" like that's some profound statement that will elicit a discussion.
The report highlights multiple remarks from Trump on China that coincided with the payments and suggests they could have influenced foreign policy. In November 2017, after the payments from the Chinese embassy, “then-President Trump traveled to China where he lavished praise on President Xi and, notably, defended Chinese trade practices in stark contrast to his previous public pronouncements.”

In another instance, Hainan Airlines Holding Co. spent $195,662 at a Trump hotel for what the committee described as an “astonishing 14-month stay.”
“These countries spent – often lavishly – on apartments and hotel stays at Donald Trump’s properties – personally enriching President Trump while he made foreign policy decisions connected to their policy agendas with far-reaching ramifications for the United States,” the report reads.

This is for everyone else b/c I know Sturk's brain has already been told to disregard anything that isn't Breitbart, Daily Wire, etc.
You come in here spouting off and then when anyone rebuts you, you just stick your fingers in your ears and say "nuh-uh" like that's some profound statement that will elicit a discussion.
I will never stop never forgetting this.
I usually just hang out in the daily race thread. I only came here to defend a friend, who had a disagreement with you.
Did Trump do good things in his presidency for me personally? Yes.
Do I think he was a good president? No.

Did Biden do good things for me in his presidency? Less than Trump.
Do I think he was a good president? More than Trump in terms of character.

Would I vote for Trump? Not unless his opponent was Stalin, Hitler or another dictator.
Would I vote for Biden? Not enthusiastically, but yes.
How has Biden enriched your life? Assuming, of course that not being Trump is his greatest attribute.
Which of his policies have benefitted you, as an American?
Lol, there was literally a Infrastructure Bill passed under his Admin that benefits all of us, a bill Republicans didn't want privately, but took credit for anyway in their regions.

Regardless if I even benefit from Biden's policies on an actual personal level, I'll vote for him over your candidate who openly operates like he is not bound to the Constitution & believes he has the power to do what ever he wants.
I'm not happy with Biden, especially on immigration policy. Too many Trump-era policies were continued under Biden, especially those over which the executive has meaningful influence without need for legislative support.

I'm okay with a supposed reduction in immigration enforcement because immigration is an unbridled good, with immigrants and existing population both seeing economic benefit. That said, I don't actually believe there is a legitimate, impactful reduction in enforcement because that's a narrative espoused exclusively by conservatives...and conservatives are lying, nativist garbage.
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Would I vote for Biden? Not enthusiastically, but yes.
In terms of personality, yes, Trump is a jerkoff.
However, a vote for president is a business decision.
Why vote for less money in your retirement account, because of personality traits?
It just feels good to have a leader who will say all the right things, but bend you over? :confused:
R.I.P. Toby Keith
He recognized you're right to freedom of speech, here in this thread.
Even @TexRex , who will probably respond with some form of hatred. :(

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In terms of personality, yes, Trump is a jerkoff.
He's a rapist, a criminal fraud, and literally tried to overthrow the US government in an attack that would have seen much of the country's representatives killed, including the VP. "Jerkoff" doesn't cut it. He's unfit to even run under the 14th amendment, a traitor and criminal.
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That man singlehandedly revived the disposable plastic cup industry. One can't not respect that.
And there's the Conservative mind on display. Trump creates policy that impedes on others, but hey, my bank account looks better. Me, me, me.

An added bonus is just above: Conservatives still don't understand what Freedom of Speech actually is whilst ironically supporting a man who has regularly opposed it.
Have fun with this old gem.
“We’re losing a lot of people because of the Internet, and we have to do something. We have to go see Bill Gates and a lot of different people that really understand what’s happening. And we have to talk to them. Maybe in certain areas closing that Internet up in some way [audience member cheers]… Somebody will say, ‘oh, freedom of speech, freedom of speech.’ These are foolish people. We have a lot of foolish people. We have a LOT of foolish people.”

And there's the Conservative mind on display. Trump creates policy that impedes on others, but hey, my bank account looks better. Me, me, me.

An added bonus is just above: Conservatives still don't understand what Freedom of Speech actually is whilst ironically supporting a man who has regularly opposed it.
Have fun with this old gem.

Bill Gates, who didn't invent the internet. Probably on level with confusing the Presidents of Mexico and Egypt.
you just stick your fingers in your ears and say "nuh-uh"
Not Listening Season 5 GIF by Friends

Lol, he was literally found guilty of rape this month by a judge.
A judge has now clarified that this is basically a legal distinction without a real-world difference. He says that what the jury found Trump did was in fact rape, as commonly understood.
A jury found Donald Trump liable Tuesday for sexually abusing advice columnist E. Jean Carroll in 1996, awarding her $5 million in a judgment that could haunt the former president as he campaigns to regain the White House.
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Show me an indictment!

Jury verdict. Or were you talking about the fraud verdict. That's real too.

You can't. None of it exists. Your assertions are dead in the water.
Also, I have no idea why you think my vote is for sale just because yours is. Promising me a bigger bank account is not going to get me to vote for a rapist traitor.

On June 8, Trump's team requested the award to be reduced to under $1 million or that a new trial should be held regarding damages, citing the jury's supposed rejection of the rape claim.[134][135] Carroll's lawyers said that Trump mischaracterized the verdict (that he sexually abused Carroll) as supporting his contention that he did not rape her.[136] On July 19, Judge Kaplan affirmed that Trump had raped Carroll according to the common meaning of the word[c] and ruled against altering the award amount.[137][138][139][140]

It's worth noting that while the act was rape, Carroll didn't like the word and used "sexual abuse" to describe the rape.
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You're becoming unhinged.

*Trump derangement syndrome
It's in black and white man. You've got your fingers in your ears. A jury found him guilty of sexual abuse of E. Jean Carroll. A judge literally ruled on the use of the word "rape" to describe it and explained that the word is accurate. Get a grip.

Just because it's awful doesn't make it wrong.
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I’m just going to leave this old English proverb here: “There are none so blind as those who will not see.” Or in modern American English: “You can lead a MAGA to democracy, but you can’t make them think.”
My life was financially better under the Trump presidency.
There was a global pandemic that shut the whole world economy down and required guidance to stabilize - not Biden's fault. Russia decided to go to war with Ukraine and ruined the entire global energy trade - not Biden's fault. Israel decided to go to war with Hamas and Iran decided to take advantage of that further hurting global trade - not Biden's fault. Believe it or not, several other countries are currently considering war including Venezuela and Ethiopia and neither of those will be Biden's fault.

Associating current economic conditions with a presidential term is a lack of critical thinking and awareness of what's going on in the world. Presidential administration policies have very little to do with global economics. All of the issues I just mentioned have effected literally every country on the globe - it's not just America experiencing inflation and expensive resources, it's everybody. Nobody is winning. It's not a game.

My recommendation would be to get a job in an industry which is responsive to these types of economic changes. I'm doing better than ever under Biden, but I'm also smart enough to realize that he had nothing to do with that.

How has Biden enriched your life? Assuming, of course that not being Trump is his greatest attribute.
Which of his policies have benefitted you, as an American?
I posted several but you didn't respond.

In terms of personality, yes, Trump is a jerkoff.
However, a vote for president is a business decision.
Why vote for less money in your retirement account, because of personality traits?
It just feels good to have a leader who will say all the right things, but bend you over? :confused:
You seem to have zero awareness that there is an entire globe outside the USA. I also assume you've never held a job before, because if you did have a job and you dealt with superiors you'd know that personality traits are extremely important. Personality traits set the entire culture of the company, they set the rules for mutual respect, they set expectations, etc. Having a good-hearted person in charge of an organization is always ideal because you can trust them to listen, learn, and make informed decisions. I have worked for "jerkoffs" in the past and it was a miserable experience. I hated every minute of it. My overall happiness and satisfaction is definitely more important than the money in my retirement account.

You also have this weird assumption that Biden is "bending us over". I'm not even sure what you mean by that. Can you explain how you think that is happening? Are you talking about taxes? If you're talking about taxes - a policy which does change year-by-year as Congress adjusts tax policy - then literally nothing has changed for me over the past many years. Income goes up, taxes go up. Not sure what's so confusing about that. Ronald Reagan's administration and Congress are the ones who first introduced tax policies that destroyed the middle class and made the rich get richer. That was well before I was even born, but all presidents and congresses since then have supported the same basic tax system as Reaganomics.
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*Trump derangement syndrome
"TDS," they squawk in mindless unison, lacking a single original thought.

It's especially pathetic because even "TDS" wasn't original, and instead it was based to significant degree upon the earlier pejorative "BDS" (Bush Derangement Syndrome) by the same connie rat pundit, Charles Krauthammer. The first didn't catch on in the same way outside of connie rags, in part due to the comparative absence of social media, but also because the base wasn't quite so pathetic.

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