America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
I got that impression, but why? Does the American-English dictionary have a different definition of "observe" to all others?

Paranoia that the Democrats might influence the elections, through the observers. I can't think of any other explanation.
I got that impression, but why? Does the American-English dictionary have a different definition of "observe" to all others?

State sovereignty here guys. We are the United States, not the single governmental authority of America, definitely not part of Europe. Election rules are a state regulatory issue. The OSCE has zero jurisdiction in any individual state.

Texas is opposed because Project Vote and a few other groups requested the OSCE's presence after they lost a lawsuit opposing new ID laws, requesting only they monitor the conservatives. OSCE agreed. They agreed to a request to watch one side. Whether that is their intent or not, that was what they agreed to. As such, Texas law prevents any partisan actions other than voting within 100 feet of polling places.

In short, the OSCE's presence would violate Texas laws and the OSCE has no authority that Texas must recognize.
I can't understand why Texas is being such a cry baby. The observers will do nothing but observe, like they do in every other election.

What's the issue here? Why the fuss?
Texas understands the concept of State sovereignty. The United States of America wasn't designed so much as a country, but as a collection of...united states. The Federal government was designed to have a very limited role, nothing more than to protect the lives, liberties, and properties of all the people in all the states where the states are unable. Beyond that, states were meant to govern themselves 95% of the time. Texas knows this but very few others do.

While the United States may be a member of the UN, Texas is not, and Texas is merely doing what it should do to protect its state sovereignty, especially concerning elections as they are regulated by the states. The Federal government has absolutely no respect for it. I absolutely support state governments nullifying or violating Federal law in nearly all cases except where the Feds are actually operating within their Constitutional bounds.
With the logic presented to us today, we can not take the US federal government serious anymore.

The US wants the OSCE to check the elections in shady countries, but the other way round will not work, because states can say no to Federal decisions.

I am so lost right now. :lol:
With the logic presented to us today, we can not take the US federal government serious anymore.

The US wants the OSCE to check the elections in shady countries, but the other way round will not work, because states can say no to Federal decisions.

I am so lost right now. :lol:

Medical marijuana is legal in California, but not in the United States. Federal agents have raided state legal dispensaries.

Welcome to a country where we have a Constitution that only gets followed when it is convenient or a good judge intervenes.
For some reason, this makes me rather angry. I guess for the most part it's the needless spending of tax payer dollars for a ridiculous exercise.
For some reason, this makes me rather angry. I guess for the most part it's the needless spending of tax payer dollars for a ridiculous exercise.

I get it. It tests mob scenarios, biohazard situations, mass panic, and an attack by a large force. If you think about it, it is a good, yet kind of fun, way to test every branch of responders in a large scale disaster scenario. Ultimately it likely saves money compared to separate HazMat, bombing, chemical attack, biological attack, dirty bomb, and home urban warfare drills.
100% in 1:19. What's the point? Americans are stupid?
1:16.6. Bitch.

Now try Europe.

59% in 3:05. I know all about Andorra and Lichtenstein but the Balkans and Eastern Block throw me off every time. They're all Soviets to me.


I should have gotten Finland since I've read extensively about the Soviet campaign there in WW2. All three of them look like fins and are frozen so I get them mixed up. Sweden kinda looks like a big ol' dong now that I think about it. Maybe I can relate that to huge Swedish boobs for future reference.
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I figure this may be the best place to ask this, someone please enlighten me. Why is it that when I try to look up anything on US history, with regards to how it was founded, there are always conspiracy theories? Honestly it freaks me out a bit, some of them describe the founding fathers as devil worshipping cults.
Personally I think it's a means of padding out America's rather brief history compared to everyone else. Or atleast add something comparable to the mythology that most major civilisations have.
So what's this I hear about mine and 19 other states requesting to secede from America? I'm pretty sure it's not fake/made up because everyone at school, including teachers, were talking about it.
So what's this I hear about mine and 19 other states requesting to secede from America? I'm pretty sure it's not fake/made up because everyone at school, including teachers, were talking about it.

It's all 50.

I think people really need to stop and think about the message we are sending our children.💡
The message that the Constitution is important and that electing folk who break it is bad?

The Declaration of Independence
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
The message that the Constitution is important and that electing folk who break it is bad?

No, but crying like a baby just because you lost is.

Now if only they would put that effort into things that would actually change things like, I don't know, supporting candidates that will actually do something.
Now if only they would put that effort into things that would actually change things like, I don't know, supporting candidates that will actually do something.

It would help if these people won elections.

Sadly, they don't.
It would help if these people won elections.

Sadly, they don't.

They could though, which proves my point.

Instead of bitching about "y", get out there and start spreading why you think "x" should win instead of "y".

People like complaining about the way things are instead of working to make them how they think they should be.