America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
"We've all had some indiscretions in our past..."

No mate, we ****ing haven't. Most of us have no problem going our entire lives without raping anyone. It is frankly terrifying in what it says about this dude and the people around him that he thinks that's not only a reasonable thing to say, but somehow excuses the matter.
Maybe he meant Republicans. That's more believable.
These two screenshots probably didn't originally go together but they fit too well to not group them.


some drones in New Jersey, people kinda panicking, FBI said to try and record stuff. Seems it's happening since 21 nov and starting to reach other states.

end of broadcast
Just saw this in my news feed (from the BBC):
Apparently he may have left the state of New York already and is now somewhere else.

Think Season 2 GIF by NBC
Its also has taken the NYPD three days to find something that the shooter deliberately left for them.


Elite level trolling. Biden should be announcing a pardon for this dude, immediately.
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Biden can't because when the NYPD tacks on bank fraud to the charges to the random guy they frame for the crime a presidential pardon couldn't apply to the resulting state criminal cases
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If he ever gets to court I suspect he'll be fine. He'll have armies of lawyers queuing up to defend him, it'll be very hard to find a jury that will actually convict him even with black and white evidence in front of them, and if he somehow goes to jail he will probably be the most popular guy in the whole place.

The worst outcome is that the police do a police thing and "accidentally" shoot him, but at the moment it seems like they've spent so long not bothering to even try and solve murders that now they can't do it even when they want to. The whole thing exposes so many things wrong with so many systems that it may well end up being the inciting event where the general public turned on the upper classes and said "you know what, **** these guys and their stupid, rigged rules".
It's quite incredible that people on the left are happy that a capitalist vulture of an exploitative health"care" company has died but equally people on the right are happy that someone who is part of the deep state conspiracy, perhaps not him personally but the idea of Big Pharma and Government intertwined, has died.

Who would have guessed that what has united a large part of the linear left/right divide in the United States is... someone being killed by a gun?
These two screenshots probably didn't originally go together but they fit too well to not group them.


What did Trump ever say about the US-Nippon deal? Biden certainly said he wanted to block it. I don't know that Trump ever voiced an opinion on it but it seems par for Trump's course that he would want to block foreign ownership of a US company.
If Canada and Mexico are in fact so parasitic to the US that they should be the 51st and 52nd state as doubled down by Trump, my question becomes:

  1. Where do all the illegal Mexicans get deported to???
  2. How many Electoral votes are we talking here? It would be great to never have to hear 6 months of media coverage directed entirely at allegedly undecided voters in 4 states because the election was decided 6 hours into Super Tuesday when 180 million people worth of electoral votes went to the Democrat candidate.
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As they load you onto the boats and planes bound for some **** hole country, just tell yourself "this is winning". You sure showed us libs, voters.

Constitutional amendments are for loooosers anyway.

"No other country has it." That's the point, dumbass. @Danoff, get in here. I want to hear your take on this.
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Alright, well I better pack my bags. Looks like my mother's too since Trump probably has no idea where this "birth citizenship" will end so everyone is getting deported.
As they load you onto the boats and planes bound for some **** hole country, just tell yourself "this is winning". You sure showed us libs, voters.

Constitutional amendments are for loooosers anyway.

"No other country has it." That's the point, dumbass. @Danoff, get in here. I want to hear your take on this.
I want to hear what he has to say about the UnitedHealth shooting as well.
More food for the leopards:

From the same interview:

There's the precious tariffs Trump supporters voted for b/c he told them other countries pay them, and now Dear Leader is already letting the curtain slip that prices might go up & he's more than likely going to take no responsibility.
If Canada and Mexico are in fact so parasitic to the US that they should be the 51st and 52nd state as doubled down by Trump, my question becomes:

  1. Where do all the illegal Mexicans get deported to???
  2. How many Electoral votes are we talking here? It would be great to never have to hear 6 months of media coverage directed entirely at allegedly undecided voters in 4 states because the election was decided 6 hours into Super Tuesday when 180 million people worth of electoral votes went to the Democrat candidate.
The Republicans would never win another election, IF (and that's a big if) they gave us voting rights. It helps the Republicans a little bit if you split these two countries into their already existing provinces and states instead of making the entire country a state, but still likely an overwhelming number of people in both countries would vote Democrat simply because they weren't the ones who annexed us. If we had voting rights.

Not to mention a lot of pissed off Quebecois and Mexicans being forced to only use English.