America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Actually, the events in Ferguson have garnered unfavorable comments about the US from many quarters of the world. Something or other to do with hypocrisy, I gather.
@Rage Racer Do you ever post things which aren't to do with Russia in some way?
Could be worse, I suppose. Could be Canada and Subarus.
I jest, of course.

One odd thing I've noticed is that the August Ferguson riots are more and more being referred to as "Ferguson and nationwide", to the point where I suspect in ten/twenty years we'll be seeing just the "nationwide" part.

Personally I think the rioters in Ferguson have set race relations back at least a quarter century in this country.
Personally I think the rioters in Ferguson have set race relations back at least a quarter century in this country.

I think there could have been a lot of productive, dignified success out of Ferguson but that hasn't happened. How much of that is down to the townspeople and how much is down to the outside "influences" who've taken the stage... I don't kow. A bit of both, maybe.

Overall though it's got people asking questions about the apparently greying of the line between military and police operations and the readiness of officers to take lives.

If the tussle with Brown was as the Grand Jury accepted it to be then there was clearly no need to use a ballistic firearm on him - that's a question that seriously needs to be addressed.
How many feet? Police has been lying from day1 (claiming the entire scene was only about 35 feet).


The distance between Darren Wilson's SUV and Michael Brown's body was at least 120 feet. I can "understand" that "Hulk Hogan" is big but not that big that he would look "scary" and a threat 120 feet away.

more on this topic here
Just got back from taking a break from the world.. other than football and a parade.
I don't mean to stir anything up, but a panoramic and wide angle shot doesn't justify "120 feet away." I can take a picture of my 12x12 room with a wide angle lens and pano on my DSLR and it would make it look as if it were 18x18 or even larger. The issue you have along with many others is that they won't digest the information availible because they think they are right no matter what the actual evidence proves.

Another thing is, after he was shot and Wilson meets backup, they taped up the scene including Wilson's car and Brown's body (an obvious investigation/crime scene). Why is there no visible tape around browns body, but there is around the cruiser on the left? And I believe if my memory from last week serves correct, that Wilson traveled a few feet beyond his car to pursue Brown and then fired shots as he was backpedaling.

Google these coordinates (38.73847,-90.27387) and actually match the images up (and also using common sense that this is a panoramic with emphasis in the space between the "cruiser" and browns body, and it is a wide angle shot) with the map. And if you don't feel like you have to I already did. From what I think after considering the best I can come up with the image, that he was at most 70 feet away. From someone who would refute the facts like you and among others, at most 100 feet away.

70 feet is pretty far to engage with any pistol, but anything around 40-50', especially 35 feet, is more expected. One can confuse feet with yards, especially in a testimony, but I believe after looking at what I can, they are correct.
"Professor" Shawn Parcells, who aided famed pathologist Dr. Michael Baden, and presented the theory that Mike Brown was shot from the front to the press, is not an actual professor, nor is he licensed to practice pathology, according to CNN.

So how does he get away with it to work with Baden? He gets "on the job" training, according to CNN, quoting Parcells, "“To take out organs and to cut open a body, you don’t need to be a pathologist. Come to an autopsy. I think when you see what I do, you’ll realize that I’m not just making this stuff up out of blue, thin air.”"

More from CNN:

He certainly sounded knowledgeable and authoritative on August 18 when he presented the findings of the Michael Brown autopsy to a nationally televised news conference.

Baden, who conducted the autopsy, spoke first, and then introduced Parcells, saying he “has been instrumental in the autopsy evaluation.”

“First of all, I’m Professor Shawn Parcells,” Parcells said as he stood to address the reporters.

On his LinkedIn page and to CNN, Parcells said he’s an adjunct professor at Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas — but a spokeswoman for the university told CNN that’s not true.

“(Parcells) is not now and has never been a member of the Washburn University faculty,” university spokeswoman Michaela Saunders wrote in an email to CNN, adding that at one point, Parcells spoke without receiving pay to two groups of nursing students about the role of a pathologist’s assistant and gave a PowerPoint presentation and answered students’ questions.

"“If they want to think I’m a doctor, that’s their issue,"” Parcells told the cable network.

"Professor" Shawn Parcells, who aided famed pathologist Dr. Michael Baden, and presented the theory that Mike Brown was shot from the front to the press, is not an actual professor, nor is he licensed to practice pathology, according to CNN.

So how does he get away with it to work with Baden? He gets "on the job" training, according to CNN, quoting Parcells, "“To take out organs and to cut open a body, you don’t need to be a pathologist. Come to an autopsy. I think when you see what I do, you’ll realize that I’m not just making this stuff up out of blue, thin air.”"

More from CNN:

"“If they want to think I’m a doctor, that’s their issue,"” Parcells told the cable network.


But he wasn't presented as a pathologist, ever. At least not that I saw? If you've seen an autopsy then you'll know that the senior doesn't do the grind work, you need no training to open a cadaver other than supervision, a steady hand and a light breakfast.

There's nothing to stop him from being a professor (small P) in an adjunct capacity. I'd like to see evidence of his teaching (or lack of) before I believe a college admin who can't find him on payroll (which is what CNN are giving as the source).

The rest of the claims about him in this case seem to come from the news rather than himself. He didn't perform as a senior at the autopsy, he simply presented the findings. You yourself point out that he simply aided Dr Baden... so when you try to discredit that autopsy (as it seems you're doing) you're actually hitting the wrong target. If the autopsy was somehow incorrect or fraudulent then it wouldn't even be professor Parcell's problem.
I was just playing Total War and reading up on my history when I realized the Ottoman Empire existed until less than 100 years ago. They conquered the Byzantines, basically the remnants of the Roman Empire. That's kinda scary sounding, honestly, the whole empire thing.

Makes you wonder what history books will say about the United States 100 years from now. What will it transform into by then? Where are we headed in the next couple decades and can we maintain whatever develops?
I was just playing Total War and reading up on my history when I realized the Ottoman Empire existed until less than 100 years ago. They conquered the Byzantines, basically the remnants of the Roman Empire. That's kinda scary sounding, honestly, the whole empire thing.

Makes you wonder what history books will say about the United States 100 years from now. What will it transform into by then? Where are we headed in the next couple decades and can we maintain whatever develops?
People may have ideals about how Superpower should be, or if such a powerful nation should even exist, but going by history, it's not about what we all want(which we wouldn't be able to agree on anyways). For me, it's all about the reality.

I'm so glad I don't live under Communist rule, nor other former Superpower candidates in the modern history like Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan. Even with all its flaws, going by the choices available, and was available to us in the real world, and the history of the real world, it's a very easy for me to say that I am so glad that U.S. exist, and that they totally won out the WWII & Cold War.

Yes, U.S. help(not always 100% at fault) lot of people get screwed around the world. But again, in reality, I'd be shocked if those other Superpower candidates did any better than how U.S. is managing the business today.
I was just playing Total War and reading up on my history when I realized the Ottoman Empire existed until less than 100 years ago. They conquered the Byzantines, basically the remnants of the Roman Empire. That's kinda scary sounding, honestly, the whole empire thing.

Makes you wonder what history books will say about the United States 100 years from now. What will it transform into by then? Where are we headed in the next couple decades and can we maintain whatever develops?

Great question! I can assure you others have been thinking about this for a long time, and have developed far-reaching plans which are in various stages of implementation. One of the most well-known and aggressively pushed was the Project for a New American Century. PNAC is now officially ended, but only because of its wild and complete successes. Persons associated with PNAC are now in more complete control of the future, physically and intellectually, than any other organized group or plan. Many witless and clueless people, including liberals and media, fall unquestioningly in line with the PNAC'ers.
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Persons associated with PNAC are now in more complete control of the future, physically and intellectually, than any other organized group or plan.

Tongue-in-cheek, I hope? :)

Especially given that they said

And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.

Seems legit.
Tongue-in-cheek, I hope? :)
Serious as a heart attack, and serious as the Ukraine war.

Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the US Department of State, is the wife of PNAC co-founder Robert Kagan. IMO, Nuland is more responsible than any other single person for the revolution and subsequent war in Ukraine. She is a neocon and she was employed by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. She may be the most dangerous woman in the world.

In any case, the plan for the future does not involve Russia. We will change the regime, create a bunch of new failed states, then divvy up the oil, gas, minerals, forestry, fisheries, fresh water, and polar access with our friends. Are you with us, or against us? There is no middle way.
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Serious as a heart attack, and serious as the Ukraine war.

Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the US Department of State, is the wife of PNAC co-founder Robert Kagan. IMO, Nuland is more responsible than any other single person for the revolution and subsequent war in Ukraine. She is a neocon and she was employed by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. She may be the most dangerous woman in the world.

In any case, the plan for the future does not involve Russia. We will change the regime, create a bunch of new failed states, then divvy up the oil, gas, minerals, forestry, fisheries, fresh water, and polar access with our friends. Are you with us, or against us? There is no middle way.

I'm getting so tired of you being honest and telling the truth:(
Interesting story. It reminded me of when I was in the military. Of course we all were from different backgrounds, places and races. I thought I was alone when I had parents who would be ashamed or disgusted if I dated a girl who was non-white......I then quickly realized, after conversation, that some other guys who were black had parents and grandparents who would react the same way if they dated a white girl.

And I imagine this taught behavior isn't just black and white cause when my wife's grandmother (hispanic) found out she was marrying a whiteboy..........:nervous:
A KKK member walks up to a black musician in a bar - but it's not a joke, and what happens next will astound you*. It astounded me, haven't had time for a good fact-check yet though :D

*Their headline, not mine.
NPR did a long radio piece on this. I heard it last weekend. Absolutely fascinating. So riveting I couldn't get out of the truck until it was over. I'm sure its online somewhere. If Daryl Davis were running for President (and I was an American) I'd vote for him!! Shows to go the amazing power of love, an open mind and one on one interaction!
But he wasn't presented as a pathologist, ever. At least not that I saw? If you've seen an autopsy then you'll know that the senior doesn't do the grind work, you need no training to open a cadaver other than supervision, a steady hand and a light breakfast.

There's nothing to stop him from being a professor (small P) in an adjunct capacity. I'd like to see evidence of his teaching (or lack of) before I believe a college admin who can't find him on payroll (which is what CNN are giving as the source).

The rest of the claims about him in this case seem to come from the news rather than himself. He didn't perform as a senior at the autopsy, he simply presented the findings. You yourself point out that he simply aided Dr Baden... so when you try to discredit that autopsy (as it seems you're doing) you're actually hitting the wrong target. If the autopsy was somehow incorrect or fraudulent then it wouldn't even be professor Parcell's problem.
Evidently you didn't get the context of the CNN article. Parcells did teach two one-off classes to incoming nurses at that university without pay, then he turns around and suddenly claims to be a great pathologist based on what he taught those nurses? I'm sorry, but I'm batting 1.000 in picking the right target here. I have my own issues with Dr. Baden's past work, but in this case, he all but handed control of the autopsy to Parcells. He made the facts fit his theories, so much so that a third autopsy was performed on Michael Brown with my tax dollars, and it fell more in line with the first autopsy which was performed by the state of Missouri.

This brings up the case of Andrew Forrester, who was mentioned in the CNN article, from Missouri. In Missouri, all autopsies must be signed by an actual medical doctor before cause of death can be officially determined. Since Parcells, who was brought in by the police to conduct the autopsy, isn't a medical doctor, he didn't sign the death certificate as doing so would have brought trouble on him (for practicing medicine without a license). Since the cert wasn't signed, the Police couldn't bring charges against his suspected killer, 23 year old Bobby Forrester, and had to let him go. He is now currently serving four years for assaulting his grandmother.

Oh, and if you think that this monkey business is isolated in Missouri, Parcells is also facing a lawsuit by the widow of Michael Doris in Kansas. She paid Parcells $1,250 to have his brain examined to determine the cause of his dementia in 2011. She waited three years for a report from New York, and that was only after she filed suit.
If I was living in USA I'd be worried about the system and particularly the way the police works and acts depending on the color of the person they are dealing with. It's bad for everyone, not only the minorities.
WOW. I live in Albuquerque which APD has a rep for shooting 1st and asking questions later and I have never had issues with them being racist (I am Hispanic and very dark complected) I wouldn't judge all of America because of one place no matter how backwards it MAY seem in the medias eyes.

Interesting story. It reminded me of when I was in the military. Of course we all were from different backgrounds, places and races. I thought I was alone when I had parents who would be ashamed or disgusted if I dated a girl who was non-white......I then quickly realized, after conversation, that some other guys who were black had parents and grandparents who would react the same way if they dated a white girl.

And I imagine this taught behavior isn't just black and white cause when my wife's grandmother (hispanic) found out she was marrying a whiteboy..........:nervous:

Its not just white or black. My hispanic grandmother was very upset when anyone in the family would date anyone not Hispanic especially black.
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Evidently you didn't get the context of the CNN article. Parcells did teach two one-off classes to incoming nurses at that university without pay, then he turns around and suddenly claims to be a great pathologist based on what he taught those nurses?

Where is his claim to be a great pathologist? I didn't see that in the CNN article. At least you now admit his adjunct professorship, something that you earlier tried to deny;

"Professor" Shawn Parcells, who aided famed pathologist Dr. Michael Baden, and presented the theory that Mike Brown was shot from the front to the press, is not an actual professor, nor is he licensed to practice pathology, according to CNN.

So now he is, that's good. Incidentally I still only see you and CNN calling him a famed pathologist.

I'm sorry, but I'm batting 1.000 in picking the right target here. I have my own issues with Dr. Baden's past work, but in this case, he all but handed control of the autopsy to Parcells.

I don't get the batting reference but I imagine you're saying it's a "safe bet" - apologies if that's incorrect.

Do you have a source to show that Dr. Baden (whose credentials we can presumably place beyond doubt?) did such a thing?

so much so that a third autopsy was performed on Michael Brown with my tax dollars, and it fell more in line with the first autopsy which was performed by the state of Missouri.

Given the gravity of- and overwhelming public interest in the case it seems perfectly sensible that a defence autopsy, a prosecution autopsy and an independent autopsy were allowed. Your source showing that Baden handed control over will presumably also show that the same decision directly precipitated the third autopsy (if #2 disagreed with #1 then that's not the same thing, remember).

That a third autopsy fell closer to one of two differing outcomes than the other... that seems logically likely in any case, no?

This brings up the case of Andrew Forrester, who was mentioned in the CNN article, from Missouri. In Missouri, all autopsies must be signed by an actual medical doctor before cause of death can be officially determined. Since Parcells, who was brought in by the police to conduct the autopsy, isn't a medical doctor, he didn't sign the death certificate as doing so would have brought trouble on him (for practicing medicine without a license). Since the cert wasn't signed, the Police couldn't bring charges against his suspected killer, 23 year old Bobby Forrester, and had to let him go. He is now currently serving four years for assaulting his grandmother.

I'm well aware of that case although the deceased was Robert Forrester of Andrew County. However, you can't draw a line between the two and say that because Parcell might have acted illegally that he's done so in this. Remember that he's under the supervision of a fully qualified pathologist, whatever your separate issues with Baden.

Then of course you have to consider the legality; there's a legal question over the sherriff's quick embalming of the body before it was made available. You also have to consider the actions of Dr Friedlander in this case, it's not as easy as it looks at first sight.

Parcell's actions have been "condemned by pathologists", I wonder who exactly by? Ah, yes, the St Louis Medical Examiner. I wonder if she has any skin in the game, so to speak?

And here's the other thing... Missouri only requires that an MD supervise a pathologist - there's some legal question about the exact meaning of that term. But you knew that too, obviously. Parcells clearly states he isn't an MD (see St Louis Medical Examiner link, same CNN source).

Not as black and white as CNN are trying to make out, is it?

Oh, and if you think that this monkey business is isolated in Missouri, Parcells is also facing a lawsuit by the widow of Michael Doris in Kansas. She paid Parcells $1,250 to have his brain examined to determine the cause of his dementia in 2011. She waited three years for a report from New York, and that was only after she filed suit.

As before, where's the relevance? I'm still not sure if you're against Parcell, Baden or both. You seem determined to completely accept the CNN line without any outside research.

I think you're going to struggle to show that Parcell or Baden acted illegally, I think you should be more concerned about Missouri's leaky lawbook than anything.
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Watching NBC news right now and just saw McCain rip the hell out of the new ambassador nominees for Hungary, Sweden (I think) and Iceland.. The Hungary broad (forgot her name) was hilarious to listen to when asked what would she do differently from her predecessor.
I feel so bad for Eric Garner and his family. Forget Michael Brown and Ferguson. This is the real tragedy.

It's a real worry - I understand that the case is "no further action" because he already had asthma/heart complications. That seems to suggest that if you have pre-existing medical conditions and die when being heavily restrained it's your own fault.