No, it doesn't.
This does.
@Imari is so intent on proving that I am lying that he's come up with the idea that I am claiming to have received a private message from the moderators when I never said anything of the sort.
Well, now. That's funny.
The details of a private message are just that - private. They are between the messenger and the recipient. Since you are neither messenger nor recipient, you have no right or need to know what was said.
Why make this post with regards to a private message if there never was a message?
If you were only talking about the public post by Famine, why not just point that out in the first place?
I mean, what you said was:
It was suggested to me that discretion is the better part of valour and that I might be better served letting the discussion move on regardless of whether or not I could provide the requested information. I received that advice before I even started looking, and chose to observe it.
That seems pretty specific. It's strongly implied that whatever communication it was was directed specifically at you, which the Famine post was not. It strongly implies that the communication directly addressed the discussion that you were having, given that it mentioned whether you could provide information or not.
I think you're trying to pull a fast one. Again.
Just stop.
For the record, it was
this post by
@Famine that I was alluding to, and
this one, but I had to Google the part about water and wine because I had never heard the expression before.
All that I tried to do was discreetly exit that line of discussion because it occurred to me that it was a lose-lose situation.
Hardly. If you have the evidence you claim, we're all a little more educated about Milo Yiannopolous. If you don't, we're all a little more educated about prisonermonkeys.
Seems to me either way the rest of us win. And only one way do you lose.
But no, he had to get one last jab in, and now we are in this situation where he is accusing me of lying after jumping to the wrong conclusion.
Prove that it's the wrong conclusion. I say you're still lying until proven otherwise. You're going to way more effort at this point than it would have taken you to post a simple article or video, so I'm not buying it.
Now, can we please move this discussion along?
You made a statement. You refuse to provide evidence of it. You hide behind a post from Famine that takes some real twisting to make mean what you want it to mean, which is giving you an excuse to bail from actually standing behind some of the outrageous things that you say. Whether Milo Yiannopolous obstructs free speech is and was relevant to the conversation surrounding him, the events at Berkeley and the protesters/rioters there.
Whatever else it may be, a respectful discussion is founded upon the participants not making up facts and lying to each other. If you make a controversial or unintuitive statement, we should ask for an explanation or proof as appropriate. You should expect us to, because you sure do when anyone else makes a statement that you think it bollocks.
I'm a little surprised that the alternative facts thing has made it's way into this forum so quickly. I'm a little more surprised that it's you making up the alternative facts, given that you're usually the one taking people to task for not having evidence up to your high standards. Then again, given your past history of dodging uncomfortable questions when asked I suppose maybe not.
If you can't speak honestly and provide some reasoning and evidence for your claims, why are you in this discussion at all? So that you can attempt to troll people and see how many will accept claims without evidence? So that you can perform psychological experiments like seeing how people behave when you avoid simple, direct and relevant questions?
The AUP says thou shalt not lie. I don't see you making any effort to do that. You're quite happy to make statements that on the face of them appear to be untrue, provide no evidence to the contrary and walk away.
For myself, and many others it looks like, that's not a person whose speech can ever be taken seriously.
I think that this is important for all people in this discussion particularly, what with Trump's attempts to control the media and the flood of misinformation that's available at the moment regarding all political happenings in the US. If nothing else, we need to be honest to each other in this discussion no matter how much we may disagree, and I think it's totally worthy of taking time to make that clear.
If the mods disagree, they're welcome to tell me so.
Had I produced the evidence that others like Imari were demanding, it is unlikely that it would have been accepted.
Yes, well you made that decision for all of us, didn't you?
Is that because the evidence was unconvincing? Because it didn't exist? Because earlier you said that you didn't even bother looking. You do have a lot of back and forth between some of your posts. Are you going to tell us that this was all a joke again?
Like I said, I wouldn't be totally surprised if Milo was suppressing free speech. On the other hand, there's plenty of evidence that in general he doesn't, like his Q&A sessions after his speeches. Let's roll on your evidence of him suppressing people. You show us, and let us decide for ourselves whether or not we accept it.