What about this aren't you getting?
Your soldiers, like ours, swear loyalty to people - monarchs, politicians, figureheads. US soldiers swear to protect the Constitution above all else. I've posted the actual oath FOUR times and you've ignored it and what this means every single time.
It means your soldiers do what they're told even if told to break the law. Ours do too. American soldiers don't if they're going to break the Constitution. This fundamentally dismantles your 'yeah well the troops will do what Trump says and if they don't the other troops will shoot them' type argument.
I asked you to tell me your Consititution. You couldn't (or didn't) and played dumb instead. Americans can without hesitation (not with total accuracy all the time, but good enough), because they learn it in school. This fundamentally dismantles your 'yeah well the troops won't know what they're doing and just obey' argument. They know the Constitution and are sworn to protect it - even from Trump.
And then you bring up courts martial! A military court that decides if the soldier has done his duty to protect the Constitution!
The US Constitution is a document that limits the scope of government. It doesn't create laws to bind the people, it creates laws to bind the government - I've already told you this as well, and you ignored that too.
Sure, it can be changed, but not by the people. It has to be changed by the legislative branch (the House of Representatives and the Senate), verified by the executive branch (the President) and tested for legality by the judicial branch (Supreme Court), but when it's changed it will only relax or further restrict the laws that bind the government.
I mean... you have read it, right?
I really do not understand what you are about here, your are saying I have ignored to answer something about an oath four times? I do not remember my oath that I gave to the military, it will be soon 20 years ago. It is not like we have a pledge we are thought in school to swear fielty to when class begins or something like that. How should I know my constitution in detail. I know I may go where I please, I know I can say and do what I want unless I do harm. If you want details, here :
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitution_of_Sweden Why should I be able to remember it by heart?
Every military out there including your own is basically the same, and I am telling you, if they are sent out to pacify an area in a American city they probably would do it without question because it is their orders and they probably would not know any details or anything because in situations like that. If Trump and his superiors say there is an uprising and media tells the same story or is simply shut off you think they would refuse to obey their orders to stifle the alleged illegal/unconstitutional uprising in that city? That would be all the soldier would probably know.. American soldiers are just soldiers like everywhere else.
You think the soldiers would know before hand that Trump or their superiors are up to something? They would just get an order to be ready within a short period of time and that is it, not time for thinking about stuff..
The government, supreme court and all that are working for the people are they not? If people wishes something they will without a doubt get their way.
The concept of freedom of speech isn't difficult to grasp, for the life of me I can't understand why this is even an argument. I'm assuming Europe protects freedom of speech in a similar way that the US does, or am I completely wrong? A quick Google search seems to suggest the European Union protects it in almost exactly the same way that the US does.
That's not only ignorant and wrong, but it's also insulting to our country. While there are members of the US military that are d-bags, most of them are upstanding people that go through extensive training to learn to precisely not shoot anyone that isn't posing immediate danger. I've had enough friends and family in the military to know that the rules of engagement are drilled into them constantly, as well as the fact that everything they do will be analyzed by the media, fellow citizens, other world leaders, and their chain of command. If US military personnel were running amok shooting everything that moved, you better believe people would know about it. Do incidents happen? Of course, with a force of about 1.4 million servicemen the odds of something happening is present, but it's by no means the norm.
The US police aren't trigger happy either. I'm not sure how the media portrays US police in Europe, but a vast majority of police shootings are the result of the suspect doing something stupid like pulling a weapon or attempting to attack the officer or even a bystander. Yes, there have been incidents where police officers used excessive force or discharged their weapon without due cause, however, like servicemen, this isn't the norm, especially when you considering there's more than a million officers in the US.
Why should I care if it is insulting? If he says our military or some other country's army have a bigger chance of do horrendous stuff like that because we/they cant the constitutional oath by heart, why should I not be able to say that American forces are more prone to stuff like that?
After all there seems to be a lot of historical incidents where American soldiers have done horrible war crimes and I probably will not find a single one that can point out a swede or a polish soldier have done. Sure I have not looked but I doubt I find any.
I am not saying all soldiers are bad, but like you said there should be many bad eggs in a force of 1.4milion strong.
Seems it is not worth to have a discussion here, because if I say something like. Psychopaths are more prone to be criminals, I get a reply that I am stating that I call people with mental problems criminals... So taken out of context and so warped...
Lesson learned, USA is holy land with a holy and magical scripture. No one is allowed to criticize anything about USA because it is the Greatest country in the world where everyone live in harmony... And its history is like a fairy tale you tell to you kids when they go to bed...
yes sir, lesson learned.