No-- that statement just sounded awfully emotional and unfounded. I read that as putting Christians on a pedestal, implying that all other individuals have lesser rights.
I feel they do, America is way to much of a Christian nation for my liking, especially when we are supposed to have separation of church from the state. See the article below about Atheist being the most distrusted group in America.
So are you going to give a concrete reason you don't like America or just go with emotions?
As I've said in various threads:
- I don't like how it has become a Christian nation, I have a strong dislike of religion and I feel America forces it on me. You know Atheist are the least trusted group in the US according to a 2006 survey?
America makes many of it's decision through faith and pushes for other crazy faith based ideas, as I've said before the one that bugs me the most is teaching of creation in school.
- I don't like our foreign policy, I see no reason to police the world or give money to every country when we are slipping here at home.
- I don't like how the money is spent, I have no issues with paying taxes as long as the money goes for something good. This is even more so at the state level.
- I don't like the attitude we give off to the rest of the world, but I can see where they get their ideas from. I know we all aren't NASCAR loving rednecks who drive pick-ups and wear cowboy hats or a bunch of gun toting warmongers but if I watched the news I would sure get that impression. I also don't like how many citizens think we are the best.
- I don't like how our money is rapidly declining.
- I don't like how, 2.5 years later, the damage from Hurricane Katrina hasn't been cleared.
- It's probably the area I live in, but I hate how people jump on you for buying certain things. If this truly is a free country I shouldn't be worried every time I park my car that some thick skulled UAW worked is going to come over and key it.
- I don't like our technology base, especially the internet speeds and how we aren't doing anything to up them.
- I don't like our tax system, it's fairly complex and the language is quite difficult to read for a laymen. Also the IRS has so much red tape in it it boggles my mind.
- I don't like our sports here, but this is a purely personal thing.
- I don't like how we are pursuing E85 as our next big alternative fuel source which I've said (as well as done some math) is a mistake.
There are other things that bug me about this country, but these are somethings off the top of my head so these are the ones that stick out the most to me.
No matter how crazy I may get politically, I don't think I could ever say that. EVER. I'm just as patriotic as anyone here, and I'd be happy to discuss that, but there is a difference between disliking the country in general or just not caring much for the current state we're in.
I honestly do not care for this country, I feel out of place. Maybe it's because I live in Michigan, I don't know.
Like it or not, you can do something. Get out there and get people motivated to vote, stir your own pot with your local government, the state government, the federal government. There is plenty of room for you to help make America a better place, you just have to be willing to do it.
I try to an extent, I know I could do more though. I know our local township manager and I've been able to convince him to have the community support events like our Relay for Life. I know one person can change things, but I don't know if I really have the patience for that fight.
My tastes for the current administration (which has been degrading since 2004, in which I did help to get him elected) may not be positive, but I see light at the end of the tunnel. Things will get better, and quite honestly, I don't think its going to be anything near better in Europe. You're still going to have to deal with some nasty immigration issues, not to mention economies that are constantly on the verge of collapse, systems of government that are literally running out of money because their populations are too old, etc.
Bush's administration is kind of "meh" to me, I think to many people made a big deal about it. I guess I see it as a huge running joke now...but then again isn't that what politics are?
I'm not saying things will be better in Europe, I just think I would like it better there and I think I would "fit" better with the culture.
Hey, I respect your opinion, and if you don't care much for the home team anymore, thats your own deal. I don't think I could ever say that because I know that there is always something that I can do to help change things.
...But hey, thats just me...
And see this is fine, I have no issues with people disagreeing with me like this. You are entitled to disagree with why I dislike the country, but on the same token I am entitled to disagree with your like. If everyone always agreed nothing would ever really change.
Crap, sorry for the massive text wall, I typically hate those.