America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
That ... thing is awesome! That might be some of Dotini's Post-Modernism right there!

I just had to google it, couldn't resist, and it is owned by a Pastor from Florida. That is the ugliest thing on wheels I think I have ever seen. I looked at some Trump Rally photos with it parked in the background. You know, I try not to be judgmental based on a person's appearance, I do think it's wrong but half of the crowd in those rally photos looked like they just walked off the set of a Beverly Hillbillies revival show. Graybeards, mouths probably packed with chewing know...average IQ somewhere around 60
I just had to google it, couldn't resist, and it is owned by a Pastor from Florida. That is the ugliest thing on wheels I think I have ever seen. I looked at some Trump Rally photos with it parked in the background. You know, I try not to be judgmental based on a person's appearance, I do think it's wrong but half of the crowd in those rally photos looked like they just walked off the set of a Beverly Hillbillies revival show. Graybeards, mouths probably packed with chewing know...average IQ somewhere around 60
My Dad always spouted off about how the voting age shouldn't be lowered, but raised to 30. But maybe now the shoe is on the other foot, and it should be proscribed at...say 65, or retirement age, whichever comes first.
My Dad always spouted off about how the voting age shouldn't be lowered, but raised to 30. But maybe now the shoe is on the other foot, and it should be proscribed at...say 65, or retirement age, whichever comes first.

I've always thought that if you are old enough to be drafted then you should be old enough to vote too. My view on the age thing is that Elderly folks have just as much of a right to vote as young folks do. I think the voting age is good that way it is.
@Biggles, the below is an example or recognized postmodern automotive art. So you may be on the right path. :D

Harley Earl and The Dream Machine

The painting by Philip Castle on the inside cover of Stephen Bayley’s book depicts Harley Earl at the wheel of the Le Sabre dream car, with the Firebird III and a detail of the 1954 Cadillac.


Images: Inside Book Cover scanned From the Collections of The Henry Ford. 1) 629.231 B358 1983
I just had to google it, couldn't resist, and it is owned by a Pastor from Florida. That is the ugliest thing on wheels I think I have ever seen.

In the UK we refer to cellphones as mobiles so I wonder whether I'm the only Brit who thought that the Trump Mobile was what he composed his tweets on.

Nevertheless I also checked out the Trump Mobile USA site and it looks like the car has only achieved three of its eight aims so far:


I can only imagine what visiting foreign dignitaries are going to think when that monstrosity rolls up. If it sticks around until 2025 perhaps it'll unite Americans in revulsion.
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Was just talking about that with a friend. As per the norm, certain types of "liberals" were quick to laugh and the whole group of righties were quick to condemn them. He is hardcore right, and being a moderate i had to point out that only one person was hurt, but the effected residents were likely to make out like bandits on the insurance.
i had to point out that only one person was hurt, but the effected residents were likely to make out like bandits on the insurance.

How does that make it ok to laugh at this? And while yes they will probably get money from insurance, fires tend to ruin things money can't replace.
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It's okay, enough GOP functions were held in Trump-owned facilities during the election that I'm sure even these insurance claims won't make a huge difference to the bank balance.

Any news on what actually caused the fire though? I thought Trump Tower was purely commercial and not residential too. Glad no-one was killed and hope whoever was injured recovers.
How does that make it ok to laugh at this? And while yes they will probably get money from insurance, fires tend to ruin things money can't replace.
Because. Only one person was hurt and they are all making out like bandits.
So I'm given to understand that Sarah Huckabee Sanders has just held a press conference where she cited Donald Trump as having made the following statement:

"My house is out of the ordinary. That's right, don't want to hurt nobody. Some things sure can sweep me off my feet."

She apparently didn't take any questions.

Edit: The above is not to be taken seriously. Though anyone who gets the reference probably doesn't need to be told that, and apparently I presumed the reference to be significant enough that nobody would not get it. Apologies for any confusion.
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No wonder society is in the shape it's in with views like that. :rolleyes:

Because she left before they could or because they couldn't comprehend her statement? :lol:
Doubt it in that i doubt that they are not sentimental
News is reporting 1 dead 4 injured now. Seems it was a bit more serious than initially stated.
Certainly less humorous in light of developments. I'm given to understand that the death is that of a civilian and 4 firefighters are injured. Of course Trump's tweet came up in the search, and it's ridiculous as per usual.

"Well built building." What an ass hat.

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