America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
He bangs supermodels, successfully cheats on his mail order supermodel wives with porn stars, has billions of dollars to his name, lives his life without any concern for any consequences, had several successful TV shows, has his name plastered over dozens of successful international businesses and successfully ran for president despite approaching thirty years in the public eye if being a known quantity of glaringly egotistical asshole. It's probably fair to say a decent amount of folk consider any one of those things to be having success in life.

Whether or not any of his "successes" translate to whether he was ever competent to be President as people (most especially himself) like to purport is quite a different thing from scrubbing them entirely from his resume.
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If everyone could do it, they would. They can't, he can.

Look at the tremendous construction across the world. He's certainly no greater than the next money bag/government funding construction projects. He's created nothing, he pays people. Once something like that rolls it rolls. Wow a couple buildings and golf courses. Who cares what his worth is when much of it's been boarderline fraudulant? There's about a million and one men (sure some women) on this earth who have created far more complex and respectable businesses. This guy's got no manners or respect for the amazing ingenuity of literally everything else that exists. Ya no worries, Trump's got it.
Success in business is measured in numbers. Trump owns some of the best hotels, best golf courses and best real estate around. You can attribute that success to whatever you want in a post-modernist world but he's the man at the helm and made billions of dollars doing so. That kind of thing doesn't happen by accident.

Billionaire. Check
Huuuge TV personality and success. Check
Married and 🤬 numerous hot babes. Check
Apparently happy and successful children. Check.
POTUS in spite of himself. Check.
Don't really know how that could not be considered success.


And if Trump was incompetent he could just as easily ran it all into the ground, overextended himself or ran over any number of landmines. He wouldn't be the first kid that ran his father's legacy and fortune into the tiolet and wouldn't have been the last. He's had ups and downs but was savvy enough to manipulate the system and always came out on top. If everyone could do it, they would. They can't, he can.

I don't have to like the guy to give credit where credit is due. Belittling his success really makes no sense.
As I sit here think about it having flown back on Trump airlines (went bust) from my dozen or so Trump beech resort houses (went bust), in my Trump mortgaged house (went bust) chowing down on my Trump steak (went bust), washed down with Trump vodka (went bust), I'm hoping that my MBA arrives from my course at Trump university (went bust). All while I dream about going to the Trump casino tonight, which went so spectacularly bust it leads to the next claim you made.

Trump did overextend himself, and set-up his own businesses to fail (by having them compete directly against each other), his casino business did exactly that. Interestingly they started to tank after most of his management team in them died in a helicopter accident and he took direct control.

He's actually filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy four times.

Then we get to the final argument, that had Trump taken the money he had in the early '80s (around the time he took control of the whole family business) and invested it in stock he would be worth at least as much (if not more) than he is today. Which would see Trump as a businessman underperforming the market average.

That Trump is a businessman is indisputable, but at best he's an average or below average business man. In the US he isn't even in he same ballpark as the one who have really made it in that regard. A simple comparison of net worth against Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates illustrates that, both of whom started from a lower financial point and achieved significantly more in terms of business success in less time.
Then we get to the final argument, that had Trump taken the money he had in the early '80s (around the time he took control of the whole family business) and invested it in stock he would be worth at least as much (if not more) than he is today.
Assuming his (theoretical) financial growth through stocks wasn't wiped out in 1987, 2001 or 2008, of course.
Assuming his (theoretical) financial growth through stocks wasn't wiped out in 1987, 2001 or 2008, of course.
The models that were run take that into account, it was for low risk stock across a range of portfolios.

Meanwhile Canada has had a few things to say about the tariffs:

"Let me be clear: These tariffs are totally unacceptable," Trudeau said. "Canadians have served alongside Americans in two world wars and in Korea. From the beaches of Normandy to the mountains of Afghanistan, we have fought and died together."

Noting that Canada purchases more U.S. steel than any other nation, Trudeau lambasted the Trump administration for initiating the tariffs under the guise of confronting a threat to national security.
"Canada is a secure supplier of aluminum and steel to the U.S. defense industry, putting aluminum in American planes and steel in American tanks," Trudeau said. "That Canada could be considered a national security threat to the United States is inconceivable."

"These tariffs are an affront to the long-standing security partnership between Canada and the United States, and in particular, to the thousands of Canadians who have fought and died alongside American comrades-in-arms," he finished."
How long do tariffs usually stay in place?

Usually, for a very long time. In very general terms, duty on specific harmonized numbers is meant to protect domestic US business that compete in the same market. But as those business slowly fade, the tariffs themselves are gradually reduced or phased out, over many years in most cases, or quicker when there's political pressure in some form behind it. At one time, there was not only duty, but also anti-dumping duty (for products proven to be sold below cost in the U.S.), contra-veiling duty (when there was evidence of foreign government kick-backs on specific products exported to the US) and both outright and percentage based quotas on clothing made in China. They've all mostly long since vanished as there is very little clothing still being produced in the US. Long term, in most cases, import tariffs, for the purpose they were originally intended, simply don't work in a global economy.

That said, revenue from import tariffs is the second largest source of income for the US Federal government and that money has long been calculated into the federal budget. The federal government doesn't really want to eliminate tariffs. The biggest source of pressure to eliminate import tariffs comes from US companies who import, sell and distribute foreign made products in the US.
That said, revenue from import tariffs is the second largest source of income for the US Federal government and that money has long been calculated into the federal budget. The federal government doesn't really want to eliminate tariffs. The biggest source of pressure to eliminate import tariffs comes from US companies who import, sell and distribute foreign made products in the US.
So tariffs create bigger government? Something the GOP tends to oppose.
Cheated on wife with porn star. Check.
Bill Clinton, JFK, FDR, Ike and the list goes on. Being unfaithful to your wife before or during your presidency isn't unusual and doesn't seem to affect their approval ratings or hinder their ability to do their job.

Look at the tremendous construction across the world. He's certainly no greater than the next money bag/government funding construction projects. He's created nothing, he pays people. Once something like that rolls it rolls. Wow a couple buildings and golf courses. Who cares what his worth is when much of it's been boarderline fraudulant? There's about a million and one men (sure some women) on this earth who have created far more complex and respectable businesses. This guy's got no manners or respect for the amazing ingenuity of literally everything else that exists. Ya no worries, Trump's got it.
Looks like nothing to me. I build one of these a week. Anyone can do it. It's easy. Piece of cake.
A few of these.
A number of these.


A number of these.

All built by little elves that work for cookies I suppose.

Note also, I didn't say anything about his personality, whether he was a nice guy or not or a great President. I'm just giving credit where credit is due. He's made some dough. He's built some stuff. Financially successful in the eyes of most people, opinions to the contrary here notwithstanding.
Financially successful in the eyes of most people, opinions to the contrary here notwithstanding.
Is that most people who don't read newspapers and magazines like WaPo, Time, The Indy or Fortune? Because when I did an internet search for "is president trump financially successful" these are the results I got. Maybe I should've used a more right-leaning search engine.
Is that most people who don't read newspapers and magazines like WaPo, Time, The Indy or Fortune? Because when I did an internet search for "is president trump financially successful" these are the results I got. Maybe I should've used a more right-leaning search engine.
I can do an internet search and prove communism would have been successful it was just misunderstood, Islam is the most feminist religion and Hitler lived on the moon. A Google search will also reveal Trump's real estate portfolio, and, unlike Hitler living on the moon or communism being a path to fortune and glory, it doesn't take a Grand Canyonesque leap of faith to know that the buildings are real and wonderful.

And he managed to do it all with 'other people's money'. In that sense, he's the ultimate bureaucrat.
That's generally how it's done.
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I can do an internet search and prove communism would have been successful it was just misunderstood, Islam is the most feminist religion and Hitler lived on the moon. A Google search will also reveal Trump's real estate portfolio, and, unlike Hitler living on the moon or communism being a path to fortune and glory, it doesn't take a Grand Canyonesque leap of faith to know that the buildings are real and wonderful.
Nor does it to find the sheer number of business' he's had fail on him (many of which are in permanent court records), his four chapter 11's or that many of the buildings around the world with his name on are branded Trump and nothing more (as in he gets a payment for the use of his name, but did nothing at all towards building them or investing in them).

You seem to be under the mistaken belief that no-one has actually bothered looking into this.

Oddly enough most of this has already been provided in links in this thread and others, so I'm surprised its been missed (or is anything that might be negative 'fake news')
Bill Clinton, JFK, FDR, Ike and the list goes on. Being unfaithful to your wife before or during your presidency isn't unusual and doesn't seem to affect their approval ratings or hinder their ability to do their job

I didn’t say it did. You just seemed to be making a list and didn’t want you to miss something off it. Especially as having sex with women seemed to be an-overwhelmingly positive trait he has for you.
Yep, like that one in downtown TO:

Oh, whoops. Okay, so it went bankrupt, but the stuff inside could've been great.


That sounds a lot like his casinos, but I guess that this is "generally" how "real businessmen" do it despite competing businesses encountering no problem making money.

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Yes, I think Trump is a loathsome individual & seeing him become President of the United States is one of the most disturbing political events I have witnessed in my (longish) life. However, pretending that he hasn't been successful in his business career is delusional & doesn't help matters. So, he was helped by his association with a wealthy father, he's had a lot of business failures, stiffed a lot of people & isn't as rich as Bill Gates. So what? He's still wound up rich, famous & President. I think all this proves is that you can be a terrible person & still be successful ... as if this was a lesson that needed further demonstration.
Yes, I think Trump is a loathsome individual & seeing him become President of the United States is one of the most disturbing political events I have witnessed in my (longish) life. However, pretending that he hasn't been successful in his business career is delusional & doesn't help matters. So, he was helped by his association with a wealthy father, he's had a lot of business failures, stiffed a lot of people & isn't as rich as Bill Gates. So what? He's still wound up rich, famous & President. I think all this proves is that you can be a terrible person & still be successful ... as if this was a lesson that needed further demonstration.
I rather think it means some people should perhaps reevaluate what success is. Personally, i dont find walking all over people, screwing over investors and creditors and fingering your nose at laws and regs to find "wealth" to really be success. Maybe its because im quite humanistic in my views and not a ruthless businessman man, but for me, success as at least as much on how you got there as it is being there.
I rather think it means some people should perhaps reevaluate what success is. Personally, i dont find walking all over people, screwing over investors and creditors and fingering your nose at laws and regs to find "wealth" to really be success. Maybe its because im quite humanistic in my views and not a ruthless businessman man, but for me, success as at least as much on how you got there as it is being there.
I like the idea that Trump is ‘happy’. Clearly a man in a sham relationship who’s constantly angry about things he has control over while belittling others. I guess he has all the hallmarks of someone who’s happy
Note also, I didn't say anything about his personality, whether he was a nice guy or not or a great President. I'm just giving credit where credit is due. He's made some dough. He's built some stuff. Financially successful in the eyes of most people, opinions to the contrary here notwithstanding.

Don't. You shouldn't give credit to a fraud, which is what I think a lot of people are trying to articulate. If you break the rules to become successful, on what metric can you claim success?

He is illegitimate in business
He is illegitimate as president.
And this is what happens when you elect someone with zero concept of how the free market works:

Isn't going to happen but I would find it awesome if mercedes would stop the usa factories shortley after the 'ban'.

Success in business is measured in numbers. Trump owns some of the best hotels, best golf courses and best real estate around. You can attribute that success to whatever you want in a post-modernist world but he's the man at the helm and made billions of dollars doing so. That kind of thing doesn't happen by accident.

Billionaire. Check
Huuuge TV personality and success. Check
Married and 🤬 numerous hot babes. Check
Apparently happy and successful children. Check.
POTUS in spite of himself. Check.
Don't really know how that could not be considered success.


And if Trump was incompetent he could just as easily ran it all into the ground, overextended himself or ran over any number of landmines. He wouldn't be the first kid that ran his father's legacy and fortune into the tiolet and wouldn't have been the last. He's had ups and downs but was savvy enough to manipulate the system and always came out on top. If everyone could do it, they would. They can't, he can.

I don't have to like the guy to give credit where credit is due. Belittling his success really makes no sense.

What succes? I think we have a diffrent defenition of succes. Trumps made his deals with dubious people in suspicious and unethical ways. I wouldn't call that succes, I'd call him a conman. And conman aren't succesfull they're criminals.

Yes, I think Trump is a loathsome individual & seeing him become President of the United States is one of the most disturbing political events I have witnessed in my (longish) life. However, pretending that he hasn't been successful in his business career is delusional & doesn't help matters. So, he was helped by his association with a wealthy father, he's had a lot of business failures, stiffed a lot of people & isn't as rich as Bill Gates. So what? He's still wound up rich, famous & President. I think all this proves is that you can be a terrible person & still be successful ... as if this was a lesson that needed further demonstration.

See my reply to johnny's post I wouldn't call it succes.
No he's not. He legitimately ran and legitimately won...

He flaunts the law when he's served by it and skirts it when he isn't.

I'm all for smarter gun regulations, and think people who ought not have guns should not have a legal means of acquiring them, but going into a residence and forcibly removing firearms without reasonable or lawful justification (or "due process," as His Orangeness likes to spout out with great frequency) seems wrong to me.

And since you bring up his "legitimate" campaign, what of the incitement to unlawful conduct that he committed during it? Hacking to disseminate private information is illegal and he encouraged groups to do exactly that, but whined like a little runt when it happened to him.

And before you say it, I know, I don't have time.