America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Ive been on lots of different drugs. Racist? No. Said stupid, impulsive, inappropriate things? absolutely. Especially drunk. If she's blaming ambien, I'm not buying it. But ambienis no joke. People have committed murder on that crap and had no idea until they woke up.
Ugh. The View is a cesspool. And it's face palming that what some fellow conservatives fail to understand is that at the end of the day, they're still watching what they say unlike Barr, so there's no double standard by ABC.

Sure, it's probably biased as hell, but as long as they're not pulling Kathy Griffin antics on set, they're really not doing anything wrong.
Oh dear.

Given her Twitter habit she must be living off the damn stuff.

I'm not sure which to be more surprised at, that you posted that with a straight face or you bought it's as an excuse from Barr!

Nor does it fly as even an excuse. In my 47 years on this planet I have found myself in some seriously 'altered states', oddly enough not once has that manged to all of a sudden turn me into a racist! Lets not forget Barr also tried the 'I didn't know she was black' line as well, so you will have to excuse me if this comes across as a desperate attempt to backtrack from what comes across as a rather too honest outburst from Barr.
It's called Google and logic. Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean you have to close your mind to the possibilities. A lawsuit, or at least the threat of one, is almost inevitable and I expect she'll be suing for her contract to be paid out for at least a year. Most likely they'll settle and we won't hear about it.
It's called Google and logic. Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean you have to close your mind to the possibilities. A lawsuit, or at least the threat of one, is almost inevitable and I expect she'll be suing for her contract to be paid out for at least a year. Most likely they'll settle and we won't hear about it.

It's logical that a drug can turn people into a racist... and to dismiss that (when that isn't a known side affect of any drug(s) on the market) is to be closed minded?
It's logical that a drug can turn people into a racist... and to dismiss that (when that isn't a known side affect of any drug(s) on the market) is to be closed minded?
It's logical that when someone puts forth a hypothesis you investigate. Had you bothered to read my post you would see that the side effects of Ambien are very powerful and those side effects, as listed by WebMD, could easily be directly linked to a state of mind where one could make stupid posts on social media. Have you ever seen someone hallucinate after taking a prescription drug? I have. It's scary. I'm not drawing any conclusions. Don't close your mind to the possibilities just because it's someone you don't like.
It's logical that when someone puts forth a hypothesis you investigate. Had you bothered to read my post you would see that the side effects of Ambien are very powerful and those side effects, as listed by WebMD, could easily be directly linked to a state of mind where one could make stupid posts on social media. Have you ever seen someone hallucinate after taking a prescription drug? I have. It's scary. I'm not drawing any conclusions. Don't close your mind to the possibilities just because it's someone you don't like.

I read your post, but like I said, turning into a racist isn't a known side effect.

I'm not sure why you are accusing me of bias either, I don't know the woman and have never seen her show.
It's called Google and logic. Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean you have to close your mind to the possibilities. A lawsuit, or at least the threat of one, is almost inevitable and I expect she'll be suing for her contract to be paid out for at least a year. Most likely they'll settle and we won't hear about it.
Its a massive reach and one that would indicate a continued series of side affects that has lasted for a significant period of time before this incident and continued after she was aware of it.

That's aside from the fact she tried a different excuse as well (I didn't know she was black).
I'm not sure why you are accusing me of bias either, I don't know the woman and have never seen her show.
But you're speaking against the actions of someone with political views, so your own views must run counter to theirs.

That's aside from the fact she tried a different excuse as well (I didn't know she was black).
"It was a joke."
Have you ever seen someone hallucinate after taking a prescription drug? I have. It's scary. I'm not drawing any conclusions. Don't close your mind to the possibilities just because it's someone you don't like.
She must have been hallucinating pretty heavily to see Valerie Jarrett as a baby who had the Muslim Brotherhood and the Planet Of The Apes as parents.
Far more concerning than Barr (because I can't figure out how to spell her first name) are the tweets from Trump in response. I'm wondering if there has been any other president which has so systematically attacked the first amendment. Leading up to the election I heard non-stop about how even though Trump was horrible, Hillary had to be stopped because of the assault on the 2nd amendment. Well... what about the first?
The Bill of Rights or the Amendments in general have become a list of things that only matter when the agenda requires it to.
Ive been on lots of different drugs. Racist? No. Said stupid, impulsive, inappropriate things? absolutely. Especially drunk. If she's blaming ambien, I'm not buying it. But ambienis no joke. People have committed murder on that crap and had no idea until they woke up.
But it doesn't make them racist murderers :)
It's logical that a drug can turn people into a racist... and to dismiss that (when that isn't a known side affect of any drug(s) on the market) is to be closed minded?
If a drug is known to make people do things they have no recollection of, it’s entirely possible it could inadvertently make someone say something stupid and making a racist comment is up there for stupidity.

Personally though, I find it much like alcohol or anything else that can alter your mind; at the end of it, she still said it, so she has to own up to it unless she’s got some crack-pot defense team willing to fight it. Doesn’t seem worth the effort though.

Joe Rogan briefly talked about it with Kevin Smith yesterday, mentioning a friend who woke up, cooked a steak, and then went back to bed on the drug and got off it after that as one of the weird things he’d seeen from it. On Barr, he said he talked briefly with her and the explanation she gave him is what she should’ve tweeted out instead of blaming the drug; he said it would’ve gotten her more sympathy such as explaining that she thought the person she was attacked wasn’t black, so she didn’t think it was racist. Joe said he didn’t believe she’s actually racist, but Smith pointed out in 2013, she made a similar tweet towards someone else who was black, it just never made any news. Sooo, yeah, not a great look on her defense.
If a drug is known to make people do things they have no recollection of, it’s entirely possible it could inadvertently make someone say something stupid and making a racist comment is up there for stupidity.

Personally though, I find it much like alcohol or anything else that can alter your mind; at the end of it, she still said it, so she has to own up to it unless she’s got some crack-pot defense team willing to fight it. Doesn’t seem worth the effort though.

Joe Rogan briefly talked about it with Kevin Smith yesterday, mentioning a friend who woke up, cooked a steak, and then went back to bed on the drug and got off it after that as one of the weird things he’d seeen from it. On Barr, he said he talked briefly with her and the explanation she gave him is what she should’ve tweeted out instead of blaming the drug; he said it would’ve gotten her more sympathy. After the Whoopi tweet though, she’s too far gone.

Sorry, but no. 'Mind altering drugs' do not, specifically turn you racist. Getting wasted and doing stuff you forget about, isn't even close to having your brain chemically altered to make you go temporarily racist.
Sorry, but no. 'Mind altering drugs' do not, specifically turn you racist. Getting wasted and doing stuff you forget about, isn't even close to having your brain chemically altered to make you go temporarily racist.
You need to reread what I said. Inadvertently. I’m not blaming the drug, I’m saying if side effects are causing you to do/say things you normally wouldn’t, it’s entirely possible you could make a racist comment on it.

That’s why I compared it to the alcohol; what she said is still a byproduct of her thoughts, so she still has to own up to it. She more than likely isn’t a racist at heart, but there are variables that can trigger you to think something you shouldn’t and being under the influence of something when a variable comes along makes for a terrible outcome with your filter. I’m not excusing her actions, I simply see where she may be coming from. However, she’s explained herself poorly and attacking Whoopi has killed any chance of forgiveness.
You need to reread what I said. Inadvertently. I’m not blaming the drug, I’m saying if side effects are causing you to do/say things you normally wouldn’t, it’s entirely possible you could make a racist comment on it.

That’s why I compared it to the alcohol; what she said is still a byproduct of her thoughts, so she still has to own up to it.

Why do you think I need to reread what you said? By even giving the notion of the drugs being partially at fault, you negate fault on herself.
How can she own up to something, while blaming something else? She used it as a defence, or one defence... it isn't.

It's like the phrase "I'm sorry but..."
Why do you think I need to reread what you said? By even giving the notion of the drugs being partially at fault, you negate fault on herself.
How can she own up to something, while blaming something else? She used it as a defence, or one defence... it isn't.

It's like the phrase "I'm sorry but..."
I didn’t negate anything. You fail to read once more. I can see the argument she’s making. However, she still said it, she’s still responsible for it. That’s my view. She clearly went in a different direction of defense.

Is that simplistic enough for you or should we cut short here? She’s at fault.
Far more concerning than Barr (because I can't figure out how to spell her first name) are the tweets from Trump in response. I'm wondering if there has been any other president which has so systematically attacked the first amendment. Leading up to the election I heard non-stop about how even though Trump was horrible, Hillary had to be stopped because of the assault on the 2nd amendment. Well... what about the first?

Just one small addendum to this thought that occurred to me is this: a quick review of history should convince anyone that words and thoughts are more powerful than guns. The pen is mightier than the sword. To everyone that was worried about their swords being taken away... you're losing your pen.
You need to reread what I said. Inadvertently. I’m not blaming the drug, I’m saying if side effects are causing you to do/say things you normally wouldn’t, it’s entirely possible you could make a racist comment on it.

That’s why I compared it to the alcohol; what she said is still a byproduct of her thoughts, so she still has to own up to it. She more than likely isn’t a racist at heart, but there are variables that can trigger you to think something you shouldn’t and being under the influence of something when a variable comes along makes for a terrible outcome with your filter. I’m not excusing her actions, I simply see where she may be coming from. However, she’s explained herself poorly and attacking Whoopi has killed any chance of forgiveness.
Alcohol and other drugs can indeed make you say things you normally would never say - alcohol in particular lowers your inhibitions to an alarming extent, and combined with its other wonderful effects (such as instant mood changes and the inability to remember what you just said), it can result in some pretty dumb things being said by people who don't normally behave that way at all.
As such, I totally accept the idea that a drug can quite literally make you say horrible things and create the impression that you are a much worse person than you actually are. The makers of Ambien half-jokingly say that their drug can't make you racist - but while this is true, you don't actually need to be a racist to say racist things - I'm sure most of us have at some point told or laughed at a racist joke at some point, for example, and that's where they are missing the point a bit.

However - I don't buy Roseanne Barr's excuse at all - there's a world of difference between saying something dumb in the heat of the moment or, as she is trying to say, as a result of the side effect of some drug you have taken. Tweeting/typing a comment requires a string of conscious movements and decisions to be made, and while I'm sure many of us have (almost) posted something dumb on social media when under the influence in one way or another, it is (usually) pretty obvious when someone is wasted - typos, incoherence etc. The content and nature of Barr's post - a cogent, targeted and personal attack that had to be typed out and then submitted - just doesn't fit the bill, and hence one can only assume that the racist/offensive nature of her comment was quite deliberate and, more importantly, a true reflection of her actual character.
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New footage shows what happened right before a cop punched a woman during beach arrest

This is very disturbing to me. The mindset of this police officer is bewildering.

Gotta stick to the letter of the law even though these people are calmly having a nice day in the sun, apparently. :rolleyes: When faced with the choice between being cool about it and wielding every inch of authority they can muster, some people just go the Gestapo route.

I mean, hell, as a cop do you even bother chasing a girl down the beach over some booze? Either let it go or just sit there and wait for her to come back. Why escalate over absolutely nothing?
Gotta stick to the letter of the law even though these people are calmly having a nice day in the sun, apparently. :rolleyes: When faced with the choice between being cool about it and wielding every inch of authority they can muster, some people just go the Gestapo route.

I mean, hell, as a cop do you even bother chasing a girl down the beach over some booze? Either let it go or just sit there and wait for her to come back. Why escalate over absolutely nothing?

Welcome to Policing in America, 2018
Welcome to Policing in America, 2018

It seems ironic that the push for American independence was in large part because there were a bunch of authoritarian :censored:wads mooching around the place making life miserable for people just trying to get through the day...

Still, why make the British do it when you can do it better yourself? :P
And this is what happens when you elect someone with zero concept of how the free market works:

Out of all the concrete things Trump has done, I think the car import ban/tariff could do some pretty significant long term damage, all around. If they put tariffs on Japanese cars, it would likely kill Mazda's entire NA operation unless they can get that facility built with Toyota STAT. A 25% tariff on an imported car would likely render it totally uncompetitive. Are there any other companies in a similar situation as Mazda, that import all of their vehicles?