America - The Official Thread

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I used to love Roseanne (the show) as a kid but Barr herself has seemingly become more and more mad. Here's today's roundup including having her show dropped from ABC.

Aside from the headline story she makes the comment that "No President should go from the White House to producing big media for public consumption". As a Trump supporting I wonder how she feels about that in reverse or how she'll feel when Trump inevitably goes back on the TV after his term(s).

Celebrities in general People in general have become more hyper politicized and angry and it seems like just about every topic no matter how random, seems to become political. Whether its a college professor saying that "first responders should've let Steve Scalise ***'ing die, Let them all die", or Rosanne Barr saying something stupid on Twitter, it's a sad commentary on the world we live in today and what we have become as a society. 90% of all stupid things said could be prevented by people using the THINK method before they blurt out something stupid.
what really sucks is that pulling the plug on the show doesnt hurt just her.
You could argue that those actors and production people knew what she was like before agreeing to work with her again. I guess they could make an "After Roseanne: The Conner Family" show or simply call it "Dan" if they want to keep the gravy flowing. I'm pretty sure people would watch it for at least a season.
You could argue that those actors and production people knew what she was like before agreeing to work with her again.
Sure you can, at least for those who have direct interaction with an individual you may or may not expect to open their mouth and let loose something mind-bogglingly stupid, but there's a multitude of jobs on a television show; support staff without whom the average television show just doesn't get made.

I seem to recall the notion that 400-some crew members were displaced when House of Cards bit it due to Kevin Spacey's alleged transgressions. Granted, most probably weren't dependent upon that specific job, as is the case here if it's not picked up by another network (seems likely to me that it won't), but they still have to find something else.
Celebrities in general People in general have become more hyper politicized and angry and it seems like just about every topic no matter how random, seems to become political. Whether its a college professor saying that "first responders should've let Steve Scalise ***'ing die, Let them all die", or Rosanne Barr saying something stupid on Twitter, it's a sad commentary on the world we live in today and what we have become as a society. 90% of all stupid things said could be prevented by people using the THINK method before they blurt out something stupid.

Could this have something to do with the fact that "the world we live in today" HAS Twitter? In the past people could say stupid things (& I'm sure they did) but it wasn't immediately broadcast to the entire world. Having a US President who tweets seems to have been a giant step down this unfortunate path.
Could this have something to do with the fact that "the world we live in today" HAS Twitter? In the past people could say stupid things (& I'm sure they did) but it wasn't immediately broadcast to the entire world. Having a US President who tweets seems to have been a giant step down this unfortunate path.
In some ways it is a good thing that Twitter affords people the opportunity to expose themselves for what they are with such ease. Once you've posted it, it's out there for good - and while a Tweet or even a whole account can be deleted, apologies posted etc., the damage is already done.
Celebrities in general People in general have become more hyper politicized and angry...

I don't think this is new, it's just that we now have a society that treats peoples views differently and then platforms for people to project opinions.
Can you imagine what Henry Ford's twitter would have looked like?
You could argue that those actors and production people knew what she was like before agreeing to work with her again. I guess they could make an "After Roseanne: The Conner Family" show or simply call it "Dan" if they want to keep the gravy flowing. I'm pretty sure people would watch it for at least a season.

Just make her have a heart attack and her being alive can all be a dream...
I think the other co stars should definitely legally challenge this. Why not just fire her and have the show continue, under another name if need be. Worked for Two and a Half Men.

As for the incident itself she really is going through the excuses at the moment!
I think the other co stars should definitely legally challenge this. Why not just fire her and have the show continue, under another name if need be. Worked for Two and a Half Men.

The show was originally to be called Life and Stuff before Barr argued that as the main character with the show modelled on her life (being based as it was on her Domestic Goddess standup) that it should be called Roseanne.

Maybe they could go back to that title and somehow write her out but it's hard to imagine what would be left without the central tenet of the entire idea. Best left dead, I think.
I'm not sure that is a valid coarse of action, given US employment laws

I think in the UK it would fall under unfair dismissal but I'm not sure what the law is like over there.

Although it is probably stated in their contracts the network has the right to cancel the show at any time I guess you could argue it's excessive given it was one person.
I think the other co stars should definitely legally challenge this. Why not just fire her and have the show continue, under another name if need be. Worked for Two and a Half Men.

As for the incident itself she really is going through the excuses at the moment!
Wouldn’t work. She claims the original show was written heavily around her real life and kids. Barr even got a writer fired from the show and brought in her own team, and when the show ended, she pushed for rights to continue the character.

In short, continuing the show under a different name but same premise (like Two and a Half Men), would likely open up a law suit from her as I’m betting she’s worked herself to retain some control over the show after all these years. It made her a ton of money and put her into celebrity status.
Could this have something to do with the fact that "the world we live in today" HAS Twitter? In the past people could say stupid things (& I'm sure they did) but it wasn't immediately broadcast to the entire world. Having a US President who tweets seems to have been a giant step down this unfortunate path.

People certainly did say stupid things in the past. They did not necessarily filter themselves then and they certainly do not now either. Twitter has made it much easier to broadcast those stupid things.

People should probably adhere to the age old adage, "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."

In some ways it is a good thing that Twitter affords people the opportunity to expose themselves for what they are with such ease. Once you've posted it, it's out there for good - and while a Tweet or even a whole account can be deleted, apologies posted etc., the damage is already done.


I don't think this is new, it's just that we now have a society that treats peoples views differently and then platforms for people to project opinions.
Can you imagine what Henry Ford's twitter would have looked like?

Some of the people that are looked back on with a kind light now would probably not be looked upon as kindly had Twitter existed in their time.
In some ways it is a good thing that Twitter affords people the opportunity to expose themselves for what they are with such ease. Once you've posted it, it's out there for good - and while a Tweet or even a whole account can be deleted, apologies posted etc., the damage is already done.

People certainly did say stupid things in the past. They did not necessarily filter themselves then and they certainly do not now either. Twitter has made it much easier to broadcast those stupid things.


Some of the people that are looked back on with a kind light now would probably not be looked upon as kindly had Twitter existed in their time.

I've always felt this. Society isn't getting any worse or dumber, we're only now able to see just how dumb it truly is and always was thanks to 24/7 micronews, information haemorrhages and government espionage.
So Rosanne is back on Twitter as has blamed medication on her racist outburst, something that has annoyed the makers of Ambien.

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I've always felt this. Society isn't getting any worse or dumber, we're only now able to see just how dumb it truly is and always was thanks to 24/7 micronews, information haemorrhages and government espionage.

It may be different overseas but here in the US I have noticed that Americans seem more divided and angry about politics than ever. Tolerance of opposing views flew out the window long ago. Freedom of speech and the ability to debate with others without attempts to squander speech are the cornerstone of Democracy, without it we are done. The last time we were truly united as a nation was under the Bush Administration right after 9/11. Under the Obama Administration we became more divide and under Trump it certainly hasn't gotten any better, probably worse. I actually wouldn't mind going back to the days where people were less involved in politics and voter participation was around 50% or less simply because people seemed happier, ignorance is bliss.
It may be different overseas but here in the US I have noticed that Americans seem more divided and angry about politics than ever. Tolerance of opposing views flew out the window long ago. Freedom of speech and the ability to debate with others without attempts to squander speech are the cornerstone of Democracy, without it we are done. The last time we were truly united as a nation was under the Bush Administration right after 9/11. Under the Obama Administration we became more divide and under Trump it certainly hasn't gotten any better, probably worse. I actually wouldn't mind going back to the days where people were less involved in politics and voter participation was around 50% or less simply because people seemed happier, ignorance is bliss.

We have had an absolute explosion of information, including not just news but the political views of our neighbors and friends. We're encouraged to participate in and inundated with communication of what used to be very private thoughts and images, early and often. It's really the last 10 years that we've been hit with this in a big way. I think the iphone released in '07, so we've had a decade of ever increasing noise.

What I'm saying is, it's new and it's going to take some getting used to culturally. Slowly people are coming to the realization that they don't need or want as much information is being blasted at them night and day. Whereas you used to gobble up every bit of news, these days it is critical to have a filter. More and more that filter is having to tighten. And at the same time, we're being presented with echo chambers that feed on those tight filters.

We'll adapt. It may take a generation that is raised in it.

We have had an absolute explosion of information, including not just news but the political views of our neighbors and friends. We're encouraged to participate in and inundated with communication of what used to be very private thoughts and images, early and often. It's really the last 10 years that we've been hit with this in a big way. I think the iphone released in '07, so we've had a decade of ever increasing noise.

What I'm saying is, it's new and it's going to take some getting used to culturally. Slowly people are coming to the realization that they don't need or want as much information is being blasted at them night and day. Whereas you used to gobble up every bit of news, these days it is critical to have a filter. More and more that filter is having to tighten. And at the same time, we're being presented with echo chambers that feed on those tight filters.

We'll adapt. It may take a generation that is raised in it.


I don't know... from the outside, it looks like the issues have little to nothing to do with technology and almost everything to do with race.
I don't know... from the outside, it looks like the issues have little to nothing to do with technology and almost everything to do with race.
Technology is acting as both a sounding board and a giant magnet. People who probably ought not have a voice have a means to reach more people than ever before, and those who agree with their views, who previously had difficulty finding compatriots that weren't in their own backyard, are suddenly bolstered by having someone speak for them, which lends credibility to their views and motivates them to speak as well.

Caution. Extremely shocking. So terribly shocking that both Facebook and Google have decided that this trailer will not be advertised on their sites.

It's a movie about a bunch of Frisians and Vikings fighting against the Christian hordes. And Christian America doesn't like it.
So Rosanne is back on Twitter as has blamed medication on her racist outburst, something that has annoyed the makers of Ambien.

Cute but, according to WebMD, the known potential side effects of Ambien are
memory loss, mental/mood/behavior changes (such as new/worsening depression, abnormal thoughts, thoughts of suicide, hallucinations, confusion, agitation, aggressive behavior, anxiety).
People have also, rarely,
gotten out of bed and driven vehicles while not fully awake ("sleep-driving"). People have also sleepwalked, prepared/eaten food, made phone calls, or had sex while not fully awake. Often, these people do not remember these events.
Obviously a very specific behaviour may not be listed as a side effect, but given that people have literally gotten away with murder while sleepwalking, I don't think it's too much of a stretch to say it's possible, again given that list of potential side effects, that one might go onto social media and post something they might not otherwise post. Surely if you can entertain the wife or call your mother-in-law at 4 in the morning without realizing it, social media posting isn't out of the realms of possibility. Whether it actually happened or not I leave to the actual experts, but it's certainly possible. Anyone with an open mind would see that I assume. I fully expect a lawsuit to be launched over this. It's the American way:tup:👍.

Caution. Extremely shocking. So terribly shocking that both Facebook and Google have decided that this trailer will not be advertised on their sites.

It's a movie about a bunch of Frisians and Vikings fighting against the Christian hordes. And Christian America doesn't like it.

That looks great! :D
Obviously a very specific behaviour may not be listed as a side effect, but given that people have literally gotten away with murder while sleepwalking, I don't think it's too much of a stretch to say it's possible, again given that list of potential side effects, that one might go onto social media and post something they might not otherwise post. Surely if you can entertain the wife or call your mother-in-law at 4 in the morning without realizing it, social media posting isn't out of the realms of possibility.
What of the previous assertion that remarks made were done so jokingly? Does this new defense override the old one? "I was making jokes that I didn't really mean to make but did 'because drugs'"? How many people have gotten away with murder 'because drugs' after having previously claimed self-defense? I'm not terribly familiar with legal matters such as these, but I can't imagine this kind of waffling is regarded very highly.
Cute but, according to WebMD, the known potential side effects of Ambien are
People have also, rarely,
Obviously a very specific behaviour may not be listed as a side effect, but given that people have literally gotten away with murder while sleepwalking, I don't think it's too much of a stretch to say it's possible, again given that list of potential side effects, that one might go onto social media and post something they might not otherwise post. Surely if you can entertain the wife or call your mother-in-law at 4 in the morning without realizing it, social media posting isn't out of the realms of possibility. Whether it actually happened or not I leave to the actual experts, but it's certainly possible. Anyone with an open mind would see that I assume. I fully expect a lawsuit to be launched over this. It's the American way:tup:👍.
Oh dear.

Given her Twitter habit she must be living off the damn stuff.

I'm not sure which to be more surprised at, that you posted that with a straight face or you bought it's as an excuse from Barr!

Nor does it fly as even an excuse. In my 47 years on this planet I have found myself in some seriously 'altered states', oddly enough not once has that manged to all of a sudden turn me into a racist! Lets not forget Barr also tried the 'I didn't know she was black' line as well, so you will have to excuse me if this comes across as a desperate attempt to backtrack from what comes across as a rather too honest outburst from Barr.
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