America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
This is pretty fascinating, ever wonder how deep the Russian disinformation rabbit hole goes? This should give you a small idea of how detailed they are:

It's a college professor's account of his photo being stolen and used by what he certainly believes is a Russian disinformation troll. This occurred from 2015 all the way through the election and amazingly enough, Twitter did nothing to stop it despite the professor providing photo ID proving his identity. Their ultimate goal is to sow discord and divide Americans, and had Hillary won, they would still be up to the same tricks.
This is pretty fascinating, ever wonder how deep the Russian disinformation rabbit hole goes? This should give you a small idea of how detailed they are:

It's a college professor's account of his photo being stolen and used by what he certainly believes is a Russian disinformation troll. This occurred from 2015 all the way through the election and amazingly enough, Twitter did nothing to stop it despite the professor providing photo ID proving his identity. Their ultimate goal is to sow discord and divide Americans, and had Hillary won, they would still be up to the same tricks.

Here's the point: it's become pretty much impossible to discern who are actually Russain trolls on the various social media & who are people enthusiastically repeating & further disseminating the misinformation the trolls posted to start with.

I am still waiting to read an explanation from rynzo of his statement that Hilary Clinton "shut down" the Clinton foundation after she lost the election. As far as I can tell this is a completely false assertion that first appeared as "fake news" somewhere online. Rynzo then used it to attack HRC on GTPlanet. Also, in the same vein ... there was no pizza child abuse ring. :rolleyes:
Here's the point: it's become pretty much impossible to discern who are actually Russain trolls on the various social media & who are people enthusiastically repeating & further disseminating the misinformation the trolls posted to start with.

I am still waiting to read an explanation from rynzo of his statement that Hilary Clinton "shut down" the Clinton foundation after she lost the election. As far as I can tell this is a completely false assertion that first appeared as "fake news" somewhere online. Rynzo then used it to attack HRC on GTPlanet. Also, in the same vein ... there was no pizza child abuse ring. :rolleyes:

We call that preaching to the choir if you know what I mean, I firmly believe had Hillary won that they would be up to the same thing, sowing discord and dividing people, one fake social media account at a time. They want to weaken us, and truth be told, we've done similar things to Russia in the past, so this should hardly be surprising to anyone. We just don't play nice with Russia and they like to reciprocate those lovely feelings right back at us. We're like two brothers that constantly fight, would be nice if we could figure out a way to get along.
Here's the point: it's become pretty much impossible to discern who are actually Russain trolls on the various social media & who are people enthusiastically repeating & further disseminating the misinformation the trolls posted to start with.

I am still waiting to read an explanation from rynzo of his statement that Hilary Clinton "shut down" the Clinton foundation after she lost the election. As far as I can tell this is a completely false assertion that first appeared as "fake news" somewhere online. Rynzo then used it to attack HRC on GTPlanet. Also, in the same vein ... there was no pizza child abuse ring. :rolleyes:
Sorry you got lost in the shuffle, could've tagged me though. You win I was wrong, thanks rightwing bs... Also I've never brought up the pedophilia ring allegations...
Sorry you got lost in the shuffle, could've tagged me though.
I mean...he quoted you--an action that ought to yield the same result in the form of an alert unless you have such things disabled. Indeed I quoted you myself in the very next post*, which I was composing at the time his was published.

Also I've never brought up the pedophilia ring allegations...
I don't believe he was suggesting you did. Rather, the implication appears to be that your false assertion that Clinton shut down her foundation as a result of...something...was fake news "in the same vein as" the absurd rumor that Clinton and Podesta (the latter of which is perhaps an unfortunate surname with regards to this particular fairy tale) were operating a child-sex ring in the basement of a D.C. pizza parlor that doesn't actually have a basement.

*Edit: To which I'm still kind of hoping for a response--at the very least to the first quote/reply.
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I mean...he quoted you--an action that ought to yield the same result in the form of an alert unless you have such things disabled. Indeed I quoted you myself in the very next post*, which I was composing at the time his was published.
He did at some point, not that post though. I forgot, shoot me...
And I thought the whole thing was BS. I guess my BS radar isn't the sharpest. I acknowledged I was wrong.
Well, at least Facebook is doing something about what is believed Russian disinformation campaigns, I'm looking at you :rolleyes: right now Twitter, better get your act together and ban some fools.

"Today’s disclosure is further evidence that the Kremlin continues to exploit platforms like Facebook to sow division and spread disinformation, and I am glad that Facebook is taking some steps to pinpoint and address this activity," Senator Mark Warner, D-Va
I would, but I'd have to start at the beginning...

Perhaps I should have been more specific. The Trump administration has been saying there is no collusion. Why are they suddenly saying collusion is not a crime? What changed? I understand that Manafort is on trial , but I thought it wouldnt be about Russia.
Yes I understand, but Giulliani claimed on TV that it isnt?
Merely stating something doesn't make it so, even if you are a lawyer. The scary thing is that Trump seems to believe that it does, hence why he does it all the time. It doesn't surprise me that his lawyer(s) might also start behaving the same way.
Merely stating something doesn't make it so, even if you are a lawyer. The scary thing is that Trump seems to believe that it does, hence why he does it all the time. It doesn't surprise me that his lawyer(s) might also start behaving the same way.
Yes but why is the WH changing the narrative to Collusion isnt breaking the law. Are they trying to influence popular opinion? Even if they did find proof of collusion and if he is found guilty obstruction of justice and conspiracy to treason. How does changing the narrative now change that hypothtical outcome? Wasnt it better to stay course and keep stating there is no collusion. By suddenly saying Collusion isnt illegal suddenly makes him seem guilty.
Yes but why is the WH changing the narrative to Collusion isnt breaking the law. Are they trying to influence popular opinion? Even if they did find proof of collusion and if he is found guilty obstruction of justice and conspiracy to treason. How does changing the narrative now change that hypothtical outcome? Wasnt it better to stay course and keep stating there is no collusion. By suddenly saying Collusion isnt illegal suddenly makes him seem guilty.
Yeh, I think that Trump may be starting to realise that just saying he is not guilty is not going to cut it.
But...but...but...what if he qualifies it with a "believe me"?

¯\_(ツ)_/ ¯
Lol or either:

"I would make the best big beautifull collusions. Unbelievable collusions. Nobody does collusion better then me. Believe me. But some people say collusion isnt breaking the law... believe me.

I obviously meant "wouldn't" where I said I "would". "


"I read back my tweets and interviews and where I said there was NO collusion. I obviously meant there IS collusion, where it said NO in stead of IS. Collusion isnt illegal. Even Lincoln and Washington colluded with Russians"
Perhaps I should have been more specific. The Trump administration has been saying there is no collusion. Why are they suddenly saying collusion is not a crime? What changed? I understand that Manafort is on trial , but I thought it wouldnt be about Russia.

The first time I heard that was over a year ago, before last Summer when the legal experts started weighing in. This narrative certainly isn't anything new. The Manafort trial is about his political consulting work within the Ukraine which predates his work for the Trump campaign. Rudy and Trump do seem to be going even more on offense lately with strong statement aimed at discrediting Mueller. There is talk about what that could potentially mean, It could mean the Mueller is getting ready to release a statement and they are trying to minimize the impact of that statement. I have a feeling it will be something akin to James Comey's statement on Hillary Clinton about the email investigation, that she was sloppy and careless. I don't think Mueller has anything directly against Trump. I'm going to cite Peter Strzok: "there's no there, there", meaning there's no direct evidence that links to Trump (which is the most likely at this point), but he could release a statement along the lines of, due to his inexperience in politics/ how DC, works, Trumps actions or inactions may have left us open/vulnerable to exploitation from foreign parties/Russia. Which would still be bad PR for Trump's message at this point especially right before the midterms start really heating up. So I would expect them to trying and soften the impact of what could be coming.


Mueller could be getting ready to release something (likely) and Trump/Giuliani are going on the offensive to try and minimize the impact.
The first time I heard that was over a year ago, before last Summer when the legal experts started weighing in. This narrative certainly isn't anything new. The Manafort trial is about his political consulting work within the Ukraine which predates his work for the Trump campaign. Rudy and Trump do seem to be going even more on offense lately with strong statement aimed at discrediting Mueller. There is talk about what that could potentially mean, It could mean the Mueller is getting ready to release a statement and they are trying to minimize the impact of that statement. I have a feeling it will be something akin to James Comey's statement on Hillary Clinton about the email investigation, that she was sloppy and careless. I don't think Mueller has anything directly against Trump. I'm going to cite Peter Strzok: "there's no there, there", meaning there's no direct evidence that links to Trump (which is the most likely at this point), but he could release a statement along the lines of, due to his inexperience in politics/ how DC, works, Trumps actions or inactions may have left us open/vulnerable to exploitation from foreign parties/Russia. Which would still be bad PR for Trump's message at this point especially right before the midterms start really heating up. So I would expect them to trying and soften the impact of what could be coming.


Mueller could be getting ready to release something (likely) and Trump/Giuliani are going on the offensive to try and minimize the impact.

It seems that Giulliani seems to know things before they get in the press (or leaked), probably to control the narrative before hell breaks loose. He is either the leaker himself, a genius or an idiot.

As an outside council does he have acces to the Mueller investigations and specifically on Cohen?
It seems that Giulliani seems to know things before they get in the press (or leaked), probably to control the narrative before hell breaks loose. He is either the leaker himself, a genius or an idiot.

As an outside council does he have acces to the Mueller investigations and specifically on Cohen?

I doubt he has any kinf of access but I'm sure he is seeing things happening behind the scenes that the general public isn't privy to.
Surely that's some kind of access? :)

From a legal standpoint it is, I'm sure he is seeing any docs going back and forth between Trump's staff and the DOJ. It's not direct access but it's something. I could also be wrong here, but usually when you see something like this, call it a pre-damage control media blitz, it usually means something unflattering is coming soon. I guess we'll know soon enough if Mueller's team releases something, but I bet they wait until it's closer to the mid-terms, this is pretty much a PR war at this point in the war for the public's opinion.

We saw the very same thing with special investigator Ken Starr. Clinton's team assaulted his character, they literally characterized Ken Starr as a pervert masturbating to the evidence, the blue dress, Lewinsky, Paula Jones detailing stories of sexual abuse and so on. They called Ken Starr a sick pervert for investigating and compiling evidence on Bill Clinton, isn't that just simply amazing..... as in amazingly stupid. There is spin, and then there is spin that is so ridiculous that I can't believe they even tried that, this falls into that category.
Just realising that there are probably thousand and maybe millions of people who are fiercely loyal to Trump stopped watching and trusting all mainstream media and use his tweets as their only trusting source of news just because he said so..

A narrative he only controls, because there are no reporters or oppositions to question or call him out on this platform. Technically you can criticize by subtweeting, but they probably never read these. This situation is borderline propaganda.
Just realising that there are probably thousand and maybe millions of people who are fiercely loyal to Trump stopped watching and trusting all mainstream media and use his tweets as their only trusting source of news just because he said so..

A narrative he only controls, because there are no reporters or oppositions to question or call him out on this platform. Technically you can criticize by subtweeting, but they probably never read these. This situation is borderline propaganda.

Thousands? Maybe. Millions? I seriously doubt it. Why is it a problem, though? They're not the only group with closed minds after all.

As for trusting mainstream media, I stopped trusting it implicitly some time during the Clinton and Bush II years.
As for trusting mainstream media, I stopped trusting it implicitly some time during the Clinton and Bush II years.
No media should be trusted implicitly.

The media is a means of spreading information, not fact, and is in a perfect position to spread information to capitalize on its impact either by giving people what they want in exchange for money (through the simple act of purchasing the actual media product and through advertising) or through deceitful, intentional misinformation and willing change that is largely one-sided and self-serving.

It's up to those on the receiving end of information to take it in from an array of sources and, through cognitive reasoning, determine what should be believed.