The genius of Donald Trump is the way he identified & harnessed feelings of discontent among a section of the general US population - discontent around lack of economic opportunity, against immigration, against Mexicans, against muslims, against politicians, against Washington, against political correctness, against uppity blacks, against uppity women - and used those feelings to grab a chunk of the GOP primary base sufficient to win the Republican nomination. He then used the enthusiastic support of that base to win the GE against lackluster Democratic opposition.
Once in power, Trump managed to co-opt the rest of the Republican party & push a narrative of "us against them", where if you're not with him, you're representative of a swampy, deep state, fake news, liberal elite. Surprisingly, he has pulled this off pretty successfully, so that there seems to be nothing - no lie, no outrageously one-sided policy position, no foreign policy gaffe, & no evidence of Trump's history of self-serving, corruption & collusion - that can shake the faith of the true believers. It's up to the mass of the American electorate to finally see through the lies & BS & vote against Trumpism in the upcoming elections. Otherwise, there will be no consequences.