- 13,918
- Adelaide
- Neomone
No, because there's been no official ruling declaring that Trump or Kavanaugh committed rape. However, studies show that only two out of 100 women who claim they are raped are making false accusations. You seem to come off as if Kavanaugh and Trump's accusers of sexual misbehavior are all liars and doing it for attention.
Unless evidence proves otherwise, I see no reason why not to believe the woman if she alleges she is raped or violated in a different form. Imagine living through that type of assault, which never can be truly healed, only be told you're "ruining his life" or "lying"?
You seem to have some misapprehension about how justice works. Justice is not served by using statistical likelihoods to convict people without evidence. Justice is served by making sure that a crime has occurred and that the people convicted are indeed the people who committed it.
Kavanaugh appears to be a pretty scummy dude, and quite the liar, but there's no evidence that he did what he's accused of beyond he said/she said. I don't think he should be on the Supreme Court, but that's for other reasons. After 30+ years it's not terribly surprising that there's no supporting evidence, and that's just how it is sometimes. Maybe he did do it and he's going to get away with it. Maybe he didn't. Maybe it was some other guy. Maybe it didn't happen at all like Ford remembers and years of trauma have changed things for her. Maybe she's making it up. We'll probably never know the truth to any level of certainty.
The answer to not knowing is not to label someone as a rapist because, well, someone did it and it was probably him and she's probably not lying or misremembering. That's profoundly unjust.
I'd point out as well that what he's accused of is not rape, and that there's a worthwhile distinction between rape and sexual assault just as there's a worthwhile distinction between assault and battery. But let's take it as read that you believe that what occurred was of equivalent severity to rape and therefore deserves the label "rapist".
Trump is a bit of a different case to Kavanaugh. There's objective evidence of him confessing to sexual assault in the Hollywood Access tapes. He's confessed in other interviews to walking into the dressing rooms at his pageants to see the women naked. Large numbers of women have accused him of behaviours similar to those he's confessed to.
Again, I'm taking it as read that you consider the sexual assaults as equivalent to rape even though others might not, and that in such a case it would be reasonable to refer to him as a rapist as even though he hasn't been convicted there's ample evidence that events of this type occurred. As far as I know he's only been accused of actual rape by Ivana, and that one is a bit of a twisted tangle to unravel what might really have happened given that she's subsequently retracted that claim.
Although it is still amusing to come across the Michael Cohen quote of "you can't rape your spouse". Technically in law perhaps, but in an age where your wife is no longer considered your property, I'd argue that you absolutely can rape your spouse now that marriage doesn't grant you unfettered rights to do whatever you like to her body.